Phillips 66 Announces 2023 Capital Program (2024)


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    Phillips 66 Announces 2023 Capital Program (2024)


    What is the Phillips 66 Ebitda for 2023? ›

    Phillips 66 EBITDA for the twelve months ending June 30, 2024 was $7.933B, a 46.38% decline year-over-year. Phillips 66 2023 annual EBITDA was $10.377B, a 25.52% decline from 2022. Phillips 66 2022 annual EBITDA was $13.933B, a 1230.75% increase from 2021.

    What are the capital projects of Phillips 66? ›

    Phillips 66 plans to invest $1.1 billion in Refining, including $412 million for sustaining capital. Refining growth capital of $654 million includes completing the conversion of the San Francisco Refinery in Rodeo, California, into one of the world's largest renewable fuels facilities.

    Who is the largest shareholder of Phillips 66? ›

    Phillips 66 is not owned by hedge funds. The company's largest shareholder is The Vanguard Group, Inc., with ownership of 9.7%. With 8.0% and 6.6% of the shares outstanding respectively, BlackRock, Inc. and State Street Global Advisors, Inc.

    What assets is Phillips 66 selling? ›

    HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX) announced today it has agreed to sell its 25% non-operated common equity interest in Rockies Express Pipeline LLC (REX) to a subsidiary of Tallgrass Energy, LP (TGE) for an enterprise value of approximately $1.275 billion.

    Should I sell Phillips 66 stock? ›

    Phillips 66 Common Stock has a consensus rating of Moderate Buy which is based on 10 buy ratings, 5 hold ratings and 0 sell ratings. Phillips 66 Common Stock's analyst rating consensus is a Moderate Buy. This is based on the ratings of 15 Wall Streets Analysts.

    What is the price target for Phillips 66? ›

    Stock Price Targets
    Current Price$140.41

    Who is the parent company of Phillips 66? ›

    In 2002, Phillips Petroleum merged with Conoco to form ConocoPhillips. The merged company continued marketing gasoline and other products under the Phillips 66, Conoco, and 76 brands.

    How does Phillips 66 make money? ›

    Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX) is a leading diversified and integrated downstream energy provider that manufactures, transports and markets products that drive the global economy. The company's portfolio includes Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties businesses.

    What is the future of Phillips 66? ›

    Future Growth

    Phillips 66's revenue is forecast to decline at 5.1% per annum while its annual earnings are expected to grow at 1.3% per year. EPS is expected to grow by 5.8% per annum. Return on equity is forecast to be 16.6% in 3 years.

    How much does Phillips 66 CEO make? ›

    Phillips 66's CEO is Mark Lashier, appointed in Apr 2021, has a tenure of 3.25 years. total yearly compensation is $23.03M, comprised of 6.9% salary and 93.1% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.005% of the company's shares, worth $2.77M.

    Is Phillips 66 top tier? ›

    Raising the bar with every drop. Good news for drivers everywhere – our fuel has 3 times more detergent than the minimum required by the EPA and 30% more than the minimum specified in the TOP TIER® Detergent Gasoline standard recommended by major car manufacturers.

    Is Phillips 66 laying off employees? ›

    Phillips 66, a US oil refiner to reduce its workforce by 175 employees and restructure its worldwide finance and procurement functions into a consolidated "enterprise service organisation," according to a statement released on Tuesday.

    Who is the current CEO of Phillips 66? ›

    Mark Lashier is Chairman and CEO of Phillips 66, a leading integrated downstream energy provider.

    Is Phillips 66 separate from ConocoPhillips? ›

    In 2012, ConocoPhillips (COP ) spun off its downstream assets and midstream assets to create the independent energy company Phillips 66 (PSX ). Prior to the spin off, ConocoPhillips was the fifth largest integrated oil company in the world, after it had merged with Phillips Petroleum in 2002.

    What is the Phillips 66 strategy? ›

    We invest in technology to become more efficient and position ourselves to capitalize on emerging opportunities as the energy market transforms, including a commitment to alternative energy. A focus on safety and operational excellence helps ensure that we remain a strong, vibrant company.

    What is p66 second quarter earnings 2023? ›

    HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX), a diversified energy company, announces second-quarter 2023 earnings of $1.7 billion compared with earnings of $2.0 billion in the first quarter.

    What is the annual revenue of Phillips 66 in 2023? ›

    Phillips 66 revenue for the twelve months ending June 30, 2024 was $151.853B, a 1.85% decline year-over-year. Phillips 66 annual revenue for 2023 was $147.399B, a 13.29% decline from 2022. Phillips 66 annual revenue for 2022 was $169.99B, a 52.49% increase from 2021.

    What is the S&P EPS estimate for 2023? ›

    Using data from the latest S&P 500 Earnings Scorecard, 2023 earnings growth for the S&P 500 is currently forecasted at 4.2%. 2023 proved to be a positive result if we compare to expectations at the start of 2023, where the earnings growth rate was close to 0% and many participants were expecting an earnings recession.

    What is the next 12 month EBITDA? ›

    NTM EBITDA is often used to showcase a company's immediate future performance, and is particularly relevant in high growth industries or for companies that have recently added a new product line or acquisition. The NTM projection would capture the estimated full performance of such addition.

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