El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

THK EL PASO TIMES, MONDAY, AUfiUST 18. 1930 Texan Crew Wins Final Game and Series From Bisbee I American League I Texas' League National League Arizona League J- Nugenl and Dr. Vance 'i 'i 'I m- rii if Bud King Delivers Crucial Blow In Tense iViiilli Frame Won i ie ror i op jii u. v. lueei 't Tkiti I f'h I amn .691 I Brooklyn it.

I Nf Vr Si lom. 1'4 7 lid i. CI r. Pit. .1.11 Tea a Rlsiice I'ASis liluliv Phnxiils I'llcmtll 51 mud host 14 IS 19 IS J4 24 Pe.

.41. .414 Turn V. 7. pit. Team VV.

I'Mliuii'i'tiia i s-i Wit-iiim Ktiiii Wuali'iis-ton 71 4fi Kurt Worth il New nrk "i if IliiuMioi 'levelunj si, ivpiH.rt r. li i fhu-aico 4 in -7 Sc l.olli. 4 7'J Beaumont i'l S.I Ho.ton 41 f-an Antonio 11 2a 4i 1 Hi 77 14 14 H'. on (4 4ii 1 lillHtt LI. J.

NUGENT and Dr. Jamei Vance tied for low gross acore in the El Paso Country club 36-hole medal play tournament yesterday and Saturday. They both came in with 159 lor the two rounds. The tie will be played off nexl Saturday. Nugent won the low net core, coming in with 155.

Dr. Vance wai I'hilailrlunla It By KAY LEWIS DUD KING likes noise. Ahen lie comes to the plat he likes to hear a roar from the giantlrtand. lie likes bedlam. Uhen the situation i ene and the fani are veiling for a hit, Bud it his lest.

Yesterday Kinft tame to the hat in (lie ninth inning with the Icxani one run behind and Be rardo on third and I ler'lihergcr on second. I le promptly bounred a al third I send the tuo milium home win Vil Vj second with 1.19 and Mrs. O. H. Arm Vialrrda'B Mraulla Hinton 4, t'inioiiiiati Mif 4 K.tKinii Clnctnnail Cud Vw Vr.rk 13.

Ht. lunula 4 lt.) St. I 1 1 1 14, Srw York 4 find.) Urni.liljn I. I'lttKliiiruh 0. rhltajn Philadelphia 4.

Vraterd.l'. He.iilla New ork k. Oilfumi il.t t'M aici New York 1 'Unit I 'lex. 9, H.rn'i.n 2 ili i i If xelmul 2. a I'Jjiil) li.

lriH 15. U'mhliiKtnn 1. 4 Hi ly JfUll.e. 'lltl. HARRY COOPER Iraterday'a Heaulta Kl 1'uao plelian 6 I'hoinl 12.

Miami 4 Tuckou iJlulio 4. FINALBEATING filohc. Aril, Aug, 17 Tucson closed the aeries here today heating the Hears, 8 to 4, In the final game. I'uur hits was all the locals could get nut of Kasich and only two runs were earned. tratprdm'a liraullai WiiltH i.

Hun AtlliMilo t. I'M Una 4, H. a lift I t'liilaN tti'Mumunt I rind KMimtnn Wli lilts Full 4. htireveiort Waco I. I'mlny'a 4anie llptiiimniit at lialliis.

Antnnli) Kurt Worth, llounlun i Wlihlta Kalln-Waeo at hrvmrt. DIZZY THEDAZZLER WINS TOURNEY HEATS FABENS TiMlar'a liajmra New Vnrk at HI. loul. at rittaMirith f'li i iM'l. lphm at ClilruHii.

liotin al Cliu lnnati. Sets Brilliant Pare! To Over I'ndnr'a linaH S'. PliiUilclnliia. hkiHi'i HI N'-w Vi.rk. i -i n't lit Itniton Ii.

trnlt at ail.lnir'on. LAW CUTSlT SHORT take Tony Manero. Tucaon Morris Twirls Good Game But 1 las Poor Support. AB II PO A 2 Wichita Fulls, Tex, Aug. 17 fAP) he Kill game for hi I'nso, to and bring to a close a game tlut had S.iH'ii tans on tlii'ir tors r-nn the lirst inning to the last.

The win cut the had nf the one same. Tucson coiw-x Inn-Wrdncxday tor a five game -cries wish tin- In nip cluh and liixUr 'w to to meet Mickey Mia.hr'-Jtears. Joe Pate veteran 'if in.iiiy Texas I cague se.is'ins, statlcil xcmi 1 game. For five initigx he hidd tlte Nance, If l.uMiman. Coyne, rf aa ST.

V.KVl, Aug. 17 (AP)Harry Cnnner. nrnf PK.Ionnt. 37 IN LINEUP Ciiiolnnall, Aug. 17 llnston Hravcs took both ends of a Sunday bargain bill here today, win 2 0 3 0 4 17 Boston, Aim.

(AP) Cleveland lizy Dean hroke Athletic Pork's tonk a dotihlc header from lioston trike-out record of the season here ciilrnl eHiird out the ns tciiin of the won Ihe St. Paul open golf here today, 9 to 3, and i to 0, J'he day when lie fanned 12 In pilch--erond tame Mas 'called at the end inn Houston In a 7 to 4 victory Hchlno, cf llUKhea, lb (ikane, Sherman, 3b Hummer. 2b Kasich, strong and Dr. Italph Human tied for next place with 160. S.

Harrison won the prlie for the least number of putls during the tournament. He totaled only AO putta fop the two rounds, 30 for each day. Approaching and putting contest was won by J. I'. McKcnzie and Al Cox.

Dr. Vance won the driving contest with an averuge of 'i'i'l yards. Gro ver Pickerell waa aecond with 209 yards. 11. Nugent took third place with 208 yards and H.

A. Borden wa fourth with 1 yards. Mrs. V. T.

Chapman and l.es Madison, the pro, won the special exhibition match over Charles heavell and Mrs. Armstrong three and two. A return match will be played next week. Individual scorei were: Mrs. Chapman Mrs.

Armstrong 88, Leuvcll 84 and Madlaon 74. rhnmplonslilp today. Tony Mnncro, i of the sesenlh Inning on account of user Wichita I'alls In the second icnaiic, tl to 7, ill 1 lip viilli y-ni( aron-il is runs in the fitsl lo iiuiiiiijs ami anoth- ii. ilw. ki'icntli lint i.l Iim-u upre AB II TO A Ucrs.

l.i lice seircd one run in tl.f.WJ. hc)l Hcnian.lc jlhe Sunday Imsihall law. Tlw I it- dians scored five runs in the sislh innitu of the first game on only I Isso hits, for Horace Liwnhee and if Kit Murria rould not find the third an.) the Tixatis -rut 'ocr in- Olotie Oarry, 2b Costa, 1 Kratie, lt Hunt, rf game of (he series today. Allyn also of the Houston mound staff, struck out 11 Spuddera here in a game during the first half. Dean retired the tide in the sislh three strike-outs In a row and seven of 14 men faring him In the first four innings whiffed.

Woodaon, If and ciniiinitlcd sis errors. Hani- uiiluii dciod liiin-clf of a will huriid fiaiiic hul poor miiput ruined his cliarwes. He yielded only four hits. New York, was aecond, and Morton Smllh finished Cooper covered the 72-holc distance with 280 strokes, eight shots under par. Manero was three strokes behind him, while Smith tallied 285.

The victory netted Cooper 12,500 as first rash prize, Johnny Goodman of Omaha easily topped the amateurs In Ihe field and tied with Tommy Armour of Detroit, Hulllk. cf plate and issued six bases on balls. Clint Urown nutpilehed Danny Mac-I'ayden of the lied Sox In the second ning the opener 4 to 3 and taking llie 13-lnning night enp after 37 men appearrd In the lineup of the second gnine, which lasted 3 houra .13 uiimiles, hlevrn pitchers 'saw service in the night cap, Denton and Kolp making their second appearance of the day for the Reds. First gama: Hoatan ab a Cincinnati abhoa Chat in I) I I Walker If I I II KrOI.ru rf II I I Hwan.un cf I 1 1 Bialer lb 0 0 ftrlpp lb Mil Heriter If 4(1 funnelo lb 4 0 1 WU cf 1110 II. limn rf 0 ni a rf III 2b I I 1 I Hoi In, an lb I 0 0 Ooorh I 1 1 4 Mrnvllla Jb I 0 1 1 tUreaaen 0 0 0 1 2b 4 1 I Knrd aa 011 Poolircr 1 4 I 0 Uurochar aa I 1 iSloore 110 0 flukeflh 10 14 i in In 1010 Henlon 110 0 tantwall 4 1 4 4 Kolp 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I hury 4 00 xxx Lucas 10 0 0 Farm, Martin, na Montgomery, Miller, Bigg'.

li xv Falla sb na came, showing grwitcr effectiveness i hhihim in the pinches. Montague led tlie Indians' attack In the nightcap with three singles in as many times at Itnlm 2h USUI lvry a 4 I 1 lb 1 0 0 Hoirll lb 4 14! w. hnkel rf (110 Kiiaifrld cf 4 111 Perl If 4 I I 0 Kloia If 4 I 0 Hunt ef i 0 iltirna lb 0 I I Morrow 4 I 1 Heiu-n't rf Idle 4 4 27 11 0 for Montgomery In Totalis Battel sixth. Tucson run to make it nt ti in I licit h.iif i.f the in nin rf. In Ihr 'ixtli the Hers got to anil MniiiHer Vaihhurn his! no linn- in hnnitit; Walter Hitler to the mound to ri-lu-se liitn.

Hitter out thrc i.atMiien lint not In ire tutir rome in. Tint lcsan- ui.ide in the sistl. and une in tin1 sesenth unil wint Into tin niii' Ii une inn liehiml, Ihivr Salii.ir in taktn tin- place of it it in thf Hcrii.into hit a Inw uiie t'i II.ihx ami luat it out fot a hit. lie hiiciver triul twice t.i -acrilice him t'i -econd and then heat nut a t-l'-vs mil' to third fur a Int. (lumped a icilcct hunt hat.

onj 113 loo- Ii'irsl aurr.s: SDnhkln lb I 1 13 Itubrtmin 4 110 Htnilar 4 3 11 3b 4 1 dull 600- 013 Globe riKnOnnr! chm I F.il wm It I1') A a i 4 3 if 4 1 1' 1 i KM 4 II rm, in 0 i 4 1 I Mann, 4 1 1 I i II. i II 1 .1 i arvujul, if 4 il 1 1' II I u-lfiaiUi. rf 1 1 1 ii I llm rlK, 4 i) 0 in. rf 3 0 0 1 0 Total" is 7 1ft :4 12 fVntial af Ali It II J'U A i A Ml KM 1 1 7 i i HinlJu, L'h 3 2 1 Arr.m, 30 3 1 4 2 fchlin lilt Humniary: Runs batted In Coyne 1 0 1 lln'mun 4 lMirt If rf 4 14! V.iri-r 3 0 1 I Clint Wins Forfeit Game; Five Points Upsets' Ysletans Clint won ill City-Valley Icagua game yesterday in rather comfort In an 4 1 13 xOevran Wlli morr ItM 110 1 0 0 0 16 10 0 0 2, Nnnce 3. Hughes, Hunt, Farro.

Two-bsse hlta Coyne, Hughea, Nance. Three-baao hit. Leliiliman, Keane, Home run il I I 1 I Sri-weiny Jlmm th lilt 'i Hnn 2r, i 4 wvi.l. rf If 4 II 1 0 IllO-pr ef .1 21, 4 I 0 fl 3b I. siniKfll 4 1 li Toitt.

lb Nance, riacrlflce Lelnhman. Stolen Totala 7 12 27 IS! Totala II 10 S7 15 western open champ, with a 28!) total. Cooper within striking distance of the lead from the first round on, shoved himself right over the top on the homeward tlrrtch of his morning round today. On the blistering homeward nine, the greatest ever carded on the Kellar course, he clicked off five birdies and made every one of them count by playing par evcrj on the rest of them. Morton Smith also shot a remarkable 68 on hin final round to land third.

The "Joplin ghost" ended his bases richlno, Hhertnan. Earned runs Tucaon 7, Olobe i. Left on able fashion when the S. Rail 4 114 4 a fi 4 110 a 4 1(1 10 0' (i (p i 111' KM Hatteq ror bpnhrer In 6th. Itan 'or Oooeh In Sth Hatted for Kolp In 4th.

trz Hatted for Klxay In Sth. roaders failed to arrive on time at I 1 0 1 0 li Ituillin I I lo-rrjr I.mnl-ea Morrla Hmlth 1 II fl 0 II. 1 (I Ij (1 II 000 100 4 the field and the umpire declared the game forfeited, 9 to 0, in favor 1 1 0 I of the Clintmcn. Tulala SO IS 87 Tnlala 14 I 27 II llftttfit fur PiifiKrnri In tth XX Hsn for Guyiran In Mb. in Hatted for Caldwell In llh.

ltnuatnn 110 14 "117 W. Kalla PtiO 0:0 002 1 Ituna. Holm. Hock. Bi'htnkcl.

Morrow. Mtnhkin, lilnKr. Poan. Kli.ua. Ht.

tanenurt. Kullar. Kuna batlfd In lon.1r. Holm 2. Veol 2.

uisiin, Isvey Morrow. ltobrtaon, EulliT Two base hita. Pl. Hork. Blndfr, Eilll'r Tnree hit.

Kloia. Horn, runa. Morrow Holm, firuek out by l'n raldwell 1. Loslnc pitcher. Krrura, llurna, lletttncourt, Koberuon.

II II II II in i-ro, i 1 njran. i Hi rn.iinl. I cf The two team then played an ii il 0 I 0 0 4 II 0 0 0 flrlnnatl 100 000 60'' I Ituna. Welah, Rolllnga. Ma-irulre.

Walker, Ntripp. Huna hatted In Clark. Moore 1, Cantwell, Cueolnello, Crawford 2. Two baao hlta, Crawford, Uooch. Three have hit.

Walker Htruck out Ly Cantwell 2: ItUay 1. Laialns pitcher, Kliey. KrrorO, Cucclnello 4, Durocher. exhibition game and Clint won again, Il 0 li 1 0 third round seven strokes away from Cooper and if aome of bis requcnt i i i TV.t!! b.jes Tucaon 10, (jlobe 7. Bases on ball.

off Montgomery 1, off Kaalch 4. Htruck out hy Montgomery 5, by HlBii. 4. By Kasich g. Hit.

off Montuomery 14 in Innings: off BlBg 8' In 2. Wild pitch Kasich. Hit by pitcher Keane. Loalng pitcher Montgomery, t'mplrea Baerwald and Hrooka. Time 2:01, CLOSE WITH BANG Phoenix, Aug.

17 The Solons closed the aeries here tonight with a bang, exploding Miami's Miners under a charge of 12 runts to 4. Chamberlain put the fuses under 11 Miners as against two atrikc-outs credited to hit rival moundsman, Mai'liado. Totixli 94 11 7 Tofala JJIH27 8 Hnlte.1 for In jlth. ii-Ilatie for (Onlth In S(h. scan put iimJ for Xttri-'l'r In 3th.

rielunil 1 r0 Olf. llimton "01 LOO Hani. 2. I'orO-r. Avrlll I FalK.

L. mll. llinllln. lJiirt, To.lt, Ki-evea. Kuna baited In.

Moraan Avur. Ill f. Parlor, l-'alli. Hurtlln Toitl. lo-icmi, Iiurat.

Two blla. Avi-rlll 'i. Mnntiigua. rmrat, Tod' (trm cut t.y l.tMi!M-e 1. Laming i.iohi-r.

l.ia-nba. lirrara, SlunlaKUu. WamtSer. 8 to 6, with Hicks and McCuilougli doing the burling. The Five Pointers threw a spike Into the pennant-bound wheels of the Yslcta nine, bringing them to a standstill to the tune of 16 to 6.

putta for birdies and a chance eagle had gone down, lie might have thrown the championship fight into Si yie by liir.lt. r-t sno iidft inn 7 lOiitriii rf l'3'l tux 8 Stolen Attan. t'anilia. Ha-i-nfin. Ii.l.- i'.

KmirlKtlrx. Two-1 l.i.- Novak, ArraB, AndraiJu. TMi-c-liani- l.ltn Novak. Iioal.le iilavs Alulrade to Ittid-riKij-i. liitn off 1'iiran 4, Hrnan-! ite Harris 4.

Struek out o. HernaMii-i 1. HiirriM 5 a deadlock. It was a typical Smith comeback. Other prize winning totals: Al Espinosa, Chicago, 292; Harold Fecond game: Vtnamn ab a'CMrtelnnatl rn a thin nill 4 Walker If 4 0 4 0 Itrtiburg rf 7 I 2 li Rwamon rf 1 0 H'eler lb 7 1111 Hirlpp 3b 4 111 Moor If 111 O'lleilnin rf 4 4 Clark If 1 0 1 0 Orawfd 2b till elh rf (II 0 Sukeflh 0 tilt KolliriRa lb I I I I Ilurotlier aa 2 0 4 0 UK lb I 1 I f.

iMeuml 10 0 0 Cronin 1110 Kurd aa 1111 in front i-f tin- pl.i'c to adwince tin' runners. And along lame Kin4. Hsrne wax playing in and King a single hut hix head lo send iuth runnel 4 home. T.I I'n-'i AH )'. II I'M I- ll.M.ai.i...

1 2 2 I i.r-M.ri lb a 2 it "i i olvai'l 4 1 2 1 II (I rf 4 1 1 4 0 II Kil.K, ill 4 11 2 (' 4 n-iilaiiti. lb 4 0 2 in i) -h ii. if 1 1 laves, 2 1 I' 4-ai'e. ji 1 11 r. 1 (' i' Iior-ti-k, if 1 0 ii 1 1 0 s-iaiar, 'i i 1 i T'-tn'a i )3 2T 10 1 A Ii 11 I'M A V.

30 1 1 3 2 4 Antintn. cf 4 1 1 4 2 'i Hani, 20 4 1 1 i 3 1 Muriow, rr, If i 'I 1 1 ii 1 McSfcl.v, If, rf 4 1 1 lb 4 II Vcakat-a, 3 ii 1 ifirdrifr. rf, 4 1 2 I i UurTLi.frr, 1 1 11 11 'I r. 4 une out when run 1 1 i McSpaden, Bethel, 293; John Siwonii game: iai riimrl ali a Ruaton MntMKUe aa 3 i 1 If Ijtirat If ah a 4 1 'i 10SS 113 2 10 10 Pnr'er rf lB.intr 1 0 0 fl Htylea lb 1110 4 10 0 Heevea 3b I I I 0 Iti-mm lb 111! Webb rf TEN IN ROW Dallas, Aug. 17 (AP).

The Dallas Steers equalled the season's Texas league winning streak of 10 games todav by defeating Beaumont 4 to 3 unci 4 to 1. The Wichita Falls SpudikTs held the record starting May 'l and ending May 30, Tausrher held the Kxporters well in band in the opener and home runs by Gene Moore and Tallt gave the Atimrn the nightcap, The scores: Klrat fame: Beaumont ah Pallaa ah 3 0 14 WUnidim lb 4 1 1 f-hubla III I I I t'rhan aa 10 14 PARK GROCERS WIN 37TH. STRAIGHT The Park Grocers won their 37th straight victory by defeating the La Fama Hakers yesterday, 18 to 17. Roberts hurled a good game. The Grocers will play the Sierra All-Stars today at 1 o'clock.

Ppobrer 3 1 4 0 Kherdel 3 1 0 1 Kolp i I'al ei)" S. rate S. "fonn of Main 1 4f. rn.plre liauMiioiiilii, S.illnm. i Omron i I) 1 112 4 oilier rf 2 0 10 Wormier aa 2 0 1 All-rill cf Martan lb HfnUpp 2 If FWwell lb Myatl lOown ny Karrell, New York, Sunny Rouse, Chicago, and Ed Dudley, Wilmington, Del, 291: William Mehlhorn, New York.

Johnny Dawson, Chicago, 297; Willard Hutchison, Chicago, 298: Lester Bolstnd, Minneapolis, Lee Hcrron, Minneapolis and Joe Kirkwood, Chicago, 300. Miami Miller 2b l.lnyd rf McCoy 14 Ilammack 3b Gillespie cf Coscaret ia Brandt lb Heatwole Maohado Blmonl lb 1 1 0 zS.arrltt 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 0 4 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Cufiartim Ltrandt Snilrh chary ttelbold 1 0 0 lilt 1111 0 0 0 0 zzIJreafien 0 0 0 0' Krey 1110 SxCallaglin 110 0 J.ucaa 0 0 4 0 lienton 1 ss'iooch UAah 3 0 4 0 Hbyne aa 1 0 0 2 To.lt 1b I'onnolly rzSnmll rir.ltoihrrk 2 0 11 10 0 1 10 0' 14 4 0 AB Tt PO A ,41 1130 SO 1 2 0 0 3 1 0 10 0 ,411110 4 1 2 1 0 ,4 ilia I 0 0 13 0 0 ,4 0 0 2 0 9 ,2 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 ,84 4 24 11 2 AB PO A ,4 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 4 2 2 12 0 ,3 1 0 11 0 1 ,5 1 2 8 0 0 6 3 1111 5 3 3 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 110 2 0 M. 1181 TAXIMEN BEAT COLLEAGUES Main 1181 Taxis defeated the M. Taximen yesterday at Washington Park, 7 to 4. The 1181's knocked Serrano out of the lmx he- rf K' khitt Totila 25 4 2112 Tii'ula 24 10 21 Imited for Wamtler In fih.

4 0 11 Colter lb 4 1 10 1 10 7 Tallt rf lilt 4 0 11' Sb 1 I 1 16 4 Jtoora cf 10 2 0 4 2 10 Teainer III! WESTERN LEAGUE St. Joseph, Omaha, 9. (Second game postponed rain). Topeka, 6-2; Pueblo, 9-4. Oklahoma City, Hes Moines, 9.

Oklahoma City, Dcs Moines, 4. Wichita, Denver, 5. a Phlver lb ada cf Holier 2b Ili-it If Iluk-r Walkup Parted for e'omiolly In 7'h. if Hatted ror SlacFayden In 7th Cleveland lioeton POO OufiO 0 4 0 10 Tauainer I 1 1 1 Totals Phoenix Malhlo rr Tomlinnon cf Raker 2b Poole Stevenson lb OstenberfT 3b Holme. If Olson Chamberlain 0 0 1' "I 0.1-5 f're the second inning was over.

1. 1.1 I'ano' i 2 i ll'ilguin and Uchi bit homers for stolen l.s-es llayi-M Sai-rlflee the uinncrs and Itodriguei snapped ituna, Averlll. Wurian. Krrora. ilor- C.

T. A. WILL LET HELEN KEEP MONEY San Francisco. Aug. 17 (CP).

The bequest of 120,000 to Helen Wills Moody, tennis champion, In the will of Senator James phelan should have no bearing on her amateur standing, Itoscoe Maples, president of the California Tennis association, said today. rsn. llltvi-r. pun butted in, StorRan, lo.air... Twn l.see hit.

Todt Three Total. IOS27 13 Totals 11 4 24 13. nt a circuit blow for the losers. bll. Woman, eirm-k out by Ilroun 1 Hii'imont oiio onj 3 .001 Out ibs 4 Total.

13 It 3S 181 Total. 10 14 3 II Batted (or Cronin In 0th. Batted for llurocher In 7th, mm Halted for Kolp In 71h. tz Hatted for Krey In 8th. i Batied for Benton In 13th.

hx Ran for Ooocb In 13ih. Boat on 2l'3 1011 002 000! I Cincinnati OKI 001 032 OO'il I Kuna. Chatham. Rlchboum, Staler 2, Sfoore. Meiiuire.

Cronin. Bpohrer, Fmlth Swaxn.on IStrlpp, lteilmann, Ptylea, Preew-D. Hun. hatted In. Chatham.

Hleh-hourr, W'elb 3. hnllinK 8herdel Znchary, Hw.nnon. CTucclnello 1, Hell-mann 2, Bukeforth 2. Two baee hlta, Chatham, Hlrhboure, Welsh, rjherdel, 8mlth, fwanaon, Cucclnello, Bellm.nn Three l.iw hit. Cucclnello.

Slruck out by tiherdel Smith Zachary 2, Kolp 1. Wlnnlni pitcher. Zaehary; lo.lnr plte-her. Lucaa. Welsh, Etrlpp, HellniHnD.

laallaa WIX IX EUROPE. Liege, Belgium, Aug. 17 (AP). The Penn Athletic club eight today Main 11.11 players are asked to report for practice Tuesday at m. at the I'oundi grounds.

Huna Holler. Maltett 1. Cotter. Mlrh-aeli, Tesnier, Tatiw-ber. Hun batted In Itallelt I'rban, altt, Tegmer.

TaiiH. her. Two-haio hlla Teamer 2, WllllnKham, Tultt. Mlehaela. Home runii Malieu 2.

Error. shlv.r. Irbnn 3. Totals 39 12 15 27 2 Miami OuO 000 (140 4 Phoenix 020 210 61x 12 Summary Two baas hits, Tom-llnnon, Raker, Holmes, Stexenson 2 Baker, Miller. Base on balls off Maohado 4: Chamberlain 4.

Struck out by Ma.ch.adn Chamberlain 11 Vmplrea Wens and Hightower. Time 1:56. won the championship of the International roxxing regatta, defeating Denmark and Italy in the final. The time was 5:27. la i oivnra.

Waehbtirn, McNeely. Han-, ('olviinl. Three. ha lilta lturnn. llersl.betu-er.

i'i, hard. Winnliof plletier UiKinsr pitcher V-nri Infer. Iniulile plaxs Antlata. -Imai -f. I'ltchi-rs' record 2 run'i hits off ilardner In fi; rnn.

4 hits off In 2 1 lilt off Williams In hit- off Pan-In 3 runs, 1 lilt off Hitter In Kiiim hatted in e'olxard 2. 1'ther-i-ilvr. King llnyis, Hnap, 2, Stru' out Py 'liinliu-r 1. Harrllift-r 1. Pule 1, Killer 6, Salnrar 1.

on hijls. ofl 2, PaniliKcr 1, Willian, 1, l'ate 1, 2. la-ft on liam-H Itit-ta-e fi. lil Imkii 7 Kartn-d riina Kt I'iino fi. HlHlii.f fi.

Tim it Kame 2.2i'. l'm- j.iles-Farrell and liiu.khuin. AMERICAN ASSN. Columbus, 2-3; St. Paul, 3-4.

Minneapolis, 8-9; Toledo, 1-2. Indianapolis, 1-14; Milwaukee, 6-1. Louisville, 4-0; Kansas City, 3-3. Illinois Entries thfiror, Mundnfi Aug. IN.

Fi UACL C'luimiiitf, a-ywar-oifl. urh.ituvH Mnriln JOb jnirht 1 1 liny Mi nv'nger 1 "0 I 1 ''i IMlYlt.rv Pecond game: neaumont 001 010 01 Iinll. "20 SOU J-4 Hun. batted In CJ. Moore 1, Wa.le, Tnttt.

Home run. CJ, Moore. TaltU Winning pitcher Murray. laiin Starring Red Barnes New York, Aug. 17 (Al').

Iled Harm's starred at bat and In Infield today to give the Chit-ago White So an even break with the Yankees in a doable bill. New York" won the first game 8 to 7 In 10 In-tiinirs, and Chicago took the second in five innings, 6 to 1. The game was called on account of and rain. Flr.l a-iime: Chlcflno Tork Kerr 2b S1S4 e'nniba If 4120 Sb 6 2 3 6 Hurd If 10 0 0 ltoynold If 3 1 0 Keen. 2b lilt I h-'kiiro 1 1 iilftr J'ort Central Challenges City-Valley Team The Central Cafe team of the The four Ashton brothers, who form a crack polo team from Australia, plan to play a series of games on Long Island, X.

Y. They have a stable of 25 ponies. The brothers won most of their 21 matches played in Kngland, including the important Whitney challenge cup match. PACIFIC COAST San Francisco 14-4, Portland 9-5. Oakland 3-4.

Missions 2-2. Hollywood 11-2, Seattle 1-3. Los Angeles 9-7, Sacramento 7-0. Juarez league challenges the idle learn in the Clly-Vallcy loop for 1 iH Alii-y Kfiios S. Win L'si )' lciif.

i8( 'N ft lining. 4i itrhirskn; "x.atit.f. lircwn Minn 101 Ki4tp I'fi Mi'tkfn Sf.iin-1 ..111 Tl HspfiitH 1 iirrllt-S4 1 1 1 1 loti 1 I ir I (nit Tr'i'! 116 :4. ki-K-nl .111 y.Hhii 311 llul II 1 I A lt, 1 i a next Sunday. For arrangements call Joliey rf 4 110 Chapman 2b 2 0 I 1 W.tvond ef 3 1 0 Hulh rf Joe Gonzalez at the Central in 4 3 0 1 5 3 2 1 Sutter Win National (Irass Court Titles Juarez.

Hallas Back On His Farm GIANTS, CARDS SPLIT St. Louis, Aug. 17 (AP) The Giants and the Cardinals divided a double header here today. New York winning the first game 12 to 4 and St. Louis the night cap 14 to 4.

The veteran spitballcr, Clarence Mitchell, traded to the Gianls by the Cardinals this year, was the winning pitcher in the first game. Klrat New Tork a' St Louis Crlta 2b 4 11S llouthlt cf lilt Allen cf 6 11 0 Adam, lb 4 111 l.ntlelm 3b i 4 0 1 XValkm. lb 4 0 0 Heeeie lb 0 0 0 0. Frleeh 2b lilt Terry lb 14 112 Hirh 8b 110 1 Ott rf lilt' Hafey if 4 111 O'Karrell I 1 I 0 Blade, rf 13 4 1 Jack.on ..201 2 At.ncu.co 4 1 7 0 Ma.rah.lln 112 3 (ielbert 4 12 1 Itofltt.r If 112 0 Hallahan 2 0 0 1 Mitchell 3 0 1 1 Johnson 0 0 0 0 Ilevlng 1 0 0 Bell 148 i l.tndaey 0 0 0 0 10 0 4 BIG BEGINNING Shrcveport, La Aug. 17.

(Al)-A big first inning netting six runs on four hits enabled Shrcveport to Heat Waco 9 to 6 in the second game of the series tonight. Only about 700 fans witnessed the contest. Score: Waco Shreereport Tate lb 10 3 Huart. 0 I 1 Hlarhoff i 8 1 1 Hut.on cf 1110 Munanr. rf 3 0 0 0 Plewart 2b Sill fOa-er ef 4 2 10 Caahlon rf 4 10 1 Hy If 4 0 10 M.

lnhn If 4 110 Stuvn.n lb 1 0 Holin.n Sb 1111 ..4314 linker 3b 1104 Hiet 2b 0 4 8 XVhel.n lb 10 10 Ha-rla 1 0 0 2' Kr.ua. 4110 x.SmiKulnet 1 0 0 0 Entrad. 4 10 1 Hrneheau 0 0 0 0, 10 0 0 Gonzalez plans to make application to enter the C-V circuit next veiir. Mnlevy a. tilt 3b Claney lb I I I' liehrlr lb Tale Sill Conke cf I yona 2 0 10 ttxltuffltif H'-nry 110 Inrkey Xary aa Pliraa I Job neon in: 4 110 110 0 4 110 0 1113 10 11 10 11 Rve, N.

Au 17 i uu 1 1 Marjnrie Gladman. Santa Monica. ft Jd-. ling another, which with a single and a fielder's choice, brought in tire winning runs. Frank O'Doul got a homer in the first inning and a ,1 it liJlfitl.n fili Jane V7 1 1'" Hut nt liri.wri 10 1 10 Apt J.iJ il noil 1 1 4 ...111 Xlllp imv ny l'i Tl.

.114 today xxoti thr eastern grass I t-ourts singles championship at the i WesteliesU-r Country club, in a match which lasted nnue than txvn i hours. The west roast star van- Meter', ipiished liamness (iiacomo Levi. iiniiiiint llalv's No. 2 ranking player. "i 'u Whitney got one in the ninth, Phlla.

abhoa OhlrRKO ab a Tolaia 43 141 Total. 40 14 30 1: x- oat wlien wlnmnie run acoieil. xx- 1, ailed for Cook. In 1'oh. i lr Icnii lino OKI 110 07 New Virk 011 130 100 1 Puna Kerr, Claeell 2, Ueynolda 2.

Wwlaood, Henry, Comb. Heehe, Huth 3. I.l7erl. llehnv 2. Huna batted In Gehrig 2.

Hull: 2, In key, Clancy. Uinil 1, lleynoliln XVatwool 1. Mulleavy. Jolley, llulfilik'. hit.

-Orili, Tate. Thrt-e-baee hlta Heeee, l.azzerl, Ciebrirf. Hi.lne rune CJehlig-, Ituth. XVinnilij; pit, her Johneon. l.oalng pitcher Henry.

Krror Hrlrkell rr nil Hlalr 2b 4 0 1 Tmpann 2b 4 4 11! Engll.h 3b 3 8 1 O'Doul It 1110 Cuyler rf 8 8 10 I-. i miichk, 4.csr-li! and fnrli.i.s. i 1 Si rn 1' i XV li. 12" Klein rf 4 I 1 01 Wliaon cf 114 0 Hurt id Taylor ir 8 0 0 1 Clifford Sutler. ititt-rcnilc giatc i champion, and native Sif New Or- leans, won the eastern men's singbs nenna nen in 8 1 12 1 Hut lot 113 i 'lift ..113 txrmny an a i i ti.rtnett 4 0 Thvnow a.

2 0 8 3, F.rrell (I 4 Frlbenr 0 0 11 BuBh 8 0 12 -Mt 'eve, Hill I II 111 Allow an. -r. 3 ami ill- 1 tulle tati.l Til viii.Im- I 'al Hoi it I Hi i ft 1 championship by beating Gregory Munoln VeiaarL- V.J. Vn lllnnllii- Total. 83 24 10 Total.

13 112111 Hatted for Hurrle In Sth. xx Batted for Tat. In Sth. Waco 11 100 0(114 Shreveport 600 010 2019 Tate. Hlaehoff 1.

Rye. Htuvta-en. Hutaon, Stewart, Ca.hton, 3. liaker. Whelan.

KrauM. laixln. pitcher. Harrla. Run.

b.tted In Ca.hlon. Whelan. Krauaa 4. K.tr.da. r'peer 2, Ftuvengen, Mole.worth, Blectioff Two baie Hlaehoff Krau.

Fi.traila, Holman, Sl.w.rt, Moleaworth. Three baee hit. Stuvenaen Home runa Hlaehoff, UlcClanahan. Hiruek out hy Katrnda 7 Harrl. J.

Errors, Munaon, Ptewart. 1 2 0 II 4 0 0 0' 4 0 0 0 14 0 0 Coll.rd Elliott iMrCurdy xiSlxmaa a a a a 1 r. a a 'r .1 7iauori.ll iim, o-xi, t-o. -o, o-i. ran- kiv.t Fore-t ln Berkeley Hell, 1929 intcreoilecintf champion from Texas, and his i-itii -'uiniina, S-year-old.

sod op. Baltimore partner, Kdilie Jacoba. n.rf in Tot.la 22 1 24 14' Total. 21137 14 f-eeond name- Chieapo ho. 'New Tork 0 Kerr till Comb.

It 1000 Ciawll Sh 1111 L.ry ea 10 11 Hynolila It 1110 Hulh rf 10 10 Jolley rf 10 10, l.aaiert lb 110) W.tKd lb 1 I 4 i (iehrlg lb 2 1 0 Harne. cf 114 0 Cooke rf 10 10 Mnlevy 111 OCh.pmn 2b 2 0 0 1 Tate 3 0 0 0 Hn.ou.h 1 1 I 1 l-'Kbfr 3 0 0 1 0 110 0 MrFlx-or III I 'Well, 10 0 1 Urtlc. 10 0 0 natteil ror Cnllard In 7th. xi Batted for Klllott In 1th. Plil I a.

ino 001 1014 Chiracs 100 001 Oil 4 Totale 44 17 27 12. Total. 14 11 27 10 Hatted for Bell in Sth. New York 201 017 01011 ht. Loul.

000 002 1120 4 Jtiina Crltl, Allen, llnd.trom 4. Tarry 1. Marahall, ftoettRer, Mitchell, Friaca. KlKh, Bafey, Hl.de. Run.

batted in Terry i. Ott 2, Blndatrom 1. Crit. 1, A lion, O'Karrell 2, Ulatlea. Two-hap hlt Mnnmrnm.

Terry, xielbert, (VFer-rll. Hafey, Frlacli, Manruao 1. Bl.de. Three-bam hlta Uladea, Ott. Home ruriai Llnil.trom.

Frt.eh. Double playa Terry lo Jackaon to Terry, T.indntrrim to to Terry. Ada.cn. to Frleeh to XA'athlna. Left on baaiea New York St.

Lou In I. H.ae on ball. Oft Mitchell 1. off Hallah.o 1. Struck out By Mitchell 1.

bv Hallahan 4. hy Johnon 1, bv Hell 1. Hit. Off Hallahan 12 In 1-S lnnlnm. off Jnhn.nn I In 1-1 Innlnf, eff Bell, 2 In 1.

off l.lndey, none In 1. W'innirir pitcher Mitchell, tei.lnr pitcher Hallahan. Error. Grits, W.tktoa. Second fame! New Tnrk ab a' nt tout.

ab i rlt. 2b 4 14 1 ryouthlt cf 10 4 0 U.rh 1110' Adam. 3b 4211 I.ndntm I I Blade, rf 4 0 I 0 Terry lb I I I Hafey If 4 0 won the doubles tille, defeating the I lr limi'iy Hail i i-'i'li llerry stltw.nl English combination, II. (,. N.

I.ee, un i xaker l.ri lr and S. J. Perry, 6-4. 6-1. 7-5.

I V.s Btine, opom 2, Whitney 2, Knjll.h L-uyier i. nun. Halt ad in, Wilson 1, O'Doul, Klein, Bell 2. McCurdy, D. Taylor, Whitney.

Parrlflcee, Bell, Hi. Curdy. Two haw Cuyler, Klein, Three b.ae hit. Whitney. Home rune.

O'Doul. Whitney. Struck oat by Collard ii-- 1 4 rar.la: lllow Id'j Kern 1 Hub II I nrlan-l 1 11 het I'ihI, fin tt HI S'arl. Johnston H'2 'lo- llT.le!,a in Ins xi oop 1 1 -i O'- XL.tli.-r. Chide, l'i I1 Maltetnu.

Ill SOUTHERN ASS'N. Atlanta, 10-. Utile flock, fl. Mobile, 1-9; Nashville. 10-12.

Chattanooga, New Orleans. 6. Birmingham, 10; Memphis, 12, LEADS ATTACK Fort Worth. Aug. 17 (AP).

Dick McCahe allowed but nix "bits and Fort Worth defeated San Antonio today, 5 to 2. I.es Mallon, Cat second sacked, led the attack on Bill Hargrove xsith three hits, one a double. The score: Hanton. Ft Worth cum i. error, hevenow.

Completely Baffled Total, 11 15 Total. 13 4 IS 4 h.iihiI tor Well. In 6th. Chle.v-o 053 01 New York 000 101 i Five tnnlti.a raln.l fiura Cleeell. Keynolda.

Watwood 1. Harnea. Lexreri Buna butted In Harnea xxatwooil 2, Cooke. hlta Waawoo 2. Mullea-y, Keynoi.la.

Home run Harnea. lo.inff jateher Mc-livoy. Krrore (hapttian, Heniouah. Brooklyn, Aug. 17 (AP)-Darzy Vance completely baffled the Pirates Jl vjAxJL 1 lawa.

in. TTf I tT1 aWaaaaaaaaaaf jf.i xil here today as the Robins struggling Hallew rf 4 3 0 0 Moore rf 4 I 0 Kllppen 4 0 2 1 Mallon 2b 4 I 2 2 to retain their grip on second place. Chew Wins Fifth Straight Tennis Title Keating Murff In Finals ED Chew made It five straight Mid-1 he hnx player! jn a year, and proved clntttnc ntilieataliie. Ilr i Summer Tournament singles Moor, cr file itonowm ir i i celel rated a home stand of one day Been, lb 110 0 Hl.h lb 1110 Ott rf 1110 Wliaon 12 2 1 Allen rf 1110' M.ncnao 81220 Unfit 1 0 10 0 W.tkln. lb 4 1 1 I 4 1 2 1' Oelbert XX 4 0 4 1 Boe-tirer rf 4 1 2 0 Grime, 4 2 11 Leli.

lb with a 5 to 0 victory over Pitts- 4 0 10 1 Urown lb 10 7 0 4 0 3 2 Fowler lb 114 0 Koll 3b Car.on If borgh. Vance fanned nine and al 1 0 0 0 Cox rf 112 0 Bmllton 2b 8 0 4 1'Tax-ener I 1 0 I Heath 111 1 Meyer, 4 I 4 II Bra-roe. 1111' McC.b. 4 II 0 1 Walker I 0 0 0 Proett 1 4 0 0' Prm.le. lilt1 xU Karrell 1 0 0 END OF STREAK Washington, Aug.

17 (AP). Detroit ended Washington's winning streak of fix games today in a big way, pounding three Washlnglon pitchers for 17 hits and 15 runs. The score was 15 to 1 with Sorrcll holding the second place Senators id riicck at all stages. The score: Detroit ab W.ahlna-ton a IJ ILLY HALLAS, the Greek WTestler- Total. 82 4 24 11 Totals 1111114 tfpntinlni In ih iaiiux.1 i San ooi 001 0002 winter and makes hay while the sun lowed eight hits which were well scattered except in the sixth when three singles failed to score for the Pirates.

Ptttabumh al oa Brooklyn ibttl LW.ner cf 4 2 10 Fderlca ef 4 1 I PWaner rf 4 1 1 0 Gilbert 8b 4 14 1 Oranthm lb I I II Herman rf 1110 Cmrosky If III) Moore If 4 0 I Trsynor 8b 4 111 Wright aa 4 117 Birtell a. 4 4 12 Lope, 11110 Huhr lb 1 0 7 0 Hreler lb 4 1 I Hem.ley 4 0 4 1 Klnn lib I 1 0 I Krsocft 10 0 4 v.nca 110 2 shines in the summer, is back at Fort XVorlb in lux Heath, Moor. 1, X.l-Ion Fowler. Bouble. Mallon.

Pallew. K. Moore. Hcnowlla 2, J. Sloor.

fink, out. McCabe 4. Bar.rov. 1. Errors-Hamilton, Cox.

Funk rf I 1 0' Myer Jb 4 0 11 'ma i iiu I or match, In the iiK.nting semi-finals round Chexv bed A I Wit holder 6-2 8-fi. Th first set vin a Witholdcr seeming to K- le in pet. started. In the second set ln'1, players were great gnnx. (iriving shot after shot with great speed.

Fd', steadincx finally won him in this match. The next tournament for Chexv, Ferguson, Willi. rider, the Counds, Murff, and the other local aces to shoot at Is the annual citv tourna work on his 30-acre farm west of Canutillo, Billy returned from the championships yesterday aftrrnoon by a win over G. R. Murff at the El Paso club.

The scores were 6-4, 6-3, 6-2. The first set was by far the best of the match, both players placing their shots perfectly, and playing go close that there was little choice up to the very last point. Chew simply was too steady for Murff, and finally won a long deuce game to take the set, 6-4. In the aecond aet the players each won their serve until the score was Koenl. 3 Rice rf Total.

38 124 1 Total. 111127 14 Hatted (or Barmalee in Stn. New York 000 Oi'O 220 4 St Louie 240 001 0x 14 Runa Leach, l.lnd.'rom, Reeae. Allen, ryouthlt Adam. Blade.

1. Hafey 4. Hih. Mancnao, Watklna. Crime.

Buna batied In Wliaon 4. Barer Manruao I. Hl.de.. Grime. 2.

Ott, 2larah.ll, Ije-ar-h, Hnran. hit. Art. ma. Hafey lli.h.

Terry, Marahall. Home run Leach. Losing pneh- er W.lker Krrora C'rita, Ott, W.r- aball. Watklna, tlhrni-. I 4 4 Mannh If east last week after a strenuous Alxnder lb i I 0 0 Cronin S'ipvlin 114 0 Kuhel lb wrestling campaign in which he won every match but one.

4 110 4 0 10 4 114 4 2 10! 10 10 10 0 0 110 1 4 110 0 0 0 1 10 11 0 0 0 8 110 0 14 0 4 Mi-Mp. 3b Ak-r. Jb stone rf If 8orrell The above layout shows Billy as mule skinner and as a cotton beat Reynolds any place out of Cincinnati, where the title match took place last month. "I don't like to alibi," says Billy, "but if the referee hadn't bothered me so much I would have beaten Reynolds. The referee cautioned me for roughness every time I made a move so I was handicapped.

"Ill beat Beynolds anywhere, but like to get him in a return match right here in El Paso." The rtcynolds-Hallas title match, by the way, drew a crowd of 10,000 in Cincinnati. Billy is no taking a layoff from the mat, but he is not idle by any means. He grows alfalfa, corn, cotton, strawberries and beans and raises chickens and turkeys. "All of which," says the Greek torso twister, "cpmbines to keep me pretty busy." 4 1.1 Weat cf 0 0 0 1 Blue. 8h 4 3 1 Meletcd 8b 4 3 4 0 Spencer 8 14 0 Crowrter 14 0 2 I.ixka I Flacher axjuda-e WOMEN'S NATIONAL TOURNEY STARTS New York Aug.

17 (AP). Shorn of much of its brilliancy by th ab-aence of Mrs. Helen Willa Moody and Miss Helen Jacobs, America's No. 1 and 2 stars respectively, play in the national women's tennis singles championship opens tomorrow it Forrest Hills. Totala 13 I 24 I Total.

11 10 27 Pltt.burall ono 000 00(1 0 Brooklyn jeo 103 on I Frederick, Herman. Wrl.ht 2, Bun. bitted in. Herm.n 8, Finn 1. Br'asler.

Vance. Two base hit. Waner. Klnn, Wright. Three baa.

hit Breanler. Horn. run. Herman, ftruck out by Vanr. French 2.

three-all, then F.d cut loose with; ment, Kl Paso's most unportait tcn- such a barrage of drives that Murff nis meet of the xrar. This tourna- chopper. The object in his hand is a hoe and Billy knows what to do with it. Billy has been successful as a farmer since he bought the 30 acres near Canutillo. couldn't get to them.

He won three rnent will be played over Labor Dav RUINED OWN CAUSE Chicago, Aug. 17 (AP) Taking advantage of Oil lard's wildness in the eighth inning to score two runs, the Cubi defeated Philadelphia, Sto 4, today and retained their two and one-half game leadership In the v- 1 1 i I) I- I 1 I tu Aug. 3D, 31, and September 1. Events xs ill he mrn'a open singles and Billy, who has many friends and games and the set at 6-3, In spile of MurfPa gallant efforti to stem the tide of defeat. The third was a repetition of the second, wiih Ed doubles, junior ainglex, and women's followers here, wants to meet Jack Since 1923 Bobby Jones has won 12 major golf titles.

He is the only man in the history of the game to win two British championshiDS Total. 44 17 17 11 Tot. la II I 21 II a Halle,) for lak. la sth. Hatted tor Klacher In th.

Petrolt SfO 010 301 IS W.is!ilnton 010 0P0 0PO 1 Ituna, Funk 1. Koenla I. Oehrlnrer 1 2. Mi Banua 2. Htone 2.

Kaat-erlir. 3. Kuhel. Hun. batted In.

Kielerlin. 1, Mr-Mqnu. 2, Xt, Alexander. Hhevltn. Two bait hlta.

Koaiilc, Oehringar Eaaler- Telephone In eniries l.i Ha at r. r.i..i il.a -i. 10:1 U'lllo. Beynolds in El Paso soon. Billy-lost the only match of bis recent lip.

1. Funk 2. Alex.nder. Cronin Three icauc. oaj baa hit, Kuhel.

Ktruck nut by Crowiler Phillies fairly well in bond, while KorreH Fiacher 1- Uii'i i ruinorl hit oi cause in the plteher, Crowder. Krrora, 14 3. Klce kuhel, Fiacher. I eighth by walking two men and bit- UMlllft iiiuino irtnuai sunn uo nit van mil, ..1. 1 ,0 ground for placement aces.

Cound, M. 32G9, or the Tennis club, Cbew was playing the best tennis M. 8227-J. nd one of the to American cham-1 campaign in the east to the welter- plonships. I weight champion and believes he can.

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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