英语九年级人教版全册教案--英语九年级人教版全册教案 (2024)

1、Unit 1 How do you study fbr a test?Page 2, la, lb, 1c 课 时: Period 1 教学 H 的: Talk about how to study.Learn the use of “by doing something”重点难点: Useful expressions-How do you study ,? I study by doing 教学工具: courseware教学步骤:Step 1. Self-introductionThe new term has come. Ask the students to introduce themselves to the others and the teacher. Then ask what they did in the summer holiday. If possible, ask how they did that.Help the students use the construction I by doing”.Explain by”.Step 2. Discussi

2、onHave the students say what they think of English.Then tell each other how they study fbr an English test. See the phrases shown in the courseware, which is similar to la. Remind them to use “by doing.”Step 3. la. Checking the ways you studyAsk students to finish the task. They can add something else.Step 4. Ib.ListeningListen to the listening stuff of lb, which is recorded in the courseware (convenient to be repeated). Finish the task.Then the teacher asks, “How did Mei/ Pierre / Antonio study

3、?” Have some students give the answers, i.e. repeat the sentences by using “by doing Step 5. 1c. Making dialoguesWork in pairs or groups. Discuss first. Then make a short dialogue.Have the students share their work.Step 6. Writing.See the courseware. Fill in the blanks. Write down the answers on a piece of paper. Ask students to read their work.课 时: Period 2教学内容: Page 3, 2a, 2b, 2c and the grammar focus. 教学目的: Talk about how to learn English.Consolidate the use of “by doing somcthing 重点难点: Usefu

4、l expressions-Do you study by doing? Yes /No. (reason). 教学工具: courseware教学步骤:Step 1. RevisionMake a dialogue between the teacher and some students. Ask whether they like English, then tell the reason. Ask how they learn English.Step 2. 2a. ListeningSee the courseware. Explain any difficult points. Listen to the stuffy and check the answers. Have students repeat some main sentences, ready to practice dialogues.Step 3. 2b.ListeningFinish the task.Step 4. 2c.Doing a pairworkGive students some time

5、to talk about the contents of la and lb.See the courseware. Some patterns will help, such as Do you./ What about./ Have you ever./ How do you? ” and the possible answers.Share their dialogues.Step 5. Make a conversation.Ask students to tell the others their own experience about studying English by working in pairs or groups. Then make a conversation respectively.They can also use indirect speech, such as ”says she learns . by .“etc.Step 6. SummaryPoint out the main contents learnt these two days

6、.英语(九年级) 教学设计(3)课 时: Period 3教学内容: Page 4, 3a, 3b,教学目的: Practice reading.Learn useful expressions.Practice writing.重点难点: v + ing phrase used as a subjectfind/think + O + OC教学工具: courseware教学步骤:Step 1. Make a statement.Firstly the teacher asks a student a question and the student answers. Ask several.Then have many more students make a statement one by one to introduce how he / she learns English.Step 2. 3a. ReadingFirstly, read to the tape aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intona

7、tion.Read again, underline the useful expressions.Read once more. Fill in the chart. Check the answers.Step 3. Learn the useful expressions.1. Ask students to say the useful expressions they have underlined.2. Add if the students miss some.3. Learn some grammar:Ask a student to tell us how many sentences, which include v-ing phrase as a subject, are in the text. Point out the constructions. Explain why they are used.Teach the structure “find / think + O + OC” and other grammar.Step 4. 3b. Pairwo

8、rkGive the students a little time to prepare a role play.Ask some to share their work with the whole class.Step 5. ConsolidationIn Chinese, teacher says some important phrases from the text. Have the students tell us the English ones as quickly as possible.Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.The First PeriodTeaching Contents: Section A la, lb, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2cStep I Organization of class1 .Greeting2 .Warming upStep II Presentation1 . Words CompetitionShow the class many words of appearance and

9、personality. Get them to put the words in the right place.2 .Guess: Who is the boy?Show the class some information about Harry Potter:He is a boy. He is not tall. He has curly hair. He is easygoing. He is very smart. He can see strange things and so on.3.Show two photos of the teacher five years ago/ now. Ask the students some questions: What did I look like five years ago? What do I look like now?4.I ntroduce the new conversations in Unit 2.I used to be fat. I am thin now.I used to have long ha

10、ir. I have short hair now.I used to play basketball. I play ping-pong now.Step III Teaching Tasksl.Task One (Pairwork): Listening to the tape(1) Show the students two pictures and say something about the people in the picture.(2) Listen to the t叩e. Then fill in the blanks in lb, 2a, 2b.2 .Task Two (Groupwork): Describing different persons(1) Show the students a set of pictures, such as a movie star, a sportsman, a teacher.(2) Get the students to discuss in groups and take notes, such as: Jacky C

11、han used to have big eyes, but now he has small eyes.(3) Ask two or three groups to present their answers.(4) Which group does best?3 .Task Three (Team work): Survey(1) Ask the students to bring two photos of themselves to class.(2) Get the students to talk about the changes of their classmates and write down the key words in the fbnn.(3) Let the team leader present their survey results.(4) Who has changed most in your team?(5) Which is the best team?Step IV SummaryStep V Assign homeworkWrite a

12、composition about your classmate before and now.The Second PeriodTeaching Contents: Section A 3a, 3b, 4Step I Organization of class1 .Greetings2.Singing an English songStep II Revision1 .Revise the conversations that the students learned in the first period. Ask them to talk about some pictures.2 .Check the homework. Talk about what one person used to be like and she/ he is like now.Step III Presentationl.Show the class a picture of a big dog, then introduce the new conversations in 3a:I used to

13、 be afraid of big dogs. / V m still afraid of big dogs.2.Ask the students some questions like this:What did you use to be afraid of? / Are you still afraid of.?Step IV Teaching Tasksl.Task One (Pairwork): Match the pictures with the phrases.(1) Show the students six pictures about the phrases in 3a.(2) Ask the students to talk about the pictures in pairs and match them.2.Task Two: Put checks in the first two columns.(1) Show the students the first two columns about I, then get them to put checks

14、.(2) Ask a group of students to read out their answers like this:I used to be afraid of. / Im still afraid of.3.T ask Threc(Pairwork): Put checks in the last two columns.(1) Show the students the last two columns about “My Partner”.(2) Get the students to practice the dialogs in 3b.(3) Put checks in the columns.(4) Ask several pairs to present their answers.(5) Choose the best pair.4 .Task Four(Groupwork): A survey(1) Show the students a form about the activities.(2) Get the students to fill in

15、the blanks about I.(3) Get the students to ask their classmates and fill in the blanks about “My classmate”.(4) Ask the students to ask questions like this:What did you use to eat?/ What do you eat now?(5) Let two or three groups present their results.(6) Which is the best group?5 .Task Five (Teamwork): How has Zhongshan (中 山 ) changed?(1) Show the class several pictures of Zhongshan city 一 Past and Now.(2) Get the students to talk about the pictures and write down the key words on the paper.(3)

16、 Ask two or three team leaders to present their opinions.Step V SummaryStep V lAssign homeworkGet the students to write a composition abouCZhongshan has changed a lot! The Third PeriodTeaching Contents: Section B la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3aStep I Organization of classWanning upStep II Checking up the homeworkl.Ask two students to read out their compositions (Zhongshan has changed a lot!).2.Get students to discuss the compositions.Step III Presentationl.Show the class four pictures in la.2 .Ask studen

17、ts to describe what is happening in each picture:A girl is exercising in gym class.A girl is painting a picture.A boy is singing.A boy is looking at some insects.3 .Ask students to check the things they liked to do when they were very young.Step IV Teaching Tasksl.Task One (Pairwork): I used to like to.(1) Point out the lines under the picture in lb.(2) Ask students to write down different things that they used to like to do.(3) Get students to discuss the answers in pairs, then ask some student

18、s to read out their sentences.2 .Task Two: Listening practice (2a, 2b)(1) Ask students to listen to a dialog between a boy and a girl.(2) Ask students to check the sentences on the list that they hear on the recording.(3) Check the answers in 2a.(4) Play the recording again. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear.(5) Correct the answers in 2b.3 .Task Three (Pairwork): Making up dialogs(1) Teach students the conversation in 2c.(2) Say some sentences using Did you.? and the an

19、swers Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.(3) Ask students to make similar dialogs in pairs.(4) Call on different pairs to read out their conversations to the class.4 .Task Four (Groupwork): A debate(1) Show students a survey that the teacher did before the class.(2) Get them to discuss their hairstyles in the past and now like this:I used to have . hair, but now I have . hair.(3) A debate-Should students choose their own hairstyle? Why or why not?5 .Task Five: Reading Practice(1) Get students to read the

20、story in 3a.(2) Ask students to complete the chart about Rose Tang then and now.(3) Check the answers.Step V SummaryStep VI Assign homeworkl .Ask students to Complete the letter in 3b (How Ive changed!).2 .Get students to talk to their parents and fill in the chart in 4a.The Fourth PeriodTeaching Contents: Section B 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, Self Check.Teaching Procedures:Step I Organization of classStep II Checking up the homeworkl.Ask some students to read out the letter (How Ive changed!).2.Get student

21、s to discuss their answers and choose the best one.Step III Teaching Tasks1 .Task One (Pairwork)Ask students to finish 4a before the class-Talk to their parents and fill in the chart in 4a.2 .Task Two (Groupwork)(1) Ask students to talk about the contents in 4a with their classmates.(2) Choose two groups to present their answers.3.T ask Three (Teamwork): How has Yu Mei changed!(1) Get students to talk about the pictures in Self Check 2.(2) Ask students to use the drills in Unit 2 to describe the

22、 pictures.(3) Ask students to write down a composition about Yu Mei on the paper.(4) Ask two or three of them to read out their compositions in class.(5) Choose the best one.4.Task Four (Teamwork): A survey- How has our life changed?(1) Show students some information in Unit 2.(2) Ask students to talk about how their life has changed since primary school and fill in the blanks in the survey form.(3) Ask the team leaders to present their survey results.(4) Choose the best team.5.T ask Five: A com

23、position about the changes in our life(1) Get students to write a composition on the paper.(2) Ask students to exchange their compositions and correct them.(3) Show the class one or two good compositions.Step IV SummaryStep V Assign homeworkFinish Part One of Self Check.The Fifth PeriodReading- E-mail EnglishStep I Organization of classl .Ask the whole class some questions:What subjects do you study at school?What subject do you like best? Why?2 .Talk about the usage and importance of English.St

24、ep II Introducing E-mail EnglishWhat does e-mail English mean? What is it used for?Step III Teaching Tasksl.Task One (Pairwork)(1) Ask students to talk about the words in Part 1.(2) Ask students to fill in the chart with their partners and try to think of some more.(3) Check their answers.2 .Task Two: Matching(1) Get the students to read the whole article as quickly as they can.(2) Try to finish the exercise in Part 2Match each paragraph with its main idea.(3) Check the answers.3 .Task Three: De

25、ep Comprehension(1) Tell the students to read the article more carefully again.(2) Try to finish the exercise in Part 3Match the words and expressions with their meanings.(3) Try to finish the exercise in Part 4Find words or phrases for 1-5.(4) Check their answers.4 .Task Four (Pairwork)(1) Ask the students to finish Part 5 in pairs.(2) Write a message to their partner using the e-mail English in this reading or other e-mail words.(3) Let some students read out their e-mails.(4) Choose the best

26、one.Step IV SummaryStep V Assign homeworkWrite a reply to your partner, using the e-mail English as much as possibleUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.I. Learning objectives 教学目标SkillFocus Talk about what you are allowed to do.Learn to talk about “agree” and “disagree”.Talk about the rules around the students.Learn to make rules or change rules reasonably.LanguageFocus功能句式 Talk about what you are allowed to do (Pl8) I think teenagers should be allowed to drive.Student

27、s should not be allowed to have part-time job.Talk about agree” and “disagree” (P19)I think students should be .I disagree. They talk .I agree.Do you think .?No, I dont.Talk about the rules (P20-22)We have a lot of rules .So do we.My friends and I goy to talk about the rules .What school rules do you think should be changed?词汇 1 .重点词汇license, silly, study, present, member, sleepy, reply, possibly, drop, final, count, owner, sky, catch, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, director, smell, finger, l

28、ift, stone2 . 认读词汇pierce, earring, concentrate, design, opportunity, volunteer, local, mess, newsletter, obey, achieve, realistic, taught, Kathy3 . 词组get in the way, care about, instead of, stay up, concentrate on, at present, old peoples homestay up, be strict with, the other day, learn from, at present, be good fbr, English-English Dictionary语法 should + be allowed to doStrategyFocus 1. Reflecting2. transforming informationCultureFocus What rules do they have at school/home?What school or other

29、 rules do you think should be followed /changed?II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1 .教材分析本单元以 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 为话题, 共设计了 四个部 分的内容:Section A该部分有4 个模块:第一模块围绕What should teenagers be allowed to d o ?这一话题展开思 维 ( l a ) 、听 力(l b ) 、 口 语 (1 c)训练;第二模块围绕“agrees and disagrees” 进行 听 力(2a2 b ) 、口 语(2 c )训练,并就所学语言结构进行总结(Grammar Focus);第三模 块 就 “about following the rules” 这一话题展开阅读训练(3 a )和角色表演训练(3 b );第四 模块继续就上一话题以小组活动形式展开讨论。Section B该部分有4 个模块:第一模块是词

30、汇的学习(l a ) 与 运 用(1 b );第二模块围绕“One of the school rules” 进行听力(2a2 b )、口语训练(2 c);第三模块继续围绕The rules in school这 一话题展开阅读(3 a )和角色表演训练(3 b );第四模块就如何Make a list of rules以写作形 式展开训练。Self Check该部分有2 个模块: 第一模块以填空形式对所学词汇进行训练; 第二模块就一封信围绕“agree or disagree进行阅读和写作的训练。Reading该部分共设置了 5 项任务: 第一项任务以小组问题讨论的方式激活学生相关背景知识;第 二项任务让学生通过阅读获取信. 息;第三项任务利用造句、寻找信息、讨论等练习形式加深 学生对阅读内容的理解; 第四项任务要求学生能运用所学知识解决实际问题: 第五项任务要 求学生完成介绍名人童年生活及成功之路的任务。2 . 教材重组和课时分配Period I (Section A: la, lb, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c) New function presentingPeriod II

31、 (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4) PracticePeriod III (Section B: la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c) Integrating skillsPeriod IV (Section B: 3a, 3b, 4, Self Check 1, 2 & Workbook) ReadingPeriod V (Reading: Section 1Section 4) Extensive ReadingIII. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Period I New function presentingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语allow, drive, pierce, driver, license, silly, earring, instead of2. Key sentences 重点句子I think students should be allowed to go out with their friends. (Pl8)I agree

32、. / 1 disagree. (Pl9)Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night? (Pl9)Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to talk about things they are allowed to do and show “agree or disagree. Emotion & attitude goals情感和态度目标Enable the students to understand some strict rules they have to follow.Strategy goals 策略 El 标Reflecting.Culture awareness goals 文化意识目标Follow the rules reasonably.Teaching important 教学重点Talk about what they arc allowed to do; agree and disagree.Teaching procedures a

33、nd ways 教学过程和方式Step 1 Revision and Lead-inAsk one or more students to show their work.T: (Greet as usual) In the last unit, we learned how to write an e-mail to friends. Can you tell me what you often write in your e-mails?S: We often write about our problems, our puzzles, sometimes our happiness and achievements to each other.T: How often do you surf the Internet?S: Once a week.T: If your parents dont allow you to surf the Internet and you cant write e-mails to your friends, what will you do?S:

34、 I wont be happy. Perhaps I will get annoyed with them.T: Well. That means you have your rules in your family though you are unhappy.S: Thats right.T: Wc need to communicate with our friends and parents. If you have different opinions with your parents, how can you communicate with them? We also have to obey our parents. This class well talk about what teenagers should do in our daily life.T: Now Td like you to see a picture.Show the picture.T: The students in the picture are from Chongqing. The

35、yre having a debating on the topic “What should teenagers be allowed to do? Because they think the topic is meaningful among teenagers. You are old enough to make clear what to do and what not to do. Only after you understand and follow the mles can you become useful people with a lot of abilities to our society. Most of middle-school students think they should be allowed to do all the things they like, fbr example, they think:They should be allowed to - choose their own clothes go out with thei

36、r friends have part-time jobs get their ears pierced- watch NBA matchesdo volunteer workdriveWrite the above expressions on the Blackboard.T: But actually teenagers have to obey some rules they dont like. What should you allowed to do and not to do is a big problem. Today we5re going to learn to talk about it. As a teenager, do you think you should be allowed to drive?S1: I think so.T: Can you tell us your opinion?SI: I think we are old enough. We should learn to drive.T: Thank you. And what abo

37、ut you, Lily?S2: I dont think we should be allowed to drive, because most of us are busy with our study. Besides, we dont have enough time to practice. And ifll be very dangerous.Ask for more examples from other students and write agree or D” on the blackboard.Step II BrainstormingT: Wonderful. (Then turn to another student). You look smart today, who bought you the T-shirt? S: My mother.T: Did she choose it fbr you?S: No, I was allowed to choose it myself.T: Thank you for telling us. Do you oft

38、en choose clothes fbr yourself?S: No, I couldnt choose last year. But this year my mother allows me to choose clothes for myself.T: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to choose clothes?S: Of course, I do.T: Great. Boys and girls, here are some more examples about what teenagers should be allowed to do or shouldnt be allowed to do. Lets look at the pictures on Page 18, module la. Read the statements together. Then think it over and circle A or D for agree or disagree.” A few minutes later.T

39、: Well, Li Yu, would you like to share your ideas with us?S: Of course. I circled 1,3, 4 with A, and 2, 5 with “D”.T: Can you tell us why you disagree with the statements 2 and 5?S: OK. The second one says uusixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive , I dont think it can come true in ourcountry; the fifth one “twelve years old should be allowed to choose their own clothes ”, I dont think they have correct comments on the materials or price.T: Terrific! Thank you very much for telling us. I th

40、ink everyone may have his answer. Any answer is correct if you can give out convictive reasons.Step III ListeningT: Now please look at the picture. From the three small pictures, what can you guess the girl wants to do?S: She says shes going to the mall with John. Because John just got his license. Perhaps she wants to buy a nice T-shirt. But I cant understand Picture 3 clearly. I can only be sure its something about piercing ears or earrings.T: Excellent. From the pictures we can just guess the

41、 main ideas. After listening to the recording, we can catch their meanings in detail. So listen to the tape carefully.Play the recording for the first time.T: All right. Most of you have circled T or F in the blanks. Now Til play it a second time, you may check your answers.Step IV Oral PracticeT: Please look at the statements in activity la and make conversations in pairs. The phrases in the box below can help you. First practice them in pairs.Move around the class and check their work. Offer l

42、anguage help if needed.T: (a few minutes later) Now whod like to share your ideas with others? Gentlemen first, please?Sample 1:SI: I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.S2: I agree. They are old enough. They can look after themselves well.T: Great. Thank you. Youve told us you can look after yourselves. Another pair, can you tell us something else?Sample 2:S3: I dont think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.S4: I agree. Ifs too silly to wear

43、earrings in the school.T: Wonderful. Thanks a lot. Not all girls wear earrings now, but in some parts of the country, girls still do so. And who can give us more examples?Sample 3:S5:1 think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.S6:1 disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.T: Very good! Thank you very much. Do your parents allow you to study with your friends? Encourage them to talk more about the reasons and their own opinions.Step V Listening PracticeAsk the students to

44、look at the picture on Page 19.T: We can see three persons in the picture. Are they talking to one another?S: No, two girls are talking, and the boy is working.T: Well, what are their conversations about? Does Molly agree, disagree or not know what Kathy thinks? Lets listen to the tape for the first time. Please circle “Agrees, Disagrees or doesnt know“ to show what Molly thinks.Play the recording for the first time. Then check the answers.T: Youll hear the satne conversation again, This time pl

45、ease number Kathys and Mollys answers in the correct order.Play the recording again, then check the answers.Step VI PairworkT: From the listening, we know that in our daily life teenagers should and should not be allowed to do a lot of things. In different countries people have different opinions on it. Now please make a list of four things you should or shouldnt be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner: What should or shouldnt you be allowed to do?Get several groups of students to

46、read their lists.Sample 1:SI: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have mobile phones?S2: Yes. Ifs convenient for students and their parents to communicate each other.Sample 2:S3: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have mobile phones?S4: No, 1 dont. Perhaps students pay more attention to short messages than study.Sample 3:S5: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to go on a trip by themselves?S6: Yes, I do. They may ask Travel Agency ”to help them.Step VII Grammar FocusAsk the

47、 students to read the example sentences in the Grammar Focus box on Page 19 together.T: (After that) In this class, we have learned “should be allowed to do and should not be allowed to do, (Pointing to the Bb) Who can tell us when to use them? What do they mean? From the sentences we have practiced, what can you conclude?SI: Its a passive voice. In active voice, if we say, “should allow someone to do sth we can say, “someone should be allowed to do sth. in passive voice sentence.T: Thank you. A

48、nyone else can add it up?S2: If shouldnt someone to do sth. We can use “someone shouldnt be allowed to do sth”.T: Of course. And if you think so, you can s a y. (Get students to fill in the blank)S3:1 can say, I agree.”T: Quite right. If you dont think so, you can a n s w e r . (Get them to fill in it again)S4:1 can answer, disagree.”T: Yeah. Besides, you can add your opinions after it.Step VIII PracticeT: Here are some exercises. Please look at the screen and do it quickly.Show the following.Ex

49、 1 Draw lines to make sentences.1.Little children shouldnt be allowed toa. play after class.2.Students should be allowed tob. go into the classroom.3.Girls shouldnt be allowed toc. watch TV too long.4.If you are late, you should be allowed tod. smoke.5.Students should be allowed toe. wear skirts in P.E classEx 2 Write about two things you are allowed to do and not allowed to do. Sample answers :1. Tm allowed to have some change with me.2. Tm not allowed to have a fight with others.3. Tm allowed

50、to ask for a leave if Im sick in P.E lesson.4. Tm not allowed to copy others homework.Step IX HomeworkT: Two tasks for you:I. Listen to the conversation repeatedly.2. Try to remember the dialogue in the recording. Practice more with your partners.Unit 4 What would you do ?Language goal: Talk about imaginary situations .Structure : What would you do if . ?If I were you, Td .Important point: Talk about imaginary situations .Difficult point: How to use “ Would you do sth. if.?The Subjunctive MoodSe

51、ction A : The First Period ( la , lb , 1c )GoalsT o learn to use Second conditional and Should for adviceT o listen and talk about imagined lifeTeaching point: The Subjunctive MoodDifficult point: The Subjunctive MoodTeaching Methods : Scene teaching method / Teaching by induction / pair workTeaching Aids : A tape recorder / Computer powerpointTeaching Procedures :Step 1 Revision and Lead-inLead in by asking students these questions :1. What will you do if you are free tomorrow ?2. What will you

52、 do if it doesnt rain tomorrow ?Step 2 Listening and Speaking1. Ask students to read the picture on Page 26.T: When we talk about things that havent happened, we can use the words I would or Id. Now look at the picture on Page 26. What can you see in the picture?S: We can sec some people, a school, a zoo, a research lab, a bank.T; What are the people in the lower part of the picture doing?S1: Maybe they are thinking about the answers to the question shown in the picture.S2: The woman is reading

53、a newspaper and they are all thinking of the answers to the question.T: Pretend you are the people in the picture, what would you do if you had a million dollars?S3: Id buy a beautiful car.Write buy a beautiful car on the blackboard.S4; Td build a research lab.S5; Td give it to the Hope Project.S6: Id travel around the world.S7: Td give it to medical research. .2, Ask for more ideas fi om the students. Write their ideas on the blackboard.3. Show the following to the students and then ask them to

54、 practice in pairs.-What would you do if you have a million dollars?-I would (Fd).4. Students work in pairs and make dialogues.Step 3 ListeningAsk the students to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those in the recording .T: Next well hear a conversation about how to spend a million dollars. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to get the order you hear.1. Play the tape for the first time.T: For the second time, please number the picture in the order

55、 you hear them.2. Play the tape for the second time. Then check the answers.Step 4 1C Doing pairworkLets pretend that we are the people in the picture on page 26. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars ?1. Get the students to read the conversation .2. Have the students to work in pairs .3. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues .Step 5 Language points explanation :Step 6 Homework1. Ask the students to do more practice as required in 1c on Page 26.2. Ask th

56、e students to prepare for the next period: Think about if you have any worries or problems in daily life.3. Ask the students to finish some exercises in Unit 4 .Section A : The Second Period ( 2a , 2b , 2c , Grammar Focus )GoalsT o master some language points To go on learning The Subjunctive MoodIf I were you , Id .T o improve the students listening abilityTeaching point: The Subjunctive MoodDifficult point: What if.?Teaching Methods : Explanatory method / Teaching by induction / pair workTeach

57、ing Aids : A tape recorder / Computer powerpointTeaching Procedures :Step 1 RevisionReview The Subjunctive Mood by asking the students this question : What would you do if you had a lot of money ?Then do some translation .1 如果我有很多钱,我会把它捐给慈善机构。2 如果我有很多钱,我会把它放进银行的。3 如果我有一百万美金,我会买一所大房子的。Step 2 2a Listening and circlingI. Listen to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why Larry is nervous.2. Check the answers with the students .( 2 ,3 ,5 )3 Listen again and write down all the expres

58、sions in the book.be nervous, / be late for / at the partyWhat to w ear疑 问 词 +动词不定式4. Read these sentences together .Step 3 2b Listening and checking1. Listen to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things Larrys sister says to him.2. Check the answers with the whole class .3. Language points explanation : say to sb.worry about / be worried about talk to sb. / talk with sb.have to do sth.If I were you , Id wear a shirt and tie .If I were you , Id be a little late .If I were you , Id take

59、 a small present.4. Read these sentences together . Pay more attention to No. 1 ,3 ,4 .Step 4 2c Doing pairwork1. First give an example , then get them to work in pairs .For example :Xu Linfeng, you are Larry. Men Yating, you are Larrys sister. Xu is going to talk about his worries and Men is going to give him advice.X: 1 dont know what to wear. M: If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie.X: I dont have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? M: If I were you, Id take a small present- a

60、 pen or something.X: What if I dont know anyone? M: If you dont know anyone, you can talk to Tom. Hellintroduce you to people.2. Explain What if.? and everyone elseeg. : 1 如果他不来, 我们怎么办?2 如果我们迷路了,怎 么 办 ?Step 5 Grammar Focus1. Go through the sentences with the students .2. Explain the use of The Subjunctive Mood表示一种不可能实现的愿望时使用。是一种假设。3. Explain the structure of The Subjunctive MoodI f 引导的从句用过去时,主句用would+ V4. Get the students to read the sentences together .5. Practice:Have the students made some se

61、ntences by using The Subjunctive Mood .Step 6 Summary1. Learn to use The Subjunctive Mood .2. To remember the language points .3. Can use What if. ? ”Section A : The Third Period ( 3a , 3b , 4 )GoalsT o understand the students problems .T o go on learning The Subjunctive MoodIf I were you , Id .T o practice the students oral abilityTeaching point: The Subjunctive MoodDifficult point: Attributive ClausesTeaching Aids : Computer powerpointTeaching Procedures :Step 1 RevisionReview 2a and 2b in the

62、 second period .Read 2a and 2b together and get the students to pay attention to the sentences of The Subjunctive Mood .Step 2 3a Reading and matching1. Go to page 28. Read the problems in the boxes and match them with the correct advice.2. Write down all the expressions.be shy / what to say / get nervous / lots of / go to bed / look terrible / do well /take a walk / look friendly / feel shy4. Explain too . to and give more examples .He is too young to go to school.She is strong enough to lift t

63、he box .We are too careless to make many mistakes .Step 3 3b ( Oral practice )1. Come to 3b , ask the students if they have different advice for the problems in activity 3a ,talk in pairs .2. Ask a pair to read their conversation . Step 4 41. Read the instructions to the class .2. Ask a student to read the sample conversation in the box .3. Have the students form groups of four to talk about the conversation in groups . Step 5 Summary1. To master the language points in 3a .2. To master the sente

64、nces of the Subjunctive Mood .Step 6 HomeworkI. Try to remember the language points in this period .2. Finish the exercises in Section A o f 双语报。Section B : The Fourth Period ( la lb 2a 2b 3a )GoalsT o understand the personality survey . To go on learning The Subjunctive MoodWhat would you do , if.?T o practice the studentsr listening ability .T o practice the studentsJ oral speaking ability .Difficult point: The Subjunctive MoodTeaching Aids : Computer powerpoint Tape recorderTeaching Procedure

65、s :Step 1 RevisionReview some expressions :1. What to say / get nervous / look terrible / do well / take a walk2. too . to .Step 2 la1. Wanning up by learning about personalityAsk the students what is personality? What is your personality?2. Describing and fillingHave the students turn to page 29 and fill in the blanks with words given.Step 3 1 b1. Ask the students in lb Which words in activity la describe you? Tell your partner.What are you like? I think I am creative and outgoing, provide some

66、 words used to describe people for the students .2. Have the students work in pairs . Step 4 2a1. Point to the chart and tell students that it is a quiz from a teen magazine .2. Read the instructions and point to the four questions . Read the questions to the class or ask different students to do it.3. Listening and checkingCelia is asking Bill questions from a personality survey. Check the questions Celia asks.4. Point out some language points in 2aGive a speech / in front of / have a cold / te

67、ll sb. to do sth. / start doing sth. / want to be / wait for sb. / have dinner / introduce oneselfStep 5 2b1. Read the instructions and point to the list of questions and answers in 2a .2. Play the recording again .3. Check the answers .Step 6 3a3a Reading and filling1. Get the students to look at the survey in 2a and read the personality survey result below on page 3O.then fill in the blanks with a, b or c.2 .Check the answers with the students .3 . Explain some points :annoy sb. / plenty of /

68、be easy to do sth. / get along with / like doing sth.rather than / rather . than .Step 7 3 b1. Have the students to look at 3b .2. Read the example to the class .3. To write down their own personality survey based on the that in 2a.4. As students works , move around the classroom checking their work and offering language assistance as needed.Step 8 Summary1. The Subjunctive Mood2. Some useful expressions .Step 9 HomeworkSection B : The Fifth Period (1 ,2 )GoalsT o use the vocabulary in 1 Can wri

69、te a reply according to the e-mail.T o master some language points .Difficult point: How to write a reply well ?Teaching Aids : Computer powerpoint Tape recorderTeaching Procedures :Step 1 RevisionReview 2a in Section B1. Read 2a together .2. Get the students to translate some useful expressions .Step 2 SELF CHECK ( 1 )1. Filling the blanksAsk students to fill in the blanks on their own .On page 31 is a box with sentences in black. Read them and fill in the blanks with a correct word given. Make

70、 changes to the form if necessary.2. Check the answers .3. Ask students to make sentences with the words .Step 3 (2 ) Write1. Reading an e-mail. Read the instructions to the class .2. Explain the e-mail and some language points .Want sb. to do sth. / be sure / in fact / be shy / want to do sth. / let sb. down / be terrified of doing sth. / think of / come up with3. Guide students to write the reply . Students are required to finish it individually .4. Get one or two and explain their mistakes .S

71、tep 4 SummaryStep 5 HomeworkFinish the exercises in Unit 4 .Section B : The Sixth th Period (Section 1 ,2 ,3 )GoalsT o know the problems and accidents the teenagers haveG o on The Subjunctive MoodT o master some language points .Difficult point: How to understand the article well ?Teaching Aids : Computer powerpoint Tape recorderTeaching Procedures :Step 1 RevisionReview some useful expressions in the Fifth period .Make speech / in fact / want sb. to do sth./ want to do sth. / let sb. down / com

72、e up withStep 2 Lead inLead in Section 1 by talking in groups .Discuss these : Have you ever seen accidents ?What kinds of accidents do you know ?What is the biggest problem a teenager has ?Step 3 Section 2I. Have students read the reading materials .2. Answer some questions about the two pages .What would you do if you bumed yourself by accident ?What would you do if you injured your knee ?What would you do if someone offer you cigarettes ?What would you do if you get pimples ?Step 4 Language p

73、oints explanationkinds of / by accident / hurry to do sth. / find out / stop doing sth. / more than / a few / of course / tell sb. to do sth. / agree to do sth. / in a public place / ask sb. for Step 5 Section 3 3aAsk students to pool the knowledge they have to answer the two questions .Step 6 3bAsk students to go through the accidents mentioned in the reading then discuss .Step 7 Summary1. Accidents and problems teenagers have .2. Pay attention to the Subjunctive Mood3. Remember the usefiil exp

74、ressions .Step 8 Homework1. Finish the exercises in unit 42. Review the language points .Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.I . Analysis of the Teaching Material1.Status and FunctionThe topic of this unit is a picnic, In this unit, students learn to make inferences.Such topic is helpful to activate students* imagination and improve students ability to deduce. Either less or more advanced students will be active in the activities in class. So it*s useful to improve students1 spoken English and commun

75、icative competence.(1) The first period mainly introduces the key vocabulary and the target language to students. Through listening and oral practice, students have a brief understanding of how to make inferences.(2)In the second period, students learn the exact meanings of the words must, might, could and cant.Meanwhile, students practice listening and writing the target language.(3) When reading an article, students cant help meeting with some new words. In the third period, students arc asked

76、 to practise using the target language by talking about the new words, Ifs helpftil to arouse students* learning interest and improve students listening and speaking skills.(4) The fourth period gives students further listening and oral practice using the target language by talking about an alien is chasing a man.In this class, students have a better understanding of the words must, might, could and can*t.(5) In the fifth period, students learn more vocabulary words first, and then practice read

77、ing and writing the target language. All the activities arc designed to improve students1 reading and writing skills.(6)In the last period, students learn a lot of proverbs. Proverbs are fiill of truth and advice. Students will benefit a lot in this class.2. Teaching Aims and Demands(I) Knowledge ObjectsIn this unit, students learn to make inferences using the words must, might, could and cant.(2) Ability ObjectsTo train students* listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.To train students

78、* ability to deduce.(3) Moral ObjectsWhen you are on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy.Well benefit a lot by learning proverbs.3. Teaching Key PointsTo learn the key vocabulary words and the target language.To learn to make inferences using the words must, might, could and cant.4. Teaching Difficult PointsTo train students* listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.To enable students to grasp the usage of must, might, could and cant.5. Studying

79、WayTeach students how to make inferences using must, might, could and cantII. Language FunctionMake inferencesIII. Target LanguageWhose volleyball is thisIt must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.It could be Teds.IV. Structuremust, might, could and cantV. Vocabularypicnic, chase, escape, belong to, toy car, plate*, mystery, appointment, worried, wake, neighbor, garbageVI. Recyclingsuit, land, volleyball, magazine, book, CD, bat, earring, T-shirt, UFO, whose, owner, exercise, dream, anxiousV II. Le

80、arning Strategies1. Sequencing2. DeducingV U I. Teaching TimeSix periodsThe First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularybelong, belong to, plate, author, toy, picnic(2)Target LanguageWhose book is thisIt must be Marys. Wanda Wilbur is her favourite author.2. Ability Objects(I) Train students* listening skill.(2) Train students communicative competence using the target language.3. Moral ObjectsWhen you are on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our e

81、nvironment clean and tidy.Il. Teaching Key Points1. Key vocabulary2. Target languageIII.Teaching Difficult Points1. Listen for the target language2. Oral practice using the target languageIV.Teaching Methods1. Scene teaching method2. Listening method3. PairworkV.Teaching Aids 1. Blackboard drawings 2. A tape recorder 3. A projectorVI.Teaching Procedures Step I RevisionCheck homework. Invite different students to say the answers to the exercises on pages 1214 0f the workbook.Step II laThis activi

82、ty introduces the key vocabulary.Write the key vocabulary words on the blackboard, belong v. belong to plate n. author n.toy n. picnic n.Say the words one by one and have students repeat several times until they can read them fluently and accurately.Ask different students to explain in their own words the meanings of the words belong to, author and picnic.Belong means to be owned by somebody. An author is a writer of a book or a play. A picnic is a meal eaten out of doors.Then invite two student

83、s to draw a plate next to the word plate and a toy car next to toy.Focus attention on the picture. Have students point to each item and say its name. Call students attention to the chart with the headlines clothing. Fun things and kitchen things at the top. Invite different students to explain the meanings of the column heads.Say, Please look at the picture and write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. Point out the sample answers. Get students to complete the task on their o

84、wn. As they work, move around the room checking their progress and answering any questions they may have.Show the correct answers on the screen by a projector. Clothing Fun things Kitchen Things hat volleyball plate jacket CD cups T-shirt toy car magazine book Step III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Call students* attention to the chart. Set a time limit of two minutes. Students read the persons, the things and the reasons.Say

85、, You will hear a conversation. As you listen, draw lines to connect the person in the firstcolumn with the thing in the second column. Then draw another line to connect the thing in the second line with the reason in the third column.Point out the sample answer. Say, The name Carla in the first column connects to volleyball in the second column because thafs the thing they are talking about. And the word volleyball in the second column connects with the sentence she loves volleyball in the thir

86、d column.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.Check the answers.AnswersJanes little brother-toy car-He was the only little kid at the picnic.Mary-book-Wanda Wilbur is her favourite author.Carla-volleyball-She loves volleyball.Deng Wen-magazine-He loves cats.Grace-CD-She always listens to classical music.TapescriptGirl 1: Whose volleyball is thisBoy l:It must be Carlas. She loves

87、 volleyball.Girl : How about this toy carGirl 2: Oh, that toy car must belong to Janes little brother. He was the only little kid at the picnic. And the magazine must belong to Deng Wen. He loves cats.Boy 1: Oh, and look, someone left a book.Girl 2: Oh, yeahThis book must be Marys. Wanda Wilbur is her favourite author.Girl 1: OKand how about this CDGirl 2: HmmmmmThe CD must belong to Grace. She always listens to classical music.Step N 1cThis activity provides oral practice using the target langu

88、age.Point to the picture in Activity lb. Invite pair of students to say the conversation in the speech bubbles.SA: Whose volleyball is thisSB: It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Point out the conversation in the box. Invite another pair of students to say it to the class.SA : Whose book is thisSB: It must be Marys. Wanda Wilbur is her favourite author.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Point out the chart in Activity lb. Say.Now work with a partner. Start by reading the conversations

89、in the picture and in the box: Then make conversations using the infbnnation in the chart in Activity lb. Talk about who each thing might belong to and give a reason. Get students to practice in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom listening in on various pairs and offering help with language and pronunciation as needed.After all the students have had an opportunity to ask and answer questions, stop the activity. Get different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.S

90、tep V SummarySay, In this class, weve learned the key vocabulary words belong to, plate, author, toy and picnic and done much listening and oral practice using the target language.Step VI Homework(1) Say and remember the spelling of the vocabulary words.(2)Say the conversations in Activity 1c to get a further understanding of the target language.Step V H Blackboard DesignUnit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section AThe First Period1. Key vocabulary:belong v.belong toplate n.author n.toy n.picnic n.2.

91、 Target language:Whose book is thisIt must be Marys.Wanda Wilburis her favourite author.Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 教案示例(2)I . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyband, hair band(2)Target LanguageWhose notebook is thisIt must be Ning*s. It has her name on it.Whose French book is thisIt could be Aiis. She studies French.Whose guitar is thisIt might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.Whose T-shirt is thisIt cant be Johns. Ifs much too small fbr him.2. Ability Objec

92、ts(1) Train students listening skill.(2) Train students* writing skill.(3) Train students* ability to deduce.3. Moral ObjectUse your mind, then make inferences correctly.II. Teaching Key Points1. Listening and writing practice using the target language.2. Make inferences using the target language.III. Teaching Difficult PointMake inferences using the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Practice method2. A gameV. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. Real objectsVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revis

93、ionRevise the conversations in lb. Get different pairs of students to talk about who each thing might belong to and give a reason.Step II 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language. Using a hair band, teach students to practice the words hair band, Point to the numbered list with blank lines after each number.Say. Bob and Anna found a backpack in front of their school. Listen and write down the things in the backpack. Point out the sample answer.Play the recording the

94、first time.Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Students write the correct words in each blank.Check the answers.Answers1. T-shirt2. hair band3. tennis ballsTapescriptBob: Oh, look! Whose backpack do you think this isAnna: I don*t know. Look, heres a school T-shirt.Bob: Well then, the person must go to our school. Oh! Here is a hair band, so the person cant be a boy.Anna: It could be Kumis hair band. She has long hair.Bob: Or the hair band might belong to Linda. She was at the

95、 picnic, wasnt sheAnna: Yes, she was. But then the backpack could belong to Rita. Shes always forgetting things.Bob: Oh, look! Tennis balls.Anna: Then it must be Lindas backpack.She has long hair and she*s on the tennis team.Bob: Youre right!Step III 2bThis activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Call students* attention to the chart. Point to the numbered list of sentences which contain a blank. Read the sentences to the class saying blank when coming to a wri

96、te-on line.Say, You are to hear the same recording again. This time please fill in the blanks in these sentences using the words must, might, could or cant. Point out the sample answer.Play the recording. Students listen and fill in the blanks.Check the answers.Answers1. The person must go to our school.2. The person cant be a boy.3. It could be Meis hair band.4. The hair band might belong to Linda.5. It must be Lindas backpack.Point to the box that contains the explanations of how to use the wo

97、rds must, might, could and cant. Read the explanations to the class.Use “must” to show that you think something is probably true.Use “might or ncould to show that you think something is possibly true.Use cant to show that you are almost sure something is not true. And then have different students explain in his/her own words what each word means. Encourage students to make their own sentences using these words. For example, fbr the word must, a student might say, The English magazine must be Li

98、Leis. He likes reading English magazines very much.Step VI 2cThis activity provides writing practice using vocabulary introduced in the unit.Read the instructions to the class. Point to the list of sentences that contain a blank. Say, Please fill in the blanks with the words from this unit. Some answers will vary. Elicit the first answer from the class (The notebook must/might be Mings. It was on her desk).Get students to complete the task on their own. As students work, move around the classroo

99、m answering any questions they may have and offering help as needed.Check the answers.AnswersThe notebook must/might be Ming*s. It was on her desk.The homework cant be Carlas. She wasnt at school today.The soccer ball might be John*s or Tonys.They both play soccer, dont theyThe French book must be Li Yings. Shesthe only one whos studying French.I cant find my backpack. It might/must be still at school.The photo must be Lus. Those are his parents.The red bicycle cant be Hu*s. She has a blue bicyc

100、le.The ticket might be my aunts or uncles.They are both going to the concert.Step V Grammar FocusAsk students to say the questions and answers in pairs. At the same time, write them on the blackboard.SA: Whose notebook is thisSB: It must be Nings. It has her name on it.SA: Whose French book is thisSB: It could be Alis. She studies French.SA: Whose guitar is thisSB: It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.SA: Whose T-shirt is thisSB: It cant be Johns. Ifs much too small for him.Invite a st

101、udent to underline the words must, could, might and can*t and then write them in a list on the blackboard.Ask students, what does it mean when you say something must be true How sure are you that it is true 100 percent 50 percent 10 percentWhen a student answers 100 percent, write it next to the word must on the blackboard.Repeat the process with the words might, could and cant.Optional activityAsk all but four students to put their heads down on their desks. Meanwhile, collect one item each fro

102、m the four students.Play the game like this:T: (Holding up a pen) Whose pen is thisSI :It could be Li Leis.T: Li Lei, is this your penL: No, it isnt.T: It cant be Li Leis. He says its not his.S2:It might be Wu Juns.T: Wu Jun, is this your penW: Yes, it is.T: He says ifs his. The pen must be Wu Juns.(Holding up a notebook)Whose notebook is thisS3: It must be Li Nas. I gave it to her as a birthday present.Repeat the process with the other items.Step VI SummarySay, In this class, weve clone some li

103、stening and writing practice using* the target language. And weve learned how to make inferences using the words must, might, could and can*t.Step V JJ HomeworkMake two sentences each using the words must, could, might and cant.Step V ID Blackboard DesignUnit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section AThe Second PeriodTarget language:A: Whose notebook is thisB: It must be Nings.It has her name on it.A: Whose French book is thisB: It could be Alis She studies French.must 100%could 20%80%might 20% 80%cant

104、 0%A: Whose guitar is thisB: It might belong to Alice.She plays the guitar.A: Whose T-shirt is thisB: It cant be Johns.Ifs much too small for him.Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 教案示例(3)I. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularydrop, symphony, optometrist, appointment, algebra, crucial, count, because of, Chinese-English dictionary, Oxford University(2) Target LanguageWhat do you think anxious meansWell, it can*t mean happy”.It might mean worried.Oh, yes, she is worried bec

105、ause of her test.Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy.Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.2. Ability Objects(1) Train students* reading skill.(2) Train students* communicative competence using the target language.Moral ObjectWhen you are in trouble, send an e-mail message to your friends to ask for help.II. Teaching Key Points1.Reading practice2.Oral practice using the target languageIII. Teaching Difficult Points1. Key vocabulary2. Target languageI

106、V. Teaching Methods1. Practice method2. Pairwork3. A gameV. Teaching AidThe blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionRevise the usage of the words must, might, could and cant by checking homework.Ask students to exchange their exercises books and help correct any errors with each other, As they are doing this, move around the classroom offering language support as needed. Then invite different students to say their sentences to the class.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice u

107、sing the target language.Call students1 attention to the picture.Ask students to tell whats happening in the picture.T: Whafs the girl doingSs: She is using the computer to write e-mail.Point to the parts of the e-mail message.Tell students that this is the message the girl in the picture writes. Say, Right now the parts are in the wrong order. When they are in the right order, they will make a clear message. Now please read the parts carefully. Number them in order. When you arc doing this, you

108、 will meet with some words you dont know.Dont worry too much about them. Just circle them. Well talk about what they mean later.Get students to complete the task on their own. Point out the sample answer.Say. The first sentence of the e-mail message is Im really anxious, because I cant find my backpack.Check the answers.AnswersThe notes should be numbered in this order:524,3,1circled words might include anxious, symphony hall, algebra, optometrist appointment, crucial, count, dropStep III 3bThis

109、 activity provides oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Point to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to say it to the class.SA: What do you think anxious meanSB: Well, it cant mean happy”.SA: It might mean nworried.SB: Oh, yes. She is worried because of her test.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Say, You are to talk about the circled words in Activity 3a. Use the words cant, must, could or might as in the sample.Get students to work wi

110、th a partner. As they work in pairs, move around the classroom helping students with pronunciation and answering any questions they may have. Some time later, stop the activity. Ask different students to share their conversations with the class. Make a list of the words students are talking about on the blackboard.drop v.symphony n.opotometrist n.appointment n.algebra n.crucial adj.count v.because ofPractice the pronunciation of these words and explain the meaning of each word.Optional activityH

111、ave students write the new words inActivity 3b as well as other new words in this unit with the letters in scrambled order and then put two spaces after each word. Ask a student to write the correct spelling in the first space. Ask another student to write the meaning of the word in the second space. For example: xosainu anxious worried cuilarc crucial aegarbl Step IV Part 4This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Call students attention to the picture.Get students to name

112、each item in it.Write the new words Chinese-English dictionary and Oxford University on the blackboard. Point to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA: Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy.SB: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.Write the conversation on the black board. Explain the meaning of each sentence.Focus attention on the chart with the headlines Cant, Could/might and Must at the top. Point out the sam

113、ple answer.Read the instructions to the class.Get students to complete the task in pairs. As the pairs work together, move around the classroom helping students with pronunciation, sentence formation or anything else they ask for help with. Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Note: Answers to the chart will vary.Step V SummarySay, In this class, weve learned some vocabulary words, such as drop, symphony.And we*ve done much oral practice using the target language.Step VI Homewo

114、rk1. Read the letter in Activity 3a again for further understanding of the vocabulary words.2. Read the conversations in Activities 3b and 4 again for further understanding of the target language.3. Finish off the exercises on pages 1516 of the workbook. StepVII Blackboard DesignUnit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section AThe Third Period1. Vocabulary words: drop v. symphony n. optometrist n. appointment m algebra n. crucial adj.count v.because ofChinese-English dictionaryOxford University2. Target

115、language:(1)A: What do you think anxious” meanB: Well, it cant mean happy.A: It might mean worried”.B: Oh, yes. She is worried because of her test.(2) A: Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy.B: Welt, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.I. Teaching GuideAims 1. Learn how to express preferences and causes.2. Write a review of a book, a movie or a CD.SentenceStructure 1. What kind of music do you like?I like music that

116、 I can sing along with. What about you?I prefer music that has great lyrics.I love singers who write their own music.2. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music.Does Xu Fei like the Modems?No, he doesnt. He prefers.3. What CD did you listen to recently?Thats not really important to me.I like movies that are sad / that have scary monsters.Vocabulary prefer, lyric, remind entertainment, feature, photography, photographer, exhibition, gallery, suggest, honest, expect, on display, su

117、it, energy.Grammar Attributive ClauseTasks Task 1. The kinds of friends you like.Task 2. The school uniforms you like.Task 3. All about music.Task 4. A book, a movie or a CD reviews.II. Teaching Procedures and TasksWord Study1. prefer v .更喜爱,更喜欢 choose sth rather than sth else ; like sth better.1) prefer + n.I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.我更喜欢演唱轻柔音乐的组合 Jennifer prefers musicians who write their own lyrics.2) prefer sth to s th 比更喜欢Which would you prefer , coffee or milk ? 咖啡和牛奶

118、,你喜欢哪一个?I prefer milk to coffee.与咖啡相比,我更喜欢牛奶。I prefer walking to cycling.我喜欢步行,不喜欢骑自行车。3) prefer to do s th 宁愿做某事She prefers to be alone at hom e.她宁愿独自在家。2. dance to the m usic伴随着音乐跳舞sing along with the music 和着音乐一起唱3. remind sb of sb / sth 提 醒 , 使 记起This music reminds me of my childhood.这首曲子使我想起了我的童年。4. lyrics 歌词 rhythm 节奏韵律 melody/tune 曲调5. feature: n . 面貌的一部分( 眼, 口, 鼻等) ;显著的或有特色的方面、品质或特点A prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic.a feature of ones personality; a feature of t

119、he landscape 人格特征;地形特点6. photograph, n .照片,相片photography, n .摄影, 摄影术photographer, n .摄影师7. suggest: to bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke: 使人想到:通过逻辑或联想使想起或唤起;唤起:a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ring-like symbol suggesting unity.一朵让人想到蘑菇的云;让人想到团结的环状标记8. suit: to meet the requirements of; fit.适合,符合的要求:This candidate does not suit our qualifications.这个候选人不符合我们的条件9. expect vt. to look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of 期待 expecting a telephone call; expects rain

120、 on Sunday.等电话;等待星期天下雨 10. though1) adv.用于口语中, in spite of this; how ever; 尽管如此,然而”,放在句尾。I expect you rc rightT 1 1 ask him, though.我认为你说得对一我去问问他也好。She promised to phone. I heard nothing, though.她答应要打电话来,但我没听到回信儿。2) conj. although ; despite the fact that 虽然尽管”, 放在句首或句中不与but连用 She won the first prize , though none of us had expected it.她得了头奖,虽然这件事我们都没想到。Homework(1) Go over the new words and phrases.(2) Finish SB p49 1Period 1Task 1. The kinds of friends you like.1. Friends play a very important r

121、ole in our daily life. What kind of friends do you prefer? Make a list about the topic. Pay attention to who”.e.g. outgoing, not silly, love sports, can keep secrets.I prefer friends who are easygoing and generous.I like friends who love sports because.I dont prefer friends who are.2. Write a small article about what kinds of friends you prefer.e.g. Friends play an important part in my life. I prefer friends who are easygoing and generous. And I like friends who love sports because Im very good

122、at sports. I dont prefer friends who are shy or selfish. I like friends who I can tell my worries to, because I need help sometimes. I hope that I can make more friends.3. Note down all the sentences with the word who.Task 2. The school uniforms you like.1. In Unit 3, we talked about the kind of clothes we wear. Most of the classmates think we should be allowed to design our own school uniforms. Can you tell me what kind of school uniform do you prefer? Pay attention to “that” e.g. original, not

123、 ugly, out of style.I cant stand clothes that are.I dont prefer clothes that are.I prefer school uniforms that are.2. Write a small article about what kinds of school uniforms you prefer.e.g. I dont like our unifbnns at all because they are ugly. I cant stand clothes that are ugly and out of style. I prefer clothes that are unusual. And I dont prefer clothes that are not comfortable; I dont like clothes that are too expensive, either. If I can design our own uniforms, I will design clothes that

124、are fashionable and comfortable.Grammar Focus: Attributive Clause1. Pay attention to the two articles we wrote just now, and find out the rules of using that and “who”. Try to analyze some of the sentences.e.g. I have an apple. + An apple is redI have an apple that is red.I have an apple + ( that ) is red.修饰先行词an applee.g. I like my friends. + My friends like sports.I like friends who like sports.I like my friends + ( who ) like sports.修饰先行词my friends2. Show Ss the rules:1 ) 人 ( n.) + who+ 从句物 (

125、n.) + that + 从句2 ) 关系代词who / that的作用:a . 做代词,代替先行词b . 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语c . 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来3) who/th a t在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致 e.g. I prefer shoes that are cool.I like a sandwich that is really delicious.I love singers who are beautiful.I have a friend who plays sports.Homework(1) Workbook(2) Supplementary grammar excises.(3) Bring your favorite CD to class tomorrow.Period 2Task 3. All about music.1. Lead-in. Review the name of different kinds of music:pop, dance, Latin, rock & roll, classica

126、l, rap, country, folk, new age, light.2. Listening: la, 2a, & 2b.3. List as many as phrases to describe the kind of music:e.g. quiet, loud, gentle, energetic, slow, fast, exciting, crazy, not noisy, not too loud, can dance to, can sing along with, has great lyrics, can make me cry.List as many as phrases to describe the kind of musicians:e.g. can write their own songs, can play different kinds of music, can make us happy, can play original music.4. Interview your partner about his favorite music

127、 and musician. P46 4.e.g. What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?I prefer music that has great lyrics.What kind of music you dont like.I dont like music that is too loud.I cant stand dance music.What kind of singer or musician do you prefer / dont like?I love singers who write their own music.I cant stand male singers who keep crazy long hair.4. A CD Review: Reading P46 3a.Take our your favorite CD, and introduce your favorite CD to your partner. T

128、ake notes and make a CD review. P46 3b.e.g. What kind of music is it?Whats the name of your favorite CD?Why do you like this CD?Why is it so special to you?What do you dislike about this CD?What does it remind you of?5. Give us an oral report about your or your partners favorite CD. See 3a.Ask someone to play a song for the students. Then have a class discussion about the musical group and about that particular song. Ask students to raise their hand when they want to speak. Help students use the

129、 language they have learned to say what they like and dislike about the music.6. Write your own CD or music review.e.g. When I am stressed out, I always listen to music to relax myself. I like music that is quiet and gentle. So, my favorite music is country. This music is great because it has great lyrics. I dont like music that is too loud. I cant stand rap music. I prefer musicians who can write their original lyrics. I like singers who can sing the words clearly. My favorite singer is John De

130、nver. You can listen to his music at night with your bedroom light on. He is terrific, I think. The music reminds me of peacefill life.Homework(1) Writing: A CD / music review(2) WorkbookPeriod 3Game: A review of attributive clause1. Cut up slices of paper. On each slip, write a sentence starter describing a preference.e.g. I like songs that. I love clothes .I love singers . I prefer friends .I prefer music. I dont like books .I like food . I dont like people .2. Divide the class into two teams.

131、 (A-B / Boys-Girls) Place the slips in a paper bag. Invite the first student from team A to take a slip and look at it. He or she has ten seconds to complete the sentences correctly. Pay attention to the use of that and who”. If he finishes the sentence correctly, he won a point for his team. Then, team B follows up.Task 4. A book, a movie or a CD reviews.1. Write down the name of your favorite book or movie. Interview each other P47 2c2. Listening 2a, 2b.3. Reading 3a. Ask the Ss to read 3a and

132、 complete the chart. Then check the answers.Pros ConsMovie The fishennans wife was funny. Its too long and its really boring.Exhibition There are many great photos of people and of the countryside. The few city photographs are less successful.Band They play the kind of music that I love to hear. Every song is really loud and often you cant understand the words.4. Self check 2.5. 3c. write a review of a book you have read, a CD you have listened to, or a movie you have seen.Homework(1) Writing: a

133、 review of a book, a movie or a CD.(2) WorkbookUnit 7 where would you like to visit?I. Analysis of the Teaching Material1. Status and FunctionIn this unit, students learn to talk about places they would like to visit. This is a topic that students will be very interested in. That will be very helpful to practice using the target language. All the students can make great progress in expressing the places which they would like to visit.(1) The first period mainly provides some new vocabulary to th

134、e students to describe different kinds of vacations. And it gives students practice in listening and speaking on the target language “Where would you like to go on vacation? Id love to visit Mexico.(2) The activities in the second period give students more listening and oral practice using more target language. They are helpful to improve students5 listening and speaking skills.(3)In the third period, students leam to get detailed infbnnation from an article. And they will dosome writing and ora

135、l practice as well.They will improve their reading, speaking and writing skills and know something about Singapore and some other places all over the world.(4) The fourth period provides more listening practice to train the students to understand the target language in spoken conversation and write the target language. It also provides some more oral practice using the target language.(5)The fifth period is designed to train students9 reading and writing skills.(6)The activities in the last peri

136、od are used to train students writing skill.2. Teaching Aims and Demands(1) Knowledge ObjectIn this unit, students learn to talk about places they would like to visit.(2) Ability ObjectsTo train the students, listening, speaking and writing skills using the target language.(3) Moral ObjectWherever you travel in the world, you are able to use English.3. Teaching Key PointTo help students learn and grasp the key vocabulary words and the target language.4. Teaching Difficult Points(1) To train stud

137、ents, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.(2) To train students communicative competence.5. Studying WayGet the students to know more about the world and be interested in traveling.Il. Language FunctionTalk about places you would like to visit.III. Target Language1. Where would you like to go on vacation?Fd love to visit Mexico.2 .1 hope to go to France some day.IV. StructureSecond conditional without if clauseHope toV. Vocabularyjungle, historic site, botanical garden, exotic, thril

138、ling, fascinating, peaceful, take it easy, tiring, educational, trek, explore, Singapore, touristy, customer, pack, light, heavy, downtown, provide, offerVI. RecyclingFrance, Brazil, Japan, vacation, zoo, mountain, dangerous, fun, relaxing, entertainment, shopping, hiking, visitVil. Learning Strategies1. Classifying2. Role playing .Teaching TimeSeven periodsThe First PeriodI .Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects(1 ) Key VocabularyTiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling, peaceful, exoti

139、c, trek, jungle, take it easy, explore, historic, site(2 ) Target LanguageWhere would you like to go on vacation?Ed like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations.2. Ability Objects(l)Train students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language.(2)Train students to describe vacations with different adjectives.(3)Train students, listening skill.3. Moral Object,It s more interesting to go on vacating somewhere instead of staying at home.II. Teaching Key

140、 Points1. Key VocabularyTiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling, peaceful, exotic, trek, jungle, take it easy, explore, historic, site2. Target LanguageTalk about different places with the target language.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Describe vacations with different adjectives.2. Talk about different places with the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by illumination2. Teaching by doing chain drills3. Teaching by pair workV. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder and a projector2.

141、Some pictures of different places with famous viewsVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the language points in Unit 6.Provides some questions, what kind of music does you like/love/prefer? What kind of clothes/writers/movies/. Do you like/love/prefcr?Then ask two pairs to make model conversations to the class to make sure they answer, I like/love/prefer music that.I prefer writers who.Next ask students to practice in pairs.Walk around the classroom listening to them, correct some erro

142、rs they may make and be sure they are answering with sentences with relative clauses.2. Revise the words and expressions in Unit 6 by dictating the following:Lyric, remind of, entertainment, exhibition, gallery, on display, energy, suggest, photograph, suitStep II laThis activity trains students to use the new vocabulary to describe the vacations.At first introduce the key vocabulary.Show the new vocabulary words on the screen by a projector:tiring a d .引起疲劳的;累人的educational a d .教育的;有教育意义的fascin

143、ating a d .迷人的; 有极大吸引力的thrilling a d .令人激动的; 令人震颤的peaceful a d .平静的;宁静的;和平的exotic a d .外( 国) 来的;外国产的trek v . ( 缓慢或艰难地) 旅行;长途跋涉jungle n . 热带丛林;密林take it easy从容;轻松;不紧张explore v.探险;考察historic a d .历史上著名的;历史上有重大意义的site n.地方;场所Point to the words and teach the children to read them several times till they can pronounce the words fluently and correctly.After that, try to let students explain the adjectives and make up sentences with them. For example, exciting, do like this:Lef s try to explain some ne

144、w adjectives in our own words and make up some sentences now. See exciting first. Who can explain it in your own words in English?What does exciting mean?Help the children to explain it. Exciting means not boring, or means hard to be quiet.Who can make up a sentence with it?Give an example sentence with it, please.Ask several ones to say their sentences to the class. For example,Surfing makes us exciting.The boy is very exciting when he is watching a football match.Then do the same with these ne

145、w words in the box: tiring, educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, exotic Read the instructions to the students. Be sure that everyone knows what to do.Tell students to look at the posters in the picture and compare them.Wc can see three posters. Tell me what you can see in each one.Then discuss the three posters with students. For Poster One, help students to say, it is a beach. A man with sunglasses is sleeping, etc.Do the same to the other two posters.Read the words on each poster to

146、students and then let them read together several times. Ask some ones to tell the Chinese meanings of the words to see if they can understand them. Do some explanation if necessary.Call the students* attention to the chart.Point to vacation 1, 2 and 3 in the chart.Say, Lets choose the adjectives from the box for the three vacations. The adjectives you choose should correspond with the posters. Now lets use Vacation 1 as a sample. Which adjectives should we choose? Who can tell me?Then ask severa

147、l students to tell the class the words they9vet chosen. Write down their answers on the blackboard like this:Vacation 1 Take it easy on a Florida beach!Adjectives: relaxing, peaceful, boringWho has got some other adjectives to describe it? Some other adjectives you know, but not in the box?Ask some to say more besides the ones in the box, such as quiet, lazy.Write them on the blackboard, too.Please fill in the chart with the adjectives now. Note to match the posters.Get them to fill in the answe

148、rs by themselves. As they work, move around the room checking their progress and answering questions they may have.Check the answers. Provide the possible answers on the blackboard.Possible answers includeVacation 1: relaxing, peaceful, boringVacation 2: exciting, tiring, dangerous. Educational, fascinating, interesting, fun, thrilling, exoticVacation 3: exciting, educational, peaceful, interestingStep III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken con

149、versation. Read instructions to students.Weall listen to three students talking about where they would like to go on vacation and why. See the sample answers in the chart. Write your answers like that while you hear. Look at the three posters in Activity la and do this part. Each one of the three students, Sam, Gina and Lydia, wants to go to one of the three places.Play the tape fbr the first time, and tell the students not to write in a hurry, just try to catch the main idea of the dialogue.The

150、n play the recording again. Ask them to write their answers this time.Check the answers.Answers1. Sam, Brazil, likes exciting vacations2. Gina, Japan, has been bored lately3. Lydia, Florida, has been stressed outTypescriptBoy 1: Look at those travel posters. Td love to go on a vacation.Girl 1: Where would you like to go, Sam?Boy 1: Td love to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.Girl 1: You would?Boy 1: Sure. I like exciting vacations.Girl 1: Would* that be dangerous?Boy 1: No, not really.

151、 How about you,Gina? Where would you like to go?Girl I: Well, Pvet been kind of bored lately.I think rd like to see the historical sites in Japan.Boy 1: Hmm, that would be fascinating.What about you, Lydia?Girl 2: Oh, Im stressed out. Id just like to relax on a beach. You know a beautiful beach in Florida.Boy 1: That sounds peaceful.Step IV 1 cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Present ate this dialogue, showing some pictures of the places with great interest a

152、ll over the world and say like this:Id like to travel to France. Td love to visit Paris, because I like relaxing vacations.Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam?Ask one student to answer the question.After that let him or her ask another student. Set off a chain drill like this:T: rd love to visit Paris, because I like relaxing vacations. Where would you like to go on vacation, SI?SI :Td like to climb Mount Email, because I like dangerous vacations. Where would you like to go on vacation,

153、S2?Ss: I prefer to travel to the USA, because 1 like exotic vacations. Where would you like to go on vacation, S3?S3.After a team finished get the children to make their own conversations in pairs.Ask two students to read the example in the speech bubbles in Activity la. Tell them to talk about the posters with their partners this time.As students work together, move around the classroom, offering language support as needed. Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step V SummaryIn

154、 this class, we?vet learned some adjectives that are used to describe vacations and some other words. We have also learned the target language- Where would you like to go on vacation? Id like to trek through the jungle because I like exciting vacations.Step VI Homework1. Try to remember the new key vocabulary.2. Write out three similar conversations to the example in the picture in Activity la.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section AThe First PeriodPossible answe

155、rs to Activity la:Vacation 1: relaxing, peaceful, boringVacation 2: exciting, tiring, dangerous, educational, fascinating, interesting, fun, thrilling, exoticVacation 3: exciting, educational, peaceful, interestingThe Second PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key VocabularyFall, Niagara Falls(2) Target LanguageWhere would you like to visit?Id like/hope to visit/see.rd like/love places where.2. Ability Objects(l)Train students, listening skill.(2) Train students5 communica

156、tive competence.3. Moral ObjectIt can make you know more about the world to travel much.II. Teaching Key Points1. New words fall, Niagara Falls2. Listening practice with target language3. Make communications with target languageIII. Teaching Difficult Points1. Train students5 listening practice with target language.2. Help students to make communications with target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening2. Pair works3. ExplanationV. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. Some pictures of Hawaii, M

157、exico and Niagara FallsVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision(1) Revise the target language by askingQuestion, where would you like to go on vacation? Get several students to give different answers.Then ask them to work in pairs to practice with:Where would you like to go on vacation?Id like/love to.because I like. Vacations.(2) Check homework by asking several ones to read their conversations.(3)Check homework by dictating the following words:Tiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling, relaxin

158、g, dangerous, exotic, trek. Jungle, take it easy, explore, historicAfter dictating, hove students check in pairs. Make a survey by asking them to put up hands to see how many have written out all the words correctly.Step 1 1 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students.Look at the four sentences in the box.They are from a conversation, but they are not in the right order. We will listen to a conversation talking about going on a vaca

159、tion. We can see the number in from of the fourth sentence. Its a sample answerPlease write the right numbers before the first three sentences in the blanks.Then play the tape. Students only listen this time. Try to catch the main idea of the conversation.Next play the tape again. Students listen and write the numbers in the blanks.Check the answers.AnswersThe sentences should be numbered in this order: 3 4 2 1TypescriptBoy I: Wouldt it be great if we could go on a vacation together?Girl 1: Yeah

160、. That would be wonderful!Boy 1: Where would we go?Girl 1: Well, I hope to visit Hawaii one day. Would you be interested in going there?Boy 2: Sure! I like places where the weather is always warm.Boy 1: But Hawaii is too touristy. Maybe we could go to Mexico. I love places where the people are really friendly.Boy 2: Well, Mexico would be nice, but we dont know the language. I hope to see Niagara Falls some day. What about going there?Girl I: Niagara Falls would be beautiful, but theres not much

161、to do there.Why dont we all go to San Francisco together? It has everything- beautiful views, friendly people, exciting things to do.Boy 2: Thats not a bad idea. If you pay for it.Step HI 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language, too.Read the instructions to students, and make sure that they know what to do.Look at the first coluinn, Place. Someone does?t like going to these places.Why? Choose the reason for each place from the second column. Write the letters of the

162、 reasons in the blanks before the places/Lefs read the contents in the chart first. Get them to read the places and reasons several times. Then say, weall listen to the same recording again. Listen and match each place with a reason for not going there. Play the recording again.Ask students to fill in their answers.Check the answersAnswers1.B2. A3. CSt叩 IV 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students. Tell them to use the infonnati

163、on in Activities 2a and 2b to role play conversations.(Holding a picture of Hawaii). I hope to visit Hawaii some day.Get a student to answer, so do I. I like places where the weather is always warm.Showing a picture of Mexico, ask two students to make up similar conversations. Note to use the information in Activities 2a and 2b.Do the same with the third place Niagara Falls.Say, now please role play the conversations in pairs, using the information in Activities 2a and 2b. Each pair makes one at

164、 least. As the students work, move around the room checking progress of the pairs and offering help as needed. Ask one or two move pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 5 Grammar FocusPresent ate the conversation below by saying to the students and writing it on the blackboard: Where would you like to visit?Id like to go somewhere relaxing.Draw a line under the word relaxing.Then ask the children the same questions and tell them to answer in their own words. For example,rd like to g

165、o somewhere interesting.Id like to go somewhere exotic.After asking several children to give answers with different adjectives, get them to practice in pairs. Each pair makes two conversations.Next ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Then say, the adjectives usually come before the nouns, such as, an educational vacation, a tiring trip. But in the sentences which are using the word something or somewhere, the adjective should be put after the pronouns. For example: Id l

166、ike to go somewhere fascinating.Id love to eat something delicious.After that, present ate another pair of sentences. Say to the students and write down on the blackboard:Where would you like to visit?I hope to go to France some day.Explain sentences with some day in English orally, like this,I hope to go to France some day. This sentence means I hope to go to France some day, but Im not sure I will. MaybeI will go there in the future and maybe I wont. The sentences with some day are often used

167、to express that.Then have the children make up more sentences.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we?vet done some listening practice with target language. We have also practiced our oral English in pairs.And we9vet discussed something on grammar.Step V H Homework1. Write out two pairs of sentences like this:Where would you like to visit?rd like to go somewhere relaxing.Where would you like to visit?I hope to go to France some day.2. Practice the target language orally with the classmates.Step V U I B

168、lackboard DesignUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section AThe Second PeriodI . Answers to Activity 2a:342 1II. Answers to Activity 2b:1.B2. A 3.cJIL Grammar Focus:1. Where would you like to visit?Ed Hke to go somewhere relaxing.2. Where would you like to visit?I hope to go to France some day.The Third PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key VocabularyTouristy, spotlight Singapore, beautiful, heavy, private, downtown, get around, Pack, light (2)Target LanguageWhere woul

169、d you like to go, Kathy?rd like to visit Cumming.2. Ability Objects(1) Train students reading skill.(2) Train students skill of coinmunication.3. Moral ObjectShare your experience on traveling in a city with your classmates and tell them what they should bring if they decide to visit it.II. Teaching Key Points1. Guide students to read the passage in Activity 3a.2. The new vocabularyIII. Teaching Difficult PointHelp students to talk to their partners about the cities they know.IV. Teaching Method

170、s1. Teaching by illumination.2. Teaching by asking questions.V. Teaching Aids1. A projector2. A video tape on Singapore or some photos, some photos of Dali anVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the target language they learned last class by asking where would you like to go on vacation? Get several children to answer Id like to.because.2. Check the homework by asking some children to read the conversations they wrote to the class.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice usin

171、g the target language.At first introduce the key vocabulary words. Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.touristy a d .游客很多的;游客常去的;适合游览的spotlight n . 公共注意中心Singapore n . 新加坡botanical a d .植物的;植物学的heavy a d .大量的;多的private a d .私人的;私有的downtown n . ( 城镇的) 商业区;中心区get around观光;到处走动pack v.把. . .打 包 ; 把 . . . . 装箱light a d .轻的Teach students to read the vocabulary several times until they can read them out easily and correctly.Read the passage quickly and try to answer the questions

172、 on the blackboard.Write these questions on the blackboard:1. What does Singapore have?2. What does Singapore have?3. Is Singapore also a wonderful place for shopping?4. What dont you plan on doing in Singapore? Why?5. What is easiest to do in Singapore?6. What is suggested to bring if you decide to go there? Why?A few minutes later (maybe two or three minutes), ask different students to answer the questions. Play the video tape of Singapore for students or show them some pictures.Next, read the

173、 instructions to students.Say, What things do you like about visiting Singapore and what things dont you like? Read the passage again. Circle the things you like about visiting Singapore and underline the things you dont like.Get them to finish the activity on their own.Check the answers.Possible answers may includeCircled:.there are many things to do. It has a very large zoo, a beautiful botanical garden and lots of museums. It is also a wonderful place to go shopping.Underlined: Singapore is a

174、 small city.It doest have any beaches or mountains. Dont plan on driving in Singapore.traffic is heavy.Most private cars are not allowed in downtown Singapore. Singapore is very hot all year round.Step III 3bThis activity provides reading, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to students. Make sure that they know what to do.Ask two students to read the sample conversation on the left in Activity 3b, SA: Where would you like to go, Kathy?SB: Id like to v

175、isit Cumming.SA: Sint it supposed to be very hot?SB: Yes, it is. But its also beautiful, and it has lots of interesting museums.Note to correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the class.Ask another pair to model a conversation with the first group of words on the right, the words in the first line. Listen to them carefully with the whole class to see if they can put the words in the proper places. Then let the whole class practice in

176、pairs. Each pair should make up four conversations with the information on the right. Walk around the classroom as the students are working. Listen to some pairs and see if they have met any problems. Offer some help as needed. After all the students have finished practicing, ask some more pairs to share their conversations with their classmates.Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the children.Make sure th

177、at they understand it.Say, first think of a city you know everyone. I think of Dali an. What about you?Ask several ones to tell the names of the cities theyvet thought of.Then say, Please write down the name of the city you1 vet thought of on the line above city name in the chart.After that, show some photos of Dali and to the students around the room. Then continue saying, Dali an is a very beautiful city with wonderful beaches. It has very long coast. It also has quite a few big and nice parks

178、. Some arc near the sea and some are not. I like the big museum of different kinds of sea animals, too. What about you? What do you like about the cities you9vet written in your book?Ask two or three to say something about their cities.Then say, now please fill in the left box with the things you like about the city.Fall write mine on the blackboard, you can use it as a sample.Write the sample on the blackboard, and students write out theirs.Walk around the classroom and direct them to write.Aft

179、er all of them have finished, go on with the third step.Now talk to your partner about the things you dont like.After they finish talking, go on saying something I dont like about Dali an to them. For example, the things in Dali an are too expensive.They are for the rich. And there are too many cars running on the streets. It?s very hard for people to cross a street.Can you say something you dont like about your cities?Ask some to say something on that to the class. Then tell them to fill in the

180、 box fbr things you don9t like. Let them talk to their partners about it.Sample answerDali anThings you likeI. wonderful beaches2. long coast3. big and nice parks4. big museum of different kinds of sea animals Things you dont likeI. things are too expensive2. too many cars running in the streetsStep VI SummaryIn this class, we5vet learned something about Singapore, and wevet talked about some other places all over the world.Wevet done a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing practice us

181、ing the target language.Step V II Homework1. Write a short passage on the city you talked about in class.2. Try to remember the new words on page 54.Step V III Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section AThe Third PeriodQuestions to Activity 3a:1. What doest Singapore have?2. What does Singapore have?3. Is Singapore also a wonderful place for shopping?4. What dont you plan on doing in Singapore? Why?5. What is easiest to do in Singapore?6. What is suggested to bring if you dec

182、ide to go there? Why?Sample answers to Activity 4:Dali anThings you like1. wonderful beaches2. long coast3. big and nice parks4. the big museum of different kinds of sea animalsThings you dont like1. things are too expensive2. too many cars running in the streetsThe Fourth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(l)Key VocabularyCustomer, save money, pool, culture, dream vacation, travel agency(2)Target LanguageWhere would you like to go?Id like to go somewhere wann.2. Ability Obj

183、ects(l)Train students, listening ability.(2) Train students to use the target language in oral English properly.3. Moral ObjectTo role play the conversations yoirvet heard is a very good way to improve your oral English.II. Teaching Key PointTrain students9 listening skill by listening to the conversations with the target language.IIJ. Teaching Difficult PointHelp students to role play the conversations.IV. Teaching Methods1. Brainstorm2. Listening method3. Pair worksV. Teaching AidA tape record

184、erVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the passage about Singapore by asking two or three students to read it to the class. Make sure that they pronounce each word correctly.Then let students read it aloud once by themselves.2. Check the short compositions they have written at home. First let several ones read theirs to the class. Second, get them to work in pairs to check the compositions. At last, collect all students compositions. Go over them carefully after class.Step 1 1 Part 1T

185、his activity reviews the target language and introduces new vocabulary.Read the instructions to students. Explain brainstonn like this:Brainstorm a list of things means you should write down all the ideas that come into your minds. Now brainstorm a list of things that are important to you when you go on vacation. Write them down in your exercise books. You should not worry if an idea is silly or if a word is spelled wrong. You can even write a word in their first language for the moment.Ask them

186、 to have a look at the two model phrases the book provides before they begin. Move around the room offering language support as needed.After about three minutes, tell them to stop writing and thinking.Lets review the ideas youvet thought of together. We will correct spelling and find the correct English words for any words you donl know.Then ask some children to read their lists to the class. Write any new words orPhrases they have used on the blackboard. Ask them to discuss the lists in groups

187、of four. Each one reads his or her own list to the other three. Then they discuss the words or phrases together. If there is something that they are not sure, tell them to show me by putting up their hands. Move around the room and solve the problems they may have. Help students find the correct English words to express their ideas.Step III 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Read the instructions to students. Tell them to guess th

188、e meaning of travel agency first. Then explain it like this:If you plan to have a trip or vacation, you can go to a travel agency. A travel agency is an office that can help you make travel plans. Also they help you get plane tickets and hotel reservations. Then present ate whale watch and amusem*nt park to the class like below. A whale watch tour means you stay in a ship and go out to the coining during the time of year when the whales are migrating, then you can sec them traveling. Amusem*nt p

189、ark means a place like Disneyland. You can do lots of rides and play lots of games there.Write the two phrases on the blackboard.Look at the three pictures in Activity 2a now. We know Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency. We will hear him talking on the phone with three different people.Can you see the small box in the comer of each picture? Listen to the conversations and number the pictures. Write a proper number in each box to show the right order of the pictures. Then play the tape fbr t

190、he first time. Tell them only to listen. Play the tape a second time. As they listen to the tape this time, have the students number the pictures.Check the answers.AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in the following order:1,2,3TypescriptWoman 1: Jeff, I have to go out fbr half an hour. Could you please answer the phone? Just take messages and Pall call people back.Jeff: Sure. Hello, Ace Travel. Jeff Marino speaking. How may I help you?Woman 2: Td like some information on vacation packages, p

191、lease.Jeff: My boss is out of the office for half an hour. Could she call you back?Woman 2: Actually, Id like to get some information now, if you wouldt mind.Jeff: Well, I guess it would be OK. So, where would you like to go?Woman 2: Oh, I dont know. Somewhere warm.Jeff: Somewhere warm. How about Hawaii?Woman 2: Oh,.no.I.I dont like flying.Jeff: Ok. Well, theres always.Jeff: Hi, Ace Travel. Jeff Marino speaking.Man: Hello. Td like to find out about your vacation packages.Jeff: Sure. What kind of

192、 vacation are you looking fbr?Man: Well, I hope to go on a nature tour.Jeff: Well, we have a great whale watch tour. You might like that.Man: Hamm.It depends on where it is. I dont want to go anywhere cold.Jeff: HammLets see. Yes, we have a great summer whale watch tour.Jeff: Hi, Ace Travel. May I help you?Woman 3: I hope so. I saw your advertisem*nt fbr vacations in California. Wed like to go somewhere thafs fun fbr kids.Jeff: Fun fbr kids.Hamm .How about Los Angeles? Kids love visiting Hollywo

193、od.Woman 3 Oh, but we dont really like big cities.Jeff: I see. Then maybe youd enjoy.Step IV 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language.Read the instructions to the children.Tell them to look at the chart. Then read the headings Customer, Wants, Doest want and point out the blanks under each one. And let them see the sample answer under Wants in the chart. Ask them to read it together. Say, Then first customer wants to go somewhere warm.Fall play the

194、 recording again. Please write down the things the three customers want and dont want in this chart as you listen to the recording.The play the recording again. Students fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Pause the tape several times to give students time to fill out the chart.Correct the answers.AnswersCustomer 1 wants: to go somewhere warm, doest want to flyCustomer 2 wants: to go on a nature tour, doest want to go anywhere coldCustomer 3 wants: to go somewhere thats fun for kids, do

195、est want to go to a big cityStep V 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the children.Say, In this activity, you are asked to role play JefFs conversation with the information in the chart in Activity 2b.Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class.SA: Where would you like to go?SB: Td like to go somewhere warm.SA: Where else can you tell me?SB: I dont want to go to a place which is too far away.Then ask them to co

196、ntinue it. Offer some help if necessary. For example, they may say like this, SA: Where would you like to go?SB: Td like to go somewhere warm.SA: Wliat else can you tell me?SB: I dont want to go anywhere too hot.Offer more phrases,.to go to a small town,.to go by ship,.to go to a place which is too crowded, .to travel by plane,.To go to anywhere too far, act.Write them on the blackboard.Then ask students to practice in pairs.Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs and offering he

197、lp as needed. Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Correct any mistakes they may have made.Step VI SummarySay, In this class, wevet done lots of listening practice on target language, and wevet also written and spoken some.St叩 V II Homework1. Write out the phrases you have brainstonned in Activity 1.2. Write down the conversation in Activity 2c.Step V III Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section BThe Fourth PeriodThe answers to Activity 2b:Customer 1

198、 wants: to go somewhere warm, doest want: to flyCustomer 2 wants: to go on a nature tour, does want: to to anywhere coldCustomer 3 wants: to go somewhere thats fun for kinds, doest wants to go to a big citySome phrases fbr Activity 2c:to go to a small townto go by shipto go to a place where is too crowdedto travel by planeto go to anywhere too farThe Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key VocabularyProvide, firm, offer, spot, Confucius, stele, forestThe Forest of St

199、eles(2) Reading practice using the target language(3) Writing practice using the target language2. Ability Objects(1) Train students reading skill.(2) Train students * writing skill.(3) Train students5 listening and speaking skills.3. Moral ObjectAre you planning to take a trip this summer?Write an e-mail to a travel agency in English to get some infbnnation on vacations.II. Teaching Key Points1. The new vocabulary.2. Read an e-mail.3. Write an e-mail.III. Teaching Difficult PointWrite an e-mail

200、.IV. Teaching Methods1. Scanning the e-mail to find out the answers2. Writing3. Group workV. Teaching Aids1. Some pictures of Queue, the Great Wall and the Forest of Steles in Xian2. A projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the conversation in Activity 2c on page 55 by making a conversation with one student like this,T: Where would you like to go?Ss: Td like to go somewhere relaxing.T: What else can you tell me?S: I dont want to go to big noisy cities.After that, ask them to pr

201、actice in pairs.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the whole class.2. Check their homework. First, choose some students to read the phrases on Activity 1. Second, ask several ones to read the conversations they wrote to the the class. Correct the mistakes that they may have made with the whole class. Get them to work in pairs to help each other. Tell them to show their homework to each other, and help correct any mistakes they may have made.Step II 3aThis activity provides readi

202、ng practice using the target language.At first, introduce the key vocabulary words. Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.provide v . 提供;供给firm n. 公司offer v . 提供;给予spot n . 地点; 场所Confucius孔子( 公元前551前 479年,春秋末期思想家,教育家)stele n. ( pl. steal) 石碑; 石柱forest n , 森林;森林地带The forest of steles碑林( 位于陕西西安)Teach students to read the words and expressions several times. Then ask several to read to the class. Make sure that they can read the words fluently and correctly.Read the instruction

203、s to students. Do some explanation. Make sure that each student knows what they will have to do.Go over the statements about the e-mail message with the whole class. Make sure that they can understand all the six sentences in the box. And tell them to put the six statements in their minds while they scan the e-mail below.Say, Boys and girls, please scan the e-mail in Activity 3a now. Try to get the main idea of the letter and find out the answers to the statements. Ask them to scan the letter in

204、dividually, and write T,F or DK before each statement.After they9vet all finished scanning, check the answers with the whole class. Elicit why the false sentences are false at the same time.After checking the answers, tell the children to read the passage more carefully and prepare to answer the questions on the blackboard.Write the questions below on the blackboard:1. Where do S.T. Zhang and the family want to take a trip?(Somewhere in the east of China.)2. What kind of place do they want to go

205、 to?(An exciting place where they can do lots of exercise.)3. What exercise do they especially love doing?(They especially love hiking and swimming.)4. What does S. T. Zhang say about the hotel they want to live in?(They need to stay in an inexpensive hotel. And they wish their hotel had rooms with kitchens so that they could save money by cooking their own meals. The room needs to be big enough for three people. And theyd like to stay at a place with a big pool or somewhere near the ocean.) 5.

206、What does S. T. Zhang want the travel agency to do?(Give them some suggestions for vacation sports and let them know if its best to travel by plane, train or bus.)6. How long would they like to be away?(About three weeks.)After theyvet all finished reading, get some students to answer these questions.Encourage them to ask questions on what they dont understand about the e-mail.Ask one student to read the letter to the class. Help him or her with the pronunciation. Then let all the students read

207、the passage several times.Answers1. F (the family wants an inexpensive hotel and wants to save money by cooking)2. F (the: family enjoys hiking and swimming)3. DK4. DK5. T6. F (the person wants to go to the east of China)Step III 3bThis activity provides writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to students.Ask: Who can explain the instructions in your own language?Choose two or three among those who have put up their hands to explain the instructions in English.They may s

208、ay like this, suppose I work fbr Ace Travel Agency and I have received the letter from S.T. Zhang. Then it is my duty to reply the e-mail and I have to tell where they should go on vacation.After they all know what to do, get them to begin writing. Move around the classroom as they write, offering help if necessary. Remember whose passage is excellent and prepare to ask them to read theirs to the class.After theyvet all finished writing, ask the students who have written very good passages to re

209、ad theirs to the class.Let them work in pairs to correct the mistakes in the passage theyvet written.Tell them that they have to rewrite the letters after class and bring them to school tomorrow.Sample writingSubject: Vacation From: Ace TravelDear S.T. Zhang,We are very glad to receive your letter.Thank you fbr choosing our agency.I think Qinghai is the best place for you and your family to go on vacation based on your e-mail. Qinghai is a very beautiful city with lots of nice scenery. Ifs on th

210、e east coast of China. The waves of the sea are really wonderful. Its really an exciting place to visit. And you can also do a lot of exercise there, such as hiking along the coastOn the beach, swimming in the great ocean.It will become a more attractive place in summer.We can help you book an inexpensive room with three beds. Many local people there run that kind of hotels with their own houses. The rooms are very clean and nice and you can cook your meals in the kitchens if you like.I suggest

211、youd better travel by plane.You can save much time in that way.How do you think of traveling to Qinghai?Please tell us.Best wishes to you and your family.Ace TravelStep IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language. Read the instructions to students.Say something about the three places in the chart. Showing some pictures of these places to the students, say like this,Queue is a small city in Shandong Province.It is famous fbr Confuciu

212、s. It was Confucius, hometown. He was bom there.The Great Wall is the pride of the Chinese people. It is very long and it is hard to believe that it was built over two thousand years ago.The Forest of Steles in Xian is a great place for people who are interested in writing Chinese with brushes.What do you think of the three places?Look at the chart in Activity 4. We can see the sample answer in the box about Queue in the column of you.Continue saying, Now please fill in the boxes about The Great

213、 Wall and The Forest of Steles in Xian on your own.You can use the words above the chart or any other word.Tell them to write out the three students9 names in the proper places in the chart.Then. Get them to survey the three students. Let them work in groups of four.Ask a pair of students to read the model conversation in Activity 4 before they begin their ownones.At last, have several groups report the results to the class. Then ask the class where they would prefer to go together.Sample answer

214、s to the chart:An ideal place for a school trip You Li Hong Wang Weir Zhao YangQueue educational narrow greathotThe Great Wall exciting crowded cold relaxingThe Forest of Steles inXian crowded educational expensiveexcitingStep V SummaryIn this class, we?vet read an e-mail to a travel agency and we?vet also written an e-mail. And wevet done some reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language through group work.Step VI Homework1. Rewrite the e-mail which you wrote in c

215、lass.2. Try to remember the new words and expressions on page 56.Step V 1 H Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section BThe Fifth PeriodAnswers to Activity 3a:1.F2. F3. DK4. DK 5. T 6. FQuestions on the e-mail in Activity 3a:1. Where do S.T. Zhang and the family want to take a trip?2. What kind of place do they want to go to?3. What exercise do they especially love doing?4. What does S.T. Zhang say about the hotel they want to live in?5. What does S. T. Zhang want the travel a

216、gency to do?6. How long would they like to be away?The Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1 )Key VocabularySurf, arctic(2) Use the following words properlyHope, pack, save, provide, and cook(3) Write an article using the target language.2. Ability Objects(l)Train students to use the verbs hope, pack, save, provide and cook well.(2)Train students , writing skill.3. Moral ObjectDo you want to travel abroad? EnglishWill be very useful for you then. It is spoken all over t

217、he world.II. Teaching Key Points1. Help students have a self check on the key words and target language.2. Practice using the verbs.Hope, pack, save, provide, and cook3. Write an article.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Use the verbs hope, pack, save, provide and cook.2. Write the article.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by making sentences.2. Teaching by writing.V. Teaching AidThe pictures of the four placesVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Check the homework by asking students to show th

218、eir e-mails.Choose several to read theirs to the class. Then let them work in pairs and read their own letters to the partners. At last, collect all the letters.2. Have a dictation to see if they can remember the new vocabulary which they learned last class. Dictate the following ones. Provide, firm, offer, spot. The Forest of Steles, ConfuciusStep II PartThis activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit. Focus attention on the box. Invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the t

219、op.You are asked to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, you may need to use another form of the word, for example, adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their work.Answers1. Provide 2. Cook 3. Saving 4. Pack 5. HopeAsk students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful. Move ar

220、ound the room.Collect a few students9 answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Along with the students help correct the mistakes.Sample answers1. My family hopes to go to Sydney soon.2. He is packing all his clothes. He will leave for London tomorrow.3. Wed better save time for study.4. The hotel provides breakfast for free.5. Many foreigners can cook dumplings.Step III 2This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Get them to

221、look at the pictures.Say, Can you say out the English names of the four famous places in the pictures?Ask some students who know that to tell the names. Write the four names on the blackboard: the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Sydney Opera House, Big Ben in London, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.Then teach them to read the names several times till they can read them fluently and correctly. Practice reading the names by showing some pictures of the four places to students. Get them to s

222、ay out the English names of the places as soon as they see each picture. Change the pictures more and more quickly and students do as fast as they can.After practicing the names, ask, which these places would you like to visit most? Wliy? Ask two or three students to tell their answers to the class. They may say like this, rd like to visit Paris most. Because I cam see the famous tower, the Eiffel Tower. There. And I have ever heard the people there are very romantic. Tm interested in that.Then

223、say, please say something on the place where you would like to visit most to your partner now. Get them to work in pairs. Move around the room as they work, offering words and sentences as needed.After they5vet all finished, tell them to write an article about where they would like to visit most and why. Ask students to complete the work on their own. Move around the classroom and help them.After they9vet finished writing, ask a few students to read their articles to the class. Encourage the res

224、t of the class to tell the mistakes they may have made in their passages.Work in pairs. Each one reads their own passage to the partner. Help correct any mistakes in the passage.Sample writingId like to go to a beautiful place. I think it would be Paris. If I went there I could visit the Eiffel Tower. It is famous all over the world. I like the Eiffel Tower very much. I have collected lots of pictures of it. Some of them are on the walls of my small room. It is my dream to go to visit the Eiffel

225、 Tower and take photos there by myself. Thats the main reason fbr me to like to visit Paris most.I also like to see the other scenes in Paris. I have heard that the streets there are very beautiful. And there are many famous buildings in Paris. I would like to visit the museums there, too. I hope my dream can come true some day.Step IV Just for Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.Teach the new words surf and arctic first. Explain them in English like

226、 this, Surf means try to ride the waves on the board on the ocean. Surfing is a kind of very popular water sports.Arctic means the north Polar Regions, and a polar bear is a kind of bear which live in the northPolar Regions.Teach them to read the two words several times.Get students to read the conversation in the pictures in two halves. Then ask them what is funny about this cartoon? Help them to answer: At first we think the travel agency is talking to a woman, and then I find out its a polar

227、bear.Call students? attention to the posters on the wall in the first picture and the words on the polar bears board. Do some explanation on them.Step V SummaryIn this class, we5vet practiced using some words. Wevet done some exercises on writing, too.Step VI Homework1. Review all the language points in this unit.2. Finish off the exercises on pages 2729 of the workbook.3. Make another more sentence with each of these verbs, hope, pack, save, provide, and cook.4. Rewrite the passage in Activity

228、2. Try to make sure each sentence is correct.Step V D Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Self checkThe Six PeriodAnswers to Activity 1:1. Provide 2. Cook 3. Saving 4. Pack 5. hopeSample answers to Activity 1:1. My family hopes to go to Sydney soon.2. He is packing all his clothes. He will leave for London tomorrow.3. Wed better save time fbr study.4. The hotel provides breakfast for free.5. Many foreigners can cook dumplings.Unit 8 r 1 1 help clean up the city parks.The 1 st p

229、eriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyclean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank(2) Target Language r d like to work outside.You could give out food at a food bank.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students to express offering to help with the target language.(2) Train the students * listening skill.3. Moral ObjectOffer help to the others as much as possible.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularyclean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up,

230、give up2. Target LanguageHow to express offering to help with target language.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.2. Teach the students to express offering to help with target language.IV. Teaching Methods1 . Teaching by giving sample sentences and making up sentences.2 . Teaching by showing pictures.V Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. Some pictures on volunteerJ s offering helpVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the language points in

231、 Unit 7.Ask some questions like this: Where would you like to go on vacation? (Id like to/I d love to/1 hope to ) Why?(Because* ,)2. Revise the contents in Unit 7. Say to the class like this:Who can say something about Singapore?What things do you like there and what things dont you like about it?Ask them to give the answers without looking at the books.3. Check homework by asking some students to read their sentences they ve made with the verbs. Let them hand in their homework.4. Dictate ten wo

232、rds in Unit 7.Step II laThis activity introduces the key vocabulary and provides some writing practice.In this unit we learn to offer to help.We 1 1 use some phrasal verbs. Each phrasal verbs has two or three words, such as clean up, cheer up, give out.Here is an example on how to use clean up. Look at the title of Unit 8. Pll help clean up the city parks. Repeat it twice, please.Ask the children to read the title twice.Then go on saying, clean up means make a place clean and tidy, put things th

233、ere in order”. Let s see another example, We should always clean up after a picnic.Who can explain this sentence in your own, words?Ask one student to explain the sentence.He or she may say like this. This sentences means we should bum wastepaper, collect litter and empty bottles, etc.Then ask the class. Who can make more sentences with clean up?Ask several students to share their sentences to the class.Do the same with the other phrasal verbs.Some sample sentences1. clean up一make a place clean

234、and tidy, put things in orderWe should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea.2. cheer upmake someone feel happyThe good news cheers everyone up.3. give out一hand out, distributeLin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the class.Read the instructions to the students.Please look at the picture now. We can see a bulletin board and two children in it. What is the bulletin board about?Help students to answer: Volunteer Today!Then continue saying, nWho can tell me the meaning of vo

235、lunteer?Ask one student to try to explain it. Then tell them the meaning of it. Volunteer means a person who offers to do something unpleasant or dangerous. It means a person who offers to help the others sometimes. Volunteer is used as a verb in this lesson.Draw the students attention to the three posters on the board.We can see one sentence in each poster.And we can see some people in each poster, too. What are the volunteers doing in each poster? Please work in pairs and talk about the poster

236、s.Give the students a few minutes to talk about what they will say. Let them talk about all the three items. Move around and help the pairs as needed.Then read the sentences in the posters to the class. Ask the pairs of students to explain what the sentence means in their own words. Or tell what the volunteers are doing in the posters.For example, for the first poster, a pair might say:It means there is trash in the park. There are papers on the ground. We can help clean up the park by picking u

237、p papers and trash. Wc can make the park clean.After the students have finished all the items, ask the students to add some other ways they can help people. Get them to write the ways down in the box below the picture.At last, ask some students to share their ideas with the class. Write any new words or phrases on the board and explain these words to the class, if necessary.Some sample answers:Visit some single elderly people and help them with housework.Help clean up the neighbourhood.Cheer up

238、the people who look sad.Help the teacher give out the papers to the students.Save money to help the poorer children.Step III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Call the students attention to the two lists in the box in Activity lb. Ask some students to read the eight sentences on the lists to the class. Explain any new words and phrases in it.Make sure that all the students can understand the meanings of the eight items.Then get th

239、e children to read the instructions together.Say, we will hear four conversations.Your task is to match the items in the two lists. We can see the blanks in front of the first line of each conversation. Listen to the conversations and write the letter in front of the first line of each conversation. Put the letters of the second line of conversations in right places.Point out the sample answer to the class.Play the recording the first time. Tell the students to only listen.Then play the recordin

240、g a second time.Tell them to write a letter in front of each numbered sentence this time.Check the answers.Answers1. c 2. a 3. d 4. bTapescriptConversation 1Boy 1: r d like to work outside.Girl l:You could help clean up the city parks.Conversation 2Boy 2:T d like to help homeless people.Girl l:You could give out food at the food bank.Conversation 3Girl 2: r d like to cheer up sick kids.Girl I: You could visit them in the hospital.Conversation 4Girl l: r d like to help kids w 讪 their school work.

241、Girl 2:You could volunteer in an after-school study program.Optional activityAsk the students to choose a volunteer job they might like to do and draw a picture of it. They can draw a picture like the posters in the textbook. They can also add a sentence describing the job. They may do this in several groups. After they ve finished, display the pictures on a bulletin board and discuss these pictures with the class.Step IV 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Re

242、ad the instructions with the class.Call their attention to the example in the speech bubbles in Activity la. Ask a pair of students to read this conversation to a class. Then let them practice in pairs.Note their pronunciation of Hlikc to in phrases such as, I d like to help hungry people. Tell them English speakers usually pronounce the words like to as if they were spelled like-tuh.Play the T d like to statements on the recording to demonstrate this pronunciation.After they ve finished practic

243、ing the sample conversation, ask them to make up similar conversations based on the other two posters. Get two pairs to demonstrate two conversations first. They may say like this:SA: r d like to cheer up sick kids.SB: You could visit sick children in the hospital.SA: r d like to help homeless people.SB: You could give out food at a food bank.Then let the whole class practice in pairs.After that, play the recording of activity lb and let the children read after it twice.Then ask them to practice

244、 similar conversations using the information in Activity lb.Step V SummarySay, In this class, we ve learned how to express offering help. And we ve learned several phrasal verbs. At last, we did some oral practice using target language.Step VI Homework1. Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs:clean up, cheer up, give out2. Write out three conversations of activity 1c.Step V il Blackboard DesignUnit 8 Til help clean up the city parks,Section AThe First PeriodPhrasal verbs:1

245、. clean up一make a place clean and tidy, put things in orderWe should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea.2. cheer upmake someone feel happyThe good news cheers everyone up.3. give out一hand out, distributeLin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the class.Unit 8 T 1 1 help clean up the city parks.The 2nd PeriodI . Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyclean-up, sign, put off, set up, establish, come up with(2 ) T arget Languager 1 1 help clean up the

246、city parks.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students listening skill.(2) Train the students communicative competence using the target language.(3) Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs: cheer up, set up, come up with, put off?3. Moral ObjectPlan a City Parks Clean-up Day with your good friends and come up with some ideas to tell people about it.II. Teaching Key Points1. Listening practice with target language.2. Make communications with target language.3. How to use the phrasal verbs.I

247、II. Teaching Difficult PointsI. Make communications with target language.2. Use the phrasal verbs.IV . Teaching Methods1. Listening2. Pairwork3. Role play the conversationV . Teaching AidsA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the knowledge points on Page 60. Ask several students to tell some ways they could help people with books closed.2. Check homework by asking several pairs to read their conversations which they wrote down.3. Check homework by asking some students to

248、 read their sentences with the phrasal verbs. Let them hand in their homework.St叩 II 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.We can see five pictures in Activity 2a.What can you see in each picture?Ask five different students to describe the pictures. They may say like this:Picture 1: We can see a TV screen in Picture 1.Picture 2: There is a girt putting a sign on the board.Picture 3: A boy is making a call.Picture 4: We can see a copy of newspaper with the advertis

249、ement.Picture 5: A boy is giving out advertisem*nts to people.After that, ask a student to read the words on the TV screen, on the sign and in the newspaper.Wcf 1 1 hear some students al a club meeting. They arc talking about how their club can help clean up the city parks.Ask the class to read the instructions together. Tell them to note the box of each picture, they will have to tick in the boxes of the items they hear on the recording.Now listen to the club members talking about what they can

250、 do to clean up the city parks and tick in the right small boxes.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording again. Ask students to check the things they hear.Check the answers.AnswersThe following pictures should be checked: b c cTapescriptBoy 1: OK. Now we need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.Girl 1: Yeah, but T m hungry, Bob. let s have lunch first.Girl 2: No, we can, t put off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from

251、now.Boy 2: You re right. Sally, while we talk, T 1 1 write down all our ideas. Then we can decidewhich ideas are best.Girl 1: Um Well we could put up signs.Boy 2: Thats a good idea!Girl 2: I* 11 hand out advertisem*nts after school.Boy 1: OK. Great! And we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.Boy 2: Hey, weve coming up with a lot of good ideas, arent we?Step III 2bThis activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions with the class. A

252、nd let them have a look at the sentences.Read the first sentence to the students.Tell them it is a sample answer.Say, We will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to what the students say and fill in the blanks in the sentences.Play the tape again and the students write out the answers.Check the answers.Answers1. come up with2. put off3. write down4. put up5. hand out6. call upStep IV 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Ask students to loo

253、k at the sample conversation first. Ask a pair to read it to the class.Ask the class to read the instructions together.Say. You, 1 1 work in pairs to role play the conversation in Activity 2b.Each pair will make a conversation like the sample one. You can use the sentences in Activity 2b as a guide.Ask the students to work in pairs. More around the classroom, checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step V Grammar

254、 FocusThis activity introduces several phrasal verbs.Say, Do you remember the meaning of cheer up? Who can tell us?Ask a student to explain the phrasal verb cheer up like this:Cheer up means make someone happy.Then get students to make up some sentences with it.Say, Let s learn some more phrasal verbs today. Please open your books at page 61. Look at the content in Grammar Focus and try to tell me the meanings of set up and come up with.Ask two children to tell their meanings like this:Set up me

255、ans establish or start.Come up with means think up.Then get students to read the sample sentences in the grainmar box.Write the phrasal verbs and the sentences on the blackboard.Get students to make more sentences with these phrasal verbs to get a further understanding.Step VI SummarySay, In this class, w eve done some listening and writing practice with target language. We also did some oral practice in pairs. And we ve discussed some phrasal verbs as well.Step V il Homework1. Write two convers

256、ations like the sample in Activity 2c.2. Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs: set up, come up with, put off, hand out, call upStep V U I Blackboard DesignUnit 8 T 1 1 help clean up the city parks.Section AThe Second PeriodPhrasal verb:cheer up He looks sad. Let s cheer him up.set up We are going to set up a foodbank to help angry e up with We need to come up with some ideas.Unit 8 T 1 1 help clean up the city parks.The 3rd PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge

257、 Objects(1) Key Vocabularymajor, commitment, veterinarian, coach(2) Target Languager d like to join the school volunteer project.You could help coach a football team for little kids.2. Ability ObjectsTrain students reading skill.Train studentsf speaking skill with target language.Train students * writing skill with target language.3. Moral ObjectIf there is a student volunteer project in your school, try to join it; if not, try to set up one; being a volunteer is great!Il . Teaching Key Points1.

258、 Guide students to read the article in Activity 3a.2. Help students to use the target language to express what kinds of volunteer work they could do and what they like to do.1. Teaching Difficult Points1. Read the article for comprehension.2. Use the target language to express what kinds of volunteer work they could do and what they like to do.IV . Teaching Methods1. Pairwork2. Role playV . Teaching AidsSome pictures that the volunteers are working, or some signs of the volunteers? clubs.VI. Tea

259、ching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Check the homework by asking some children to read their conversation.2. Check the homework by asking some children to share their sentences with the phrasal verbs with the class.3. Revise the target language they learned last class. Ask several pairs to talk about the ways they could help people, using the conversation in the speech bubbles in activity la as a sample. Step 1 1 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Have the students

260、 look at the picture of the three children. Ask them who they think the children arc.Then call the studentsJ attention to the title of the article and ask the children to read it out. Ask them the question again.This time they may answer. They are three volunteers.Read the instructions to the students.This is an article about volunteers. You have two tasks to do: first underline the kinds of work the volunteers do; second circle the reasons why they like their work.Continue saying. The names of

261、the three volunteers are Li Huiping, Lan Pei and Zhu Ming. The article tells you about the different things they do to help people.Please read the article the first time and underline the things they do. There are three questions on the blackboard to help you.Write the three questions on the blackboard and tell them to scan the passage to get the answers and underline the words.Questions1. What does Li Huiping do to help people as a volunteer?2. What does Lan Pei do?3. What does Zhu Ming do?Chec

262、k the answers by asking three students to answer the questions.Read the article to the class and do some explanation on any new words. Tell the students to raise their hands when I come to any word or sentence they don t understand. Pause and do some explanation.Try to explain the new words in English like this: major means more important, for example, a major operation, the major roads; A veterinarian means an animal doctor, a doctor who treats animals.After that, get the students to read the a

263、rticle a second time to circle the reasons.Check the answers with the class.Then have the students read the article loudly twice. Encourage them to ask questions if they still can t understand any words or sentences.Move around the classroom and answer the students questions.AnswersUnderlined words: She helps young children learn to read after school, ,volunteers every Saturday morning at an animal hospital- sings for groups of people at the City Hospital.Circled words: You can do the things you

264、 love to dohe has learned a lot about animals ,he has met some wonderful people at the hospital.Step III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students.And tell them I love English. I could teach English in an after-school program.Hui loves playing football. What could Hui do if he wants to join the school volunteer project?Help the students answer. He could coach a fcfbtball team fbr little kids.Tell them coach means teach o

265、r train.Then ask the students to look at the table in Activity 3b.We can see three columns in this form.There are four names in the first column.And we can know what each of them loves doing from the second column, the column of loves. Now our task is to fill in the blanks in the third column, the column of Could. Get the students to discuss in pairs and fill the results of their discussions in the blanks.Move around the classroom to make sure that they are discussing in English and offer them h

266、elp as necessary.Ask several pairs to report their answers to the class. Answers will vary but should show a sense of volunteering as well as a relationship to the skill.They may give answers in completely sentences orally but write in phrases.Sample answersName Loves CouldHui Football Xiao Tang Joy movies Wei music Step IV 3ccoach a football team for kidswriting stories give a talk on how to write stories help give out posters for a cinemaplay music to cheer up the sad peopleThis activity provi

267、des listening and speaking practise using the target language.Ask a pair of the students to model the sample conversation first.SA: r d like to join the school volunteer project, but V m not sure what I should do.SB: What do you like doing?SA: I love playing football.SB: Well, you could help coach a football team fbr little kids.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Model fbr the rest of the class.Then let the whole class practice in pairs. Remind them to use the sample conversation, but repl

268、ace the words loves and skills.Move around the classroom while they are working, checking the progress and offering help as necessary.Ask two or three pairs to share their conversations to the class.Step V Part 4This activity provides written and oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Call the students attention to the clart on the left. Point out the titles Things I like to do and volunteer work I could do to the students.At first, each of you writes down thr

269、ee things you like to do on the lines in the column of Things I like to do. You can write in either complete sentences or phrases. For example, you can fill in the blank with I love drawing pictures, or Drawing pictures.Get the students to write down their own answers individually.As students write, move around the room helping with vocabulary if necessary.Show some pictures of volunteersJ work to remind them as well. Ask several to read their things they like to do to the class.Then work in pai

270、rs and give each other suggestions about what volunteer work you could do with those interests. Ask a pair to model the sample conversation before they begin to practice.SA:I like to read about Chinese history.What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?SB: You could start a Chinese History Club.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Get students to practice in pairs.As the students practice, move around the classroom, correcting some mistakes they may make and helping them answer the

271、questions.Tell them to fill in the blanks in the column of Volunteer work I could do with the suggestions that their partners have given them.After all of them have finished writing, ask one or two pairs to share their conversations to the class.Sample answersThings I like to do Volunteer work I could do1. I love drawing pictures.2. I like to travel.3. I like visiting museum. I could design a wall newspaper for our class.I could guide the tourists in our city.I could help look after the things o

272、n display.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve learned more about the volunteers and their work. And we ve done much oral and written practice on volunteer work with target language.Step V II Homework1. Write a conversation like the sample on in Activity 3c.2. Write a conversation like the sample one in Activity 4.Step V ffl Blackboard DesignUnit 8 I* 1 1 help clean up the city parks.Section AThe Third PeriodTarget language:1. r d like to join the school volunteer project, but V m not sure what I

273、 should do.What do you like doing?I love playing football.Well, you could help coach a football team for little kids.2. I like to read about Chinese history.What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?You could start a Chinese History Club.Unit 8 r 1 1 help clean up the city parks.The 4th PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyrun out of, take after, fix up, give away, repair, not.any more, similar advertisem*nts(2) Target LanguageWhat do you do, Jimmy?

274、I fix up bikes and give them away.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.(2) Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs.3. Moral ObjectCome up with a good idea to help others. It will bring you much enjoyment.Il. Teaching Key Points1. Train the students reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.2. Teach the students to use the new phrasal verbs properly.IIJ. Teaching Difficult PointTea

275、ch the new phrasal verbs.IV Teaching Methods1. Making up sentences2. Listening3. PairworkV . Teaching AidA. tape recorder.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the contents of the article in Activity 3a. Section A by asking some questions like these.Questions1. What does Li Huiping love to do?And what does she do as a volunteer?2. What does Lan Pci love and what docs he plan to be when he leaves school? Where does he spend every Saturday working?3. What about Zhu Ming? Say something ab

276、out Zhu Ming.4. What do they say about their volunteer work?5. What do they plan to do?2. Check the homework by asking some students to read the conversations they wrote. CoiTect any mistakes they might have made. Let them hand in their homework.Step II laThis activity introduces new target language.Read the instructions to the students.Make sure that each one knows what to do.Let the students look at the sentences in the left column first. Try to explain the four sentences in English for the ch

277、ildren, especially the new phrasal verbs in the sentences. Say to them like this:Please look at the sentences on the left column. Let* s get the meanings of them.Let s see the first one. r ve nin out of itHere, run out of is a phrasal verb. It means reach an end of, use up or become short of. I ve run out of it, means V ve used it up, nothing left.Explain the other sentences in the same way like this.2. I take after my mother.take after-be like sb. or be similar to sb.I take after my mother. -1

278、am like my mother.3. I fixed it up.fix up-install, fit together and place in position, repair, renewI fixed it up. -1 installed it, or I repair it.4. I gave it away.give away-make a present of, donateI gave it away. -1 donated it. I gave it to someone without money.After explaining the sentences, read each sentence in the box and ask the students to repeat.Then ask several students to explain the sentences with letters in front of them.Tell them to explain them in their own sentences. For exampl

279、e, Sentence a, the student might respond. My bicycle was broken. Icouldn t ride it. I got new tires and a new seat. Now it works fine.Read the instructions again and ask the students to match the sentences with similar meanings.Say, Now match the numbered sentences with the lettered sentences in the box.Write the letter of one sentence in front of the number of the matching sentence.Look at the first sentence. The answer has been given. It s Sentence b. Find out the answers to the other sentence

280、s.Check the answers by asking different students to read their matched sentences.Answers1. b 2. c 3. a 4. dStep III lbThis activity provides writing practice with the new phrasal verbs.Call the students attention to the phrasal verbs in the box. Have four different students explain each phrases in their own words.Make sure each student knows the phrasal verbs meanings.Then ask the students to read the instructions together.Now let s make sentences with the words in the box. Please look at the sa

281、mple sentence in your book. Who would like to read it and explain it in your own language?Ask one student to read the sample sentence and explain it. He or she might explain like this: The meaning of this sentence is I give my bicycle to charities without money.Who can make another sentence with give away? Please put up your hands.Ask two or three students who have put up their hands to say their sentences to the class. Correct any mistakes they may make.Then have the students work individually.

282、 Make one sentence with each phrasal verb in the box. Tell them to write down their sentences on the lines next to the box.Walk around the classroom as they write. Offer some help to them if they need. Try to remember who have made some wonderful sentences at the same time.After all of them have finished writing, choose some children who have made some wonderful sentences to share theirs with the class. Choose some of the best sentences. Write them on the blackboard.At last, ask the whole class

283、to work in pairs and help each other. Let them check each other* s sentences very carefully.Correct all the mistakes in writing or sentence structures that their partners, may have made.Sample answers:run out of: He is always running out of money before payday.take after: He takes after his father in everything but his nose.fix up: The workers: have fixed up the big machine.give away: The writer gave away his books to a library.Step VI 2aThis activity provides listening practice using target lan

284、guage. Call the students * attention to the four pictures. Tell them the boys name is Jimmy. Read the instructions to the class. Your task is to number the pictures the correct order while you arc listening to the conversation on the tape. But I want to ask you to guess the answer without listening now.Try to put the four pictures in a certain order to show a story of Jimmy by yourselves now. V 1 1 see whose answers ant correct after we finish doing the listening practice.Then have them give the

285、ir own order by guessing. After a while, ask several ones to tell their answers to the whole class.Collect two or three answers which many students support on the blackboard.Next, ask some students to tell their own stories on the pictures according to their own orders. For example, if someoneJ s answer is a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3. he or she may tell a story like this:Jimmy got an old bike from someone. He fixed it up by himself. After he repaired it, he wanted to sell it to someone/he gave it away t

286、o someone. At last, he emptied both of his pockets.It seemed that he had run out of his money.The stories will vary. Ask them to work in pairs. Each one has to tell a story to the partner. After that, ask the students to get ready to listen.Say, We will hear a radio program. A man is interviewing a boy. Write a number in each short line next to each picture while you arc listening. Your numbers should be from 1 through 4 and show which thing they talk about first, second, third and fourth.Play t

287、he recording the first time.Students only listen.Then play the recording again. Ask students to number the pictures.Check the answers. Remember to say congratulations to the children who guessed correctly. AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in the following order: a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3TapescriptMan: This morning V m talking with a very generous young man, Jimmy the Bike boy. Jimmy is the boy who fixes up old bikes and gives them away. Good morning, Jimmy.Boy: Good morning.Man: So, Jimmy, tell

288、our listeners what you do.Boy: Well, as you just said. I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who don, t have enough money to buy their own bikes.Man: That, s fantastic. What gave you the idea?Boy: I guess I take after my father. He, s always helping people.Man: Wow! Your parents must be proud of you.Boy: I guess so. But now I ve run out of money to buy old bikes.Man: Oh, that, s too had.Boy: Yeah. I need to come up with some way of getting

289、money, or T 1 1 have to stop.Step V 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Read the instructions together with the children. Make sure that everyone knows what to do. Call the students * attention to the box.Ask four students to read the four sentences to the class.Point to the list of statements and true/false choices.We will listen to the same recording again. Before I play the recording, let, s do like this. 一 If you can remember the contents of the conversation

290、, please you re your answers; if you can t remember the contents, please just guess the answers. It doesnt matter whether your answers arc right or wrong.After a while, have the students get ready to listen.Play the recording again. Ask the students to circle the correct answer to each questionT for true or F for false.Check the answer. Remember to say congratulations to the students who had a good guess before listening.Answers1. T2. F3. F4. TStep VI 2cThis activity provides guide oral practice

291、 using the target language.First, play the recording of this lesson again, The students repeat after it. Let the students read after the tape at least twice. Tell them to try their best to copy the pronunciation of the recording.Read the instructions to the class. Tell them they will practice the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter, using the information in the Activities 2a and 2b.Ask a pair of the students to read the model conversation.SA: What do you do, Jimmy?SB: I fix up bikes and

292、give them away.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Then let them practice their own conversations in pairs.As the pairs work together, more around the room offering help as needed.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step V D SummarySay, In this class, we ve learned how to use some new phrasal verbs first. Andweve done much listening practice on the target language. At last, we did some oral practice by making our own conversations.Step U I Homework1. Make up one mo

293、re sentence with each of the phrasal verbs in Activity lb.2. Write out the conversations that you made by yourselves in Activity 2c.Step IX Blackboard DesignUnit 8 r II help clean up the city parks.Section BThe Fourth PeriodTarget language:A: What do you do, Jimmy?B:I fix up bikes and give them away.Unit 8 I* 1 1 help clean up the city parks.The 5th PeriodI Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularycall up, hand out, call-in (=phone in) , strategy, work out(2) The new and old

294、phrasal verbs.(3) The reading passage.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students reading skill on how to make notes.(2) Train the students how to use the phrasal verbs.(3) Train the students writing and speaking skills.3. Moral ObjectIf you get in trouble in your volunteer work, go to the people around you to ask for help.Il . Teaching Key Points1. To help the children understand the article.2. To teach the new phrasal verbs.3. To direct the students how to make notes based on an article.III. Tea

295、ching Difficult Points1. Teaching the new phrasal verbs.2. Directing the children to make notes based on an article.IV. Teaching Methods1. Giving examples2. Asking questions3. Making notes4. BrainstormingV Teaching AidsSome pictures on volunteer work, especially a picture on repairing bikes.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the phrasal verbs that taught last class by asking students to make sentences with them again.2. Check homework by asking students to read their sentences and c

296、onversations to the class. Tell them to hand in their homework.3. Revise the story about Jimmy. Ask two or three students to tell the story to the class, showing the picture of repairing bikes to remind them.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.We have learned something about Jimmy.We know he is a Bike boy. He fixes up old bikes and gives them away. But he ran out of his money to buy old bikes last week. Has he come up with any way of getting mo

297、ney? or Will he have to stop?Lets find out the answer in the article inActivity 3a. Please read the article once quickly and tell me the answer.Have the students scan the passage and catch the main idea of it. After around two minutes, Ask the question again.Step III 3hThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students.Wc knew Jimmy had solved his problem.What things did he do to solve his problem? Please make a note of the things

298、that Jimmy did to solve his problem.Ask a student to read the sample sentence in the book. Tell them to write out the things that Jimmy did. Use the sample sentence as a model. And they can reread the article to search for the answers. Let the students complete the work on their own.Walk around the room while they arc writing, checking progress and correcting the mistakes they may make while writing.After they all finish writing, ask a few students to give their answers. Point out the mistakes t

299、hey may have made in writing.Who can tell me the main idea of the article now?Ask some students to answer with the main idea. They may answer like this:Jimmy has come up with some ways of getting old bikes, so he will not have to stop fixing up and giving away old bikes.They can answer in their own language.After that, write the following words and phrases on the blackboard.call up, hand out, work Out, call-in, strategyTell them to note these new words and phrases in the article, ask children to

300、 read the article again. Tell them to read in context, guessing the meanings of new words and phrases from the other words around them.Students read the article again for comprehension this time. Allow them to read a little longer this time.After a while, point to the new words and phrases on the blackboard and let the students guess the meanings of them. The teacher does some explanation at the same time.Look at the blackboard now. Let, s explain these new words and phrases one by one.First, le

301、t* s see call up. Who can tell me the meaning of it by reading?Ask several students to tell the meaning of it by guessing. Some of the children might get the correct meaning. Say congratulations to any children who can tell the right meaning. If no one can tell the correct meaning. Explain it to the class.Tell them call up means make a telephone call.After explaining, provide another example to the children, for example, Call me up tomorrow.Ask the students to make some sentences with it if time

302、 permits. Let them do it as homework if there is no enough time in class.Do the same with the other new words and phrases on the blackboard. Explain each one and give at least one example for each new word or phrase.Get the students to read the instructions together.Say, Read the article a third time now.Please underline all the phrasal verbs while you are reading.Ask students to complete the work on their own.Get some students to tell the class their answers. Check the answers with the whole cl

303、ass.Answerscheer up, run out, put up, called up, handed out, set up, come up with, fix up, give away.Then have them work in pairs. Tell them to check each otherT s answers carefully and point out the mistakes their partners may have made. Tell them to help each other like this as often as possible.Write the correct answers on the blackboard to help them.After checking the answers, ask the students to read the article loudly. Teach them to read the new words or even the whole text before they sta

304、rt reading if necessary.Ask them to read for a while, ask one or two to read it to the class, correcting any pronunciation errors they may make.Then ask the whole class to practice reading in pairs. Tell them to read the article loudly in turns in pairs. The one who is listening has to point out his or her partner, s pronunciation errors and help to correct them. If they arc not sure about any words, tell them to ask for help from the teacher.After practice reading the article, ask if they have

305、any words or sentences they don t understand. Tell them to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don, t understand.Help solve the problems.Answers1. He did a radio interview.2. He put up signs.3. He called up friends.4. He handed out advertisem*nts.5. He told teachers.Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Let, s do it in groups of four. Each group will have to brainsto

306、rm a plan for helping out in your community. Talk about it and make notes on where you will help and what you will do. Each group has to write out your own list of possible places and volunteer activities first.Point out the chart in Activity 4. Tell them to note the two given statements Where and What.Your task is to write the places after the word Where and the volunteer activities after the word What.Show some pictures or signs on volunteer activities to help the children come up with some id

307、eas.For example, show the class a picture of helping clean up the city parks. Where will you help? The students may answer with the city parks. Then continue asking what will you do there. The students may answer. We will pick up plastic bags and papers. ”Write the place and the volunteer work on the blackboard like this:Where 1. the city parks 2. What 1. pick up plastic bags and papers 2. ,Let the students work in fours. Brainstorm their plans and write their own lists, using the answers on the

308、 blackboard as a model.Walk around the classroom, offering help as necessary.After they all finish brainstorming and writing, tell them to practice together what they will say to the class.Each group will have to report your plan to the class. Now practice together what you will say. You can select one to report mainly and the others complete or you can say in turns. Each one tells about one place. And you can also have one write notes on the board if you wish. Let them practice for a while. The

309、n ask each group to make their presentations.They may begin like this:We plan to go to the city parks. We will help clean up the city parks by picking up the plastic bags and papers.They can say in their own words.Sample answers:Where: 1. the city parks 2. the hospital3. the primary school 4. the elderly people s houses 5.What: 1. help clean up the parks2. cheer up the sick kids3. coach a football team fbr little kids4. help do the housework5. Step V SummarySay, In this class, weve read an artic

310、le about Jimmy. Weve known Jimmy has got sixteen bikes to fix up and give away.And we ve learned to make reading notes. We have done some reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language through groupwork.Step VI Homework1. Make one sentence with each of the phrasal verbs below, call up, hand out, work out, run out, set up, fix up.2. Try to remember the new words on page 64.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 8 r 1 1 help clean up the city parks.Section B The Fifth PeriodN

311、ew words and phrases in Activity 3a: call up, hand out, work out, call-in, strategy.Answer to Activity 3a:cheer up, run out, put up, called up, handed out, set up, come up with, fix up, give away. Answers to Activity 3b:1. He did a radio interview.2. He put up signs.3. He called up friends.4. He handed out advertisem*nts.5. He told teachers.Sample answers to Activity 4:Where: 1. the city parks 2. What: 1. pick up plastic bags and papersUnit 8 r II help clean up the city parks.The 6th PeriodI Tea

312、ching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Using these phrasal verbs correctly.give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out(2) Writing an article using the notes given2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students to use the phrasal verbs.give away, take after, come up with, give out and hang out.(2) Train studentsw riting skill.3. Moral ObjectWhat do you want to be in the future? Try to come up with an idea to get much volunteer experience. It will be good for both you and the others.

313、II. Teaching Key Points1. Help the students have a self check on the key words and target language of this unit.2. Practice using the phrasal verbs give away, take after come up with, give out and hang out.3. Direct the students to write an article according to the notes given.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. The students make sentences with the phrasal verbs.2. Write the article with the notes given.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by providing sample sentences2. Teaching by providing sample art

314、icleV . Teaching AidA picture of a young woman who is singing.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1 . Check the homework by asking the children to show their sentences. Ask some to share their sentences with the class.2 . Dictate some new words on page 64.Step II Part 1This activity focuses or vocabulary introduced in the unit. Ask a student to read the instructions.We have two tasks now. First let? s fill in the blanks. Look at the words given in the box. They are all phrasal verbs. Do you kn

315、ow the meaning of each phrasal verb?Who has any problem? Show me by raising your hands.Help solve the problems. Do some explanation if necessary. For example, if someone is not sure about hang out, tell him or her, hang out means spend one s time lazily.Let them do the work individually. Tell them to choose a correct verb for each blank and note to use the correct forms of the verbs.In some cases, you may need to use an other form of the word, for example adjusting for tense, subject or verb agr

316、eement. Move around the room as they write, offering help as needed. Try to remember the common mistakes they may make.After they are finished, ask five different students to read their answers to the class. Correct any mistakes they may have made, especially the verb forms. Encourage the other students to point out their mistakes and help correct them. Point out the common mistakes they may have made at last. After checking the answers together, ask the whole class to check the answers in pairs

317、, exchanging their books and have a careful check. Point out their partner? s mistakes and help correct them.Let the students read the five sentences loudly several times after making sure they all have got right answers.Then go on with the second task. Use the first phrase, give away, as an example.Ask several students to make sentences with it orally.Such as, Jimmy gives away old bikes.Then ask the children to make their own sentences with the phrasal verbs given.Each one writes the sentences

318、on a piece of paper.Move around the classroom while they are writing, checking progress and offering help.Ask some students to share their sentences to the class by reading their sentences to the class. Correct any mistakes they may have made.Ask all the children to hand in their papers.Answers1. give out 2. came up with 3. gave away 4. hang out 5. takes afterSome sample sentences1. Jimmy gives away old bikes to children who don t have bikes.2. Tom takes after his uncle.3. The boy has come up wi

319、th a good plan to enjoy his holiday.4. The volunteers are giving out the advertisem*nts now.5. Ladies always like hanging out at the shops on weekends.Step Hl Part 2This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students.We 1 1 have to write an article using the notes in the box. The article will tell what happens to Sally. At first, let, s see the first sample sentence given in the book.Ask a student to read the se

320、ntence. Tell them to note how the writer combined these phrases into one sentence.Then tell the students to try to say out the next sentence. Let them think for a while first. Then ask several children to say their sentences. They may say a sentence like this: As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people.Then go on with the third sentence, then the fourth one. Help the students to think out and say out all the sentences.After combining the phrases into sentences orally,

321、tell the students to put all the sentences together to write an article by themselves. Tell them to go on writing after the first sample sentence on their books.Move around the classroom. Note to remember whose articles are very successful and whose have some mistakes. Offer help as much as possible:After they all finish writing, ask some students whose articles have some mistakes to read theirs to the class. Let the rest of the class help correct the mistakes.Then ask some students who have wri

322、tten successfully to read theirs. At last, the teacher reads the sample article in the teacher * s book to the class, showing a picture in which a young woman is singing.Tell them to exchange their articles with their partners and help each other.Ask the students to rewrite their articles to make the article perfect after class.Sample answers:Sally Langenthal is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer. As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people. And she als

323、o sings at schools. But after she ran out of money for singing lessons, she came up with ideas fbr making money. She put up signs asking fbr singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons fbr children. Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.Step IV Just for Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.Call the students attention to the cartoon pictures. Tell them to see what happens.Ask the students to

324、read the conversation in the first picture together.Then ask them what is funny about this cartoon. Help the students to answer like this:The boy has been trying to make the person stop crying because he thinks the person is sad, butthe person is really crying because of the onions.Step V SummarySay, In this class, weve practiced using some phrasal verbs and weve written an article based on the notes given. At last, we enjoyed a funny cartoon. All of you have done very well.Step VI Homework1. Re

325、vise all the language points in this unit.2. Finish off the exercises on pages 3234 of the workbook.3. Make another more sentence with each phrasal verbs below, give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out.4. Rewrite the article.Step V U Blackboard DesignUnit 8 r 1 1 help clean up the city parks.Self checkThe Sixth PeriodAnswers to Activity I:1. give out 2. came up with3. gave away 4. hang out5. takes afterSome sample sentences to Activity 1:1. Jimmy gives away old bikes to children w

326、ho don t have bikes.2. Tom takes after his uncle.3. The boy has come up with a good plan to enjoy his holiday,4. The volunteers are giving out the advertisem*nts now.5. Ladies always like hanging out at the shops on weekends.Unit 8 ril help clean up the city parksThe 7th PeriodReading: No problem!I . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularysolve, complain, your concern, trust, wheelchair, brilliant and so on.(2) Text: No problem!2. Ability ObjectsTrain studentsJ ability o

327、f identify main idea.Train students * ability of understanding words in context.Train studentsJ ability of reading for special infbnnation.3. Moral ObjectHelp your family and friends to solve the life s big or small problems with the ways you have learnt.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key vocabulary.2. Read the text to identify main idea.3. Read the text to understand words in context.4. Read the text for special information.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Train students reading skill.2. Train stude

328、nts * writing skill.IV. Teaching Methods1. Up-down reading methods2 . Pairwork3. GroupworkV . Teaching AidA ProjectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Part 1This activity allows students to activate their background knowledge before attempting the reading.Call the students * attention to the title of the article.Tell me the title of the article, please.Yes, it s No problem. What do you 由ink the article is about based on the title?Ask one or two to tell what they think of based on the title.Then ask

329、the students to look at the picture on this page. Say, Look at the picture, please. What can you see in it?What is happening?Ask one student to answer the questions.He or she my say:I can see two women quarrelling in the picture.Then ask the whole class. Which student in your class do you think has the least problems? What does he or she do differently?Choose one student to tell his own answer. He or she may say like this:I think Li Hua has the least problems in our class. She seldom complains a

330、bout the homework and she has never quarreled with any other student in our class.Then tell the students to discuss the questions with their partners.Tell them to give their own answers and not to read the article.As they discuss, walk around the room looking at their progress. Once most students are finished, ask several pairs to report their results to the class. Let the whole class compare their answers.Step II Part 2This activity encourages students to read quickly for the main idea and then

331、 support the main idea with one detail. Ask one student to read the instructions to the class. Make sure that all the children know what to do.Call the studentsJ attention to the chart.Have the students read the four headings together. Then tell them to see the example answer in the column of Explanation.Say, Now please read the article quickly and note to catch the main idea of each part. Fill in the forms with complete sentences like the example given.Ask the students to complete the task indi

332、vidually. More around the classroom while they arereading and writing, checking their progress and trying to find out what are difficult for them. After they all finish filling in the blanks, have some students to report their answers to the class.The answers can vary, but they have to express the main idea with correct complete sentences.Let the other students decide whether their answers are right or wrong and help correct the mistakes they may make.Offer some help in combining sentences to th

333、e children.Then ask the children to exchange their writing with their partners.Help check the answers carefiilly. Point out any mistakes and help correct them.Sample answersHeading ExplanationLearn to forgetDon* t think about things that make you angry.Remember, it s part of your job Don t worry about things you are supposed to do anyway.See it from another person s eyes Think of why other people do things that make you mad.Think of some thing worse If you compare yourself to people who are not

334、so fortunate, you still feel better.Step Illi Part 3This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading in context.We can see some words indicated in bold in the article.Please guess the meanings of them now.Then ask some children to guess the meanings of the bold words. Don, t give them the correct answers.Do you want to know more about how to deal with the life, s problems? Please read the article more carefully this time and you ll get more ways about it. Note to read in context.

335、 Try to guess the meanings of the words in bold from the other words around them. You can also guess the meanings of any words and phrases you can t understand from the other words around them.Ask the students to read the article again for comprehension.After a while, ask some students to tell the meanings of the words in bold. Discuss their answers with the whole class.Check their answers by showing these bold Words and other new words in the article on a screen by a projector.deal v. 处理; 应付dea

336、l w ith安排; 处理in fact事实上solve v. 解决;解释complain v. 抱怨;发牢骚concern n. 关切;感兴趣的事trust v. 相信;信任disease n. 疾病wheelchair n. 轮椅brilliant adj.卓越的; 杰出的believe in 信任;信赖Ask students to raise their hands and say which sentences and words they still don tunderstand. Help them solve the problems.Read the instructions with the students and have them look at the example.Ask the students to match the words with their meanings. Remind them to read the story again for extra help.Check the answers.Answerssolve b; comp

337、lain a; your concern c; trust e; wheelchair f, brilliant d.Step IV Part 4This activity helps students read for specific information. Read the instructions to the students. Ask the first question as a sample to check if they know what to do.Ask the students to do the activity individually. Tell them to read the article again to get help. Check the answers by asking diflerent students to answer the questions.Answers may very slightly.You should try to remember the answers before looking at the rea

338、ding.Then let the students ask and answer the questions in pairs loudly.Sample answers1. Tell yourself to forget.2. He is still a very successful writer and teacher.3. Angry or unhappy people may do things to make you angry.4. You probably don t need a wheelchair to move or a computer to help you talk.5. A student? s most important job is to learn and show how he or she learns on tests.Step V Part 5This activity helps students work in a group and think critically about what they have read.Read t

339、he tasks to the students, and ask them to have a look at the sample answers.Ask the students to do the activity in groups of five. Encourage each student to come up with a problem and a solution, and report them to their own group. The groups discuss the problems and solutions together, explaining the problems and solutions.Check the answers by asking each group to explain the problems and solutions.Try to ask for more solutions from other groups for each problem.Sample answersProblem SolutionHo

340、mework is too difficult. Make friends with brilliant students.The rules of the school are too strict. Remember that they are part of your job as a student.There is too little time to play. Your concern is to learn as a student.Worry about the future. Think of something worse.Always quarrel with classmates. Try to see it from another person s eyes.Step VI SummaryWe have read a very helpful article in this class. And we ve learned how to solve the problems. We discussed the problems we had at scho

341、ol and the solutions. We have done much practice on comprehension.Step V II HomeworkRead the article in Activity 2 again for further comprehension.Try to solve your own problems and help the others.Step V III Blackboard DesignReading: No ProblemThe Seventh PeriodAnswers to Activity 3:solve b; complain a; your concern c; trust e; wheelchair f; brilliant dSample answers to activity 4:1. Tell yourself to forget.2. He is still a very successful writer and teacher.3. Angry or unhappy people may do th

342、ings to make you angry.4. You probably don t need a wheelchair to more or a computer to help you talk.5. A studentJ s most important job is to learn and show how he or she learns on tests.Unit 9 When was it invented?The First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and DemandsI. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabulary invent(2) Target LanguageWhen was the telephone invented?I think it was invented in 1876.2. Ability Objects( 1) Teach the students to use the new words.(2) Train the students to talk about the histor

343、y of inventions.(3) Train the students listening and speaking skills with the target language.3. Moral ObjectsMany important inventions have changed the world a lot. Do you know the inventors of them? And when were they invented?II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularyinvent2. Target LanguageTalk about the history of inventions.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Train the students to talk about the history of inventions.2. Train the students to understand the target language in spoken conversation

344、.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening.2. Groupwork.3. Pairwork.V . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder.2. Some pictures or real objects of the inventions.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the language points in Unit 9.Ask some students to say something about Tina and the stories happened on April Fool s Day. Encourage them to use the Past Perfect Tense.2. Check the homework by asking some students to share the sentences they made with the verbs with the class.Step II laThis activity review

345、s vocabulary and introduces new vocabulary which can be used to talk about inventions.Read the inventions to the students.Call the students attention to the five pictures, Tell the students that all of these things were invented in the last 150 years.Point to each picture and let the students tell what it is.Write the names of the five inventions on the puter, car, calculator, telephone, TV setHave several different students guess and write the dates on the board.Ask the class to repeat the ques

346、tions and answers like this.T: When was the computer invented?Class repeat.SS: When was the computer invented?T: Good. Now Tom, what is your guess?SI: 1965.T: OK. Tom, repeat after me. The computer was invented in 1965.T: Class, please repeat.SS: The computer was invented in 1965.Repeat the process with several different inventions.Tell the children that they will find out the real dates after they complete the lesson.After that, ask the students the questions below:Questions:1. Which one do you

347、 think is the oldest?2. Which one is the newest?3. Which one do you think is the oldest or the first invention?4. Which one is the newest or last invention?Ask different students to answer the questions.Have the students look at the example conversation in the box. Ask two students to read this conversation to the class.A: I think the telephone was invented before the car.B: Well, I think the telephone was invented after the car.Read the instructions again to the students. Remind them to remembe

348、r the inventions from first to last.Then have the students talk about the five inventions in groups of four, using the sample conversation as a model.Ask several groups to tell the class their answers. The rest of the class listen to them and show they have different answers by raising their hands.In the next activity you will find out the real dates.Step III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Get the whole class to read the instru

349、ction together.Call the students * attention to the five inventions in the picture. Ask five students to say the names of them.Then ask them to see the five dates with a blank line in front of each.We 1 1 listen to a girl and a woman talking about the five inventions. They will talk about when they were invented. Listen carefully and match the inventions and the dates. Write the correct letter in front of each date as the sample given. Ask them to have a look at the sample answer. Tell them the

350、answer in front of 1876 is d. That means that the telephone, which is letter d, was invented in 1876.Play the recording the first time. The students only listen and try to catch the main idea.Play the recording a second time. Let the students match the inventions and the dates.Check the answers by asking several to say the answers to the class.If some of the answers are hard to get for the children, tell them not to worry and they will make it next.Then play the recording again. Pause after each

351、 sentence and let the students repeat.For some difficult sentences, get the students to repeat several times. Be sure that they make everything clear.Answersd 1876 a 1885 e 1927 c 1971 b 1976TapescriptGirl: Life must have been difficult when you were a kid.Woman: Oh; not really. Why do you say that?Girl: Well, you didn, t have many modern inventions. Like, you probably didn, t have a telephone, right?Woman: Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone was invented in 1876.Girl: How

352、 about cars? I bet cars wcren t invented yet.Woman: Sure they were. Cars were invented in 1885. My family had a car. I think you need to take a history class, Alice.Girl: Ha, ha! Well, did you have a TV?Woman: No, we didn t. The TV was invented around 1927,1 think. Some friends of mine had one. But in those days, TVs were really expensive, and we couldn t afford one.Girl: And I bet you didn, t have calculators and computers and stuff. That s something I do know. We learned in school that hand-he

353、ld calculators were invented in 1971 and personal computers were invented in 1976.Woman: You re right. I didn t have those things when I was young. But I do now!Step IV 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions and point to the list of dates in Activity lb.You will be talking about the dates things were invented with a partner.Call the students * attention to the example in the box. Ask a pair of the students to read thisconversation to the cla

354、ss.SA: When was the telephone invented?SB: I think it was invented in 1876.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Then get the students to practice in pairs, using the infbnnation in Activity lb. Tell them to do it like this:Student A, covers the dates. Students B, asks Student A when the things in the picture above were invented. Then change roles and practice again.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step V SummaryIn this class, we ve learned to talk about the histo

355、ry of inventions with passive voice. We ve also done some listening practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. And we ve done much oral practice, using the target language.Step VI HomeworkI. Write out two conversations in Activity la.2. Write out two conversations in Activity 1c.Step V D Blackboard DesignUnit 9 When was it invented?Section AThe First Period1. The names of the five inventions:computer, car, calculator, telephone, TV set2. Target language:A: When was the

356、 telephone invented?B: I think it was invented in 1876.Unit 9 When was it invented?The Second PeriodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularybe used for, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, slipper, scoop, electric(2) Target LanguageWhen was the car invented?It was invented in 1885.Who were they invented by?They were invented by Julie Thompson.What are they used for?They are used fbr seeing in the dark.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students listening skill.(2) Train

357、the students * communicative competence using the target language.(3) Train the students to use the new vocabulary.II. Teaching Key Points( 1) Listening practice with the target language.(2) Make communications with target language.(3) Teach the new vocabularyHI. Teaching Difficult Points1. Teaching the Grammar Focus.2. The listening practice with the target language.3 Make communications with the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening2. PairworkV . Teaching AidA tape recorderVL Teachi

358、ng ProceduresStep I Revision1. Check the homework.2. Revise the target language learned last class. Get the students to ask and answer questions in pairs like this:SA: When was the telephone invented?SB: I think it was invented in 1876.Tell them to ask about all the five inventions.Step II 2aThis activity provides listening practice with the target language and review new vocabulary about inventions.Show these new words on a screen by a projector.be used fo r用来做. . .adj ustable adj. 可调整的heel n.

359、( 鞋、袜等的) 后跟; ( 足) 跟battery n.电池operate v . 操作;作业s lip p e rn .拖鞋scoop v. 用 勺 舀 n . 勺子;球形勺;长柄勺electric a d j.电子的;电的Point to each one and teach them to read.Do it several times until the children can read them well.Ask a few students to read the new words. See if they can read each word correctly.Ask the students to read the instructions together.Write the names of the inventions on the blackboard:Shoes with adjustable heelsbattery operated slippersheated ice cream scoopRead the three names of the

360、 inventions and the students repeat. Do some explanation as well.Then point to the picture of each invention and ask students what they think is interesting about it.You 1 1 hear about some interesting inventions. Please listen and number the three inventions inthe order that you hear them in the conversation. Write a number in front of each invention to show what order you hear about them.Play the recording the first time, students only listen. Then play the recording again. Ask the students to

361、 write a number on each short line in front of each invention.Check the answers by asking a student to tell the answers.AnswersThe inventions should be numbered in this order:3 1 2TapescriptBoy: What are those?Girl: They, re battery-operated slippers.Boy: What are they used for?Girl: They re used for seeing in the dark.Boy: Oh, thats cool! Who were they invented by?Girl: Julie Thompson. And look at this heated ice cream scoop.Boy: I know what it s for! It s used for scooping out really cold ice

362、cream.Girl: Right. It was invented by Chelsea Lanmon.Boy: My favorite are those shoes with adjustable heels. You know you can move the heels up and down. They were invented by Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth.Girl: And what are they used for?Boy: Well, you can change the style of your shoes. You can make the shoes go from casual to dressy.Step III 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Get the students to read the instructions together. Be sure that each stu

363、dent knows what to do. Read the three headings Inventions, who was it invented by? and what is it used for?Then read the infbnnation under each heading. Do some explanation if necessary.You Il hear the same recording again.Please listen carefully to what the people are saying and draw lines to match items in the chart.Call the students? attention to the three-part sample given in the chart. Read it to the class and explain it like this:The sample means the shoes with adjustable heels were if inv

364、ented by Jayce Coziar and Jimie Ellsworth. They arc used for changing the style of a shoe.After that, play the recording again and the students draw lines to match the items in the three columns.Check the answers by asking three different students to read their answers to the class.At last, play the recording for another time and pause after each sentence. The students repeat after it sentence by sentence. Do some explanation if necessary.Make sure that everyone understands all the details about

365、 the conversation.Answersshoes with adjustable heels Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth-changing the style of a shoebattery operated slippers Julie Thompson seeing in the dark heated ice cream scoop Chelsea Lanmon scooping really cold ice cream.Step IV 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students.Ask a pair of the students to read the sample conversation.SA: What are they used fbr?SB: They re used for seeing in the dark.Get the stude

366、nts to ask about the three inventions first, using the information in the chart in Activity 2b.Then let them role play the conversations using the infbmiation in the chart in Activity 2c.Get them to make their own conversations using the information in the chart in Activity 2c like this:(Pointing to the inventions)A: What are these?B: They are battery-operated slippers.A: What are they used for?B: They are used fbr seeing in the dark.A: Who were they invented by?B: They were invented by Julie Th

367、ompson.Ask the students to work in pairs. Move around the classroom checking progress and providing help if needed.Check the answers by calling on different pairs to say their conversations fbr the class.Step V Grammar FocusThis activity introduces the target language with the Passive Voice.Call the students attention to the sentences in the grammar box.Ask four pairs of the students to read the questions and answers in the grammar box.SA: When was the car invented?SB: It was invented in i885.SA

368、: When were electric slippers invented?SB: They were invented last year.SA: Who were they invented by?SB: They were invented by Julie Thompson.SA: What were they used for?SB: They were used fbr seeing in the dark.Write them on the blackboard.Let the student think about the structures of these sentences.Tell them that when the subject of the sentence is the doer, we have to use be plus a past participle as the predicate of the sentence.Circle the words was and were in all the sentences.Ask: When

369、do we use was in the questions, and were in the questions?Underline the singular nouns and plural nouns.Singular items like car use the singular verb was. Plural items like slippers use the plural verb were.Circle the word invented in all the sentences.You always use a past participle when you use was plus a verb or were plus a verb. And you cantell the doer with by.Say something about be used for to the children.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve done some listening and writing practice with t

370、he target language. We ve also done some oral practice in pairs. And we ve discussed the Passive Voice as well.StepVII HomeworkI. Try to remember the new vocabulary on page 77.2. Write down two conversations in activity 2c.StepVIH Blackboard DesignUnit 9 When was it invented?Section AThe Second Period1. The names of the inventions and answers of activity 2a:3 shoes with adjustable heels1 battery operated slippers2 heated ice cream scoop2. Target Language:A: When was the car invented?B: It was in

371、vented in 1885.A: When were electric slippers invented?B: They were invented last year.A: Who were they invented by?B: They were invented by Julie Thompson.A: What are they used or?B: They, re used for seeing in tile dark.Unit 9 When was it invented?The Third PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularybulb, light bulb, microwave, oven, microwave oven, island(2) Target LanguageWhat is the microwave oven used for?It is used for cooking.2. Ability ObjectsTrain the stu

372、dents writing and speaking skills with the target language.3. Moral ObjectsIf you are alone on a tiny island, what inventions would you like to have on the island with you?II. Teaching Key Points1. Talk about the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.2. Guide the students to discuss their opinions on the inventions.III. Teaching Difficult PointsI. Discuss the opinions on the inventions.2. Use the target language to describe the inventions.IV . Teaching Methods1. Pairwork2. GroupworkV . Teac

373、hing AidsSome pictures of the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1 . Revise the three inventions talked last class. Ask about the names of the three inventions. Help the students answer: shoes with adjustable heels battery-operated sneakers heated ice cream scoopThen ask the two questions below on each invention:a. Who was it invented by?b. What is it used for?2. Revise the target language with the Passive Voice in Grammar Focus by asking several one

374、s to read the sentences.3. Check the homework. Dictate the words below:bulb, light bulb, microwave oven, islandStep II 3aThis activity provides practice with listening, speaking, reading and writing using the target language.Call the students attention to the three pictures of three inventions.Teach them to read the names of the inventions. Do it like this:T: Look at the first picture, please. We can see the name under the picture.Now read after me, alarm clock.SS: Alarm clock.Do the same with l

375、ight bulb and microwave oven.Then read the instructions to the students.Explain helpful inventions and annoying inventions to the students like this, showing a picture of a vacuum cleaner,A vacuum cleaner is helpful.Then show a picture of a truck to the class.A very loud truck is annoying.Then let the students look at the three pictures in the textbook.Ask these questions on each invention:1. Is this invention useful or annoying?2. What is it used for?Then ask the whole class ask and answer the

376、two questions above in pairs.Read the instructions to the students again.Point to the chart in the textbook. Tell the students to fill in the blanks with other helpful and annoying inventions on their own.Give the class about five minutes to do this.As they work, move around the room providing some names of inventions to them and answering questions as necessary.Point out the sample answer in the box before they start writing.After they have all finished, ask some students to read their answers

377、to the class. Then get the students to work with their partners. Have each student talk about their list with another student, asking each other questions. For example,What is your first helpful invention?Why do you think it is helpful?Sample answersHelpful Inventions Annoying Inventions1. bike1.recorder2.TV puter3.tractor4.plane4.loudspeaker5.umbrella5.mobile phoneStepIII 3bThis activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.Ask the students to read the instructions

378、 together.I think the most helpful invention is the computer because it has changed the world a lot.Then ask a pair of the students to model the sample dialogue:SA : What do you think is the most helpful invention?SB: I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.SA: Why is that?SB: Well, it gives people more time to work and play every day.Correct any pronunciation errors. Make sure they arc providing a good model. Write the conversation on the blackboard.After that, get the class to wor

379、k in pairs and complete the work.Please discuss your opinions in Activity 3a with your partner now.Ask some ones to tell the class about their partners * opinions and reasons. They may say like this:Zhang Ming thinks the most helpful invention is the car because it makes our travel easier.Step IV Part 4This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Ask the students to see the picture first.And encourage some students to describe it. They may say like this: The man is alone on a t

380、iny island. He is sitting under a tree and thinking. What can he see around the island is water. Then read the instructions to the class.Do some explanation if necessary. Make sure each student can understand the instructions and know what to do.Tell the class to discuss in groups of four.Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island and you had ever got a chance to choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you. Each group has to tell what you choose and why.Remind them that

381、 they can use all the items mentioned in Activities la, lb, 2a and 3a. And they can also use any other items they can think of as they talk to their partners. Tell them to use the statement in the box as the beginning.Ask two students to read it to the class.SA: T d like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day.SB: Yes, but that* s not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have* Have the students work in groups of four. Move around the classroom and hel

382、ping students as necessary.Ask each group to share their statements with the class. Compare their inventions and decide which ones are the most helpful.Sample conversation:A: r d like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day.B: Yes, but that s not going to help you leave the island. 1 think it would be better to have a mobile phone. So you can contact anyone who can save you.C: I don t agree with you. I think you should choose a computer. It will help you to ask for help from all

383、over the world.D :.Step V SuminaryIn this class, we ve learned more about the inventions. And we ve done much oral practice talking about the inventions.Step VI Homework1. Remcber the new words on page 78.2. Write down the conversations in Activity 3 b.3. Write down the conversation in Activity 3c.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 9 When was it invented?Section AThe Third PeriodTarget language:A: What do you think is the most helpful invention?B: I think the most helpful invention is the light bul

384、b.A: Why is that?B: Well, it gives people more time to work and play every day.Unit 9 When was it invented?The Fourth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularysweet, salty, crispy, sour, potato, chip, mistake, by mistake, thin, in the end, chef, sprinkle(2) Target LanguageDid you know potato chips were invented by mistake?No, I didn t know that. Who invented them?2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the. students y reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the

385、Target language.( 2) Train the students to use the new vocabulary.3. Moral Objectsyou enjoy eating the potato chips?Have you ever thought of the history of the chips?II. Teaching Key Points1. Train the studentsr reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.2. Teach the students to use the new vocabulary correctly.III. Teaching Difficult PointsDo the listening practice.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening2. PairworkV . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. Some bags of potato

386、chips.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Check the homework by asking some children to read their conversations to the class.2. Ask some questions about the inventions. For example, what do you think is the most helpful invention?3. Dictate the words below:bulb light, microwave oven, island.Step II laThis activity introduces new vocabulary.First, show the new vocabulary on the screen by a projector.sweet a d j.甜的;含糖的salty a d j . 咸的;含盐的crispy adj. 脆的;易碎的sour adj.酸的;酸味的potato n. 土豆c h i p n

387、 . ( 食物等)片 一m istaken.错误;过去;误解by mistake错误地thin adj.薄的;细的in the end最后;终于chef n . 厨师sprinkle v . 撒 ( 粉末状物);洒 ( 液体)Point to each word on the screen and teach the students to read one by one. Do it several times until the children can read the new words fluently.Read the instructions to the class.Point out the four adjectives on the left.Have them read the four words together.Then ask some different students to read them. Then ask the students to try to tell the meaning of each word in English in t

388、heir own words, or give some examples of foods that show what each word means.For example, help the students explain it like this:Sweet is used for describing something that tastes like sugar or honey. It s the opposite word of sour.After that, ask the Students to tell the names of the foods in the pictures potato chips, lemon, ice cream, tea.Please choose the words in the box to describe how the food in the pictures tastes.Write them under the correct pictures.Note that some pictures have more

389、than one word.Tell them to see the example answer before writing.After a while, check the answers by asking several students to read their answers to the class.Answers:potato chips: crispy, salty lemon: sourice cream: sweettea: sweetOptional activityBring some foods that taste sweet, crispy, salty and sour to the class. Have some students, one at a time, taste little pieces of each food. Then report how the foods taste to the class with the new adjectives, sweet, crispy, salty and sour. Students

390、 may one more than one word to describe some foods.Step III lbThis activity provides practice using the new vocabulary and writing familiar words.Ask the students to read the instructions together.Point out the four taste words. Then point to the sample answer given.Please write the name of a different food after each word.You can write the name of any food you know in the blank. Can you think of other sweet food now? (apple, orange, etc. )Ask the students to complete the activity on their own.A

391、fter they all finish writing, ask some students to read their answers to the class.Check the answers with the whole class.Answers:Answers will vary but may include:sweet: apple, orange juice, soda, cake, honeycrispy: fi-ench fries, salad, lettucesalty: french fries, olives, pepperoni, pizza, popcornsour: pickle, grapefruitStep N 2aThis activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Let the students read the instructions together. Be sure that they all k

392、now what to do.Call the studentsJ attention to the six sentences in the box. Ask six different students to read them and do some explanation in their own words on each sentence.After that, get the students to guess what they will hear about.Maybe someone can answer like this, may listen to something about the potato chips. Show some bags of potato chips them or even let some children taste the chips.Yes. You H hear a story about the invention of the potato chips. Please look at the first sentenc

393、e now. It is a sample answer given. The statement is true so the letter T is circled.Then play the recording first. Students only listen.Play the recording again. Ask the children to listen and circle T for true or F for false.Check the answers with the whole class.Answers1. T2. F3. T4. F5. F6. TTapescriptBoy 1: Hey, did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?Boy 2: Really? What do you mean?Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a chef called George Crum.Boy

394、 2: When was that?Boy 1: Oh, it was way back in 1853.Boy 2: So, why was it an accident?Boy 1: Well, one day a customer in the restaurant where George worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.Boy 2: So what happened?Boy 1: Well, George was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy.And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty.He thought the customer would hate t

395、hem.Boy 2: And?Boy 1: And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly-sliced, crispy, salty potato chips.Boy 2:And we re still eating them today.What a cool story!Boy 1: Yeah.Step V 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language.Get the students to read the instructions together.Point to the blanks in the sentences in the story and tell them to complete the sentences while they

396、 are listening.You 1 1 listen to the same recording again.Before I play the recording, please try to give the answers by memory, or just by guessing.It doesn t matter whether your answers are right or wrong.After a while, have the students get ready to listen.Play the recording again. Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear.Get several students to share their answers with the class. Correct the answers with the whole class.Answers1. Did you know 2. were invented3. 1853 4.

397、 were crispy 5. really saltyStep VI 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Play the recording of the history of chips again. Pause for the students to repeat after it. Get the students to read after the tape at least twice. Tell them to try their best to copy the pronunciation of the recording.Read the instructions to the class. Tell them that they will role-play the conversation, using the information from the activities in Activity 2a and Activity 2b.Ask a pair

398、 of the students to read the model conversation in the box.SA: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?SB: Wow, I didn? t know that. Who invented themSA: They were invented by a chef called George Crum.Write the conversation on the black board.Then ask another pair to make a conversation or continue the model conversation.They may say like this:A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?B: Wow, I didn, t know that. Who invented them?A: They were invented by a chef called Ge

399、orge Crum.B: Why was it an accident? Can you tell me the story?A: Well , one day a customer in the restaurant where George worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.B: What happened next?A: So George was unhappy, he cut the potatoes really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy.He sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. He thought the customers would hate them.B: Go ahead, please.A: And the customer loved them

400、and asked for more.B: What a cool story!Step Y U SummaryIn this class, we ve learned to describe how food tastes with some new adjectives. And we ve done much listening practice on the target language. At last, we did some oral practice by making our own conversations.Step H I Homework1. Try to remember the new words learned today.2. Write out the conversation that you made by yourselves in Activity 2c.StepIX Blackboard DesignUnit 9 When was it invented?Section BThe Fourth PeriodTarget Language:

401、A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?B: Wow, I didn t know that. Who invented them?A: They were invented by a chef called George Crum.Unit 9 When was it invented?The Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyby accident, beverage, thousand, according, according to, ancient, legend, emperor, boil, fire, leaf, nearly, fall into, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, smell, taste, in this way, metal, pie, flying disk, bakery. Bridgeport, Connectic

402、ut, throw, special(2) The reading passage about tea.(3) The writing passage about the flying disk.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students, reading skill on how to answer the questions.(2) Train the students writing skill by writing an article.(3) Train the students, speaking skill.3. Moral ObjectsChina is among the leading countries in tea production in the world. Let, s learn some history about the invention of tea.Il. Teaching Key Points1. The reading passage about tea.2. Lots of new words.3

403、. The writing practice on the invention the flying disk.IIJ. Teaching Difficult Points1. To teach the students so many new word in a single class.2. To help the students understand, the reading passage.3. To direct the students to write the article.IV. Teaching Methods1. Understanding the passage by answering the questions.2. Doing writing practice by writing similar articles to the model one.3. Pairvvork.V Teaching Aids1. Some real different kinds of tea and a real flying disk.2. A projector.VI

404、. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the history ofchips by asking the following questions:Were the potato chips invented by mistake?When were they invented?Who invented the potato chips?How were the potato chips invented?2. Dictate the words below:sprinkle, chef, in the end, by mistake, potato chips, crispy, salty, sweet, sour, thin.3. Check the homework.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.First, show the new words in the reading passage on a scr

405、een by a projector:by accident偶然;意外beverage n. 饮料thousand n. 一 千; 许多according adj.相符的;, 致的according to 根据. . .;按照ancient adj. 古代的;古老的legend n. 传说;传奇故事emperor n. 皇帝; 君主boil v . 煮沸;烧开fire n. 火; 炉火leafn. 叶;树叶 (pl. leaves)nearby a d j.临近的;附 近 的 a d v . 在附近fall into 陷入remain v . 保持:剩余;残余notice v. 注 意 到 n. 注 意 ;通知produce v. 生产;制造;产生pleasant adj. 舒适的;令人愉快的smell n. 气味;嗅觉taste v. 尝;品尝in this way 这样Point to each word on the screen and teach the children to read it. Do it several times until the students c

406、an read each word correctly. Ask some students to read the words to the class to see if they can pronounce each word correctly.Ask the students to read the instructions together.Point to the title of the passage and say like this, showing a bag of tea to the class, we ve learned the history of chips. Now there is a passage about the invention of tea. Please read the article silently by yourselves now and write out the answers to the questions beneath the article.Read these four questions to the

407、class:1. What is the article about?2. When was it invented?3. Who was it invented by?4. How was it invented?Tell them to read the article at least twice.They can try to catch the main idea the first time and answer the questions the second time. Tell them to circle any words or phrases that they don t understand.Ask four different students to read their answers to the class. Then ask some others to decide if their answers are right.Anyone in the class can provide his or her different answers to

408、the class.Check the answers with the class.Then encourage the children to ask questions on the words or phrases that they don t understand, Ask other students to explain or define the new words in their own words, but make sure that they can be understood.Have the children correct their answers in writing and read the article loudly several times. Answers1. The article is about the invention of tea.2. It was invented over three thousand years ago.3. It was invented by the Chinese emperor, Shen N

409、ong.4. It was invented by accident.Step III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Ask the whole class to read the instructions together.Then show a real flying disk to the children and tell the children the name of the toy is a flying disk in English.You, Il have to write an article using the notes in the box. The article will tell how the flying disk was invented. At first, let , s go over the notes in the box. There are some new words.Go over the notes

410、 with the class. Point out the new words. Teach them to read and do some explanation at the same time. Make sure that all the students make everything in the notes clear.Then ask the children to look at the contents and the picture in the right box.Look at the picture in the right box. We can see a flying plate in the animal, s mouth. And the title of the article has been given-From pie plate to flying disk. Also the first sentence has already been given to us. Let s read the title and the first

411、 sentence together now.Have the students read together.Find out how the writer combined the phrases in the notes into one sentence and try to say out the next sentence.Let them think for a while. Then ask several ones to say their sentences to the class. The sentences will vary, but have to be correct and meaningful.For example, someone may say like this:The original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery in Bridgeport, Connecticut.Then ask the children to make their own sentence

412、s with the notes given and note to say out the sentences in proper order to be an article. Let them work in pairs, listen to and help each other.After that, get the students to write their own articles. More around the classroom while they are writing, checking progress and offering help as necessary.Next, ask several students to share their articles with the class.Correct the mistakes they may have madeIf time permits, get the students to work in pairs and check each other * s article.Sample wr

413、iting:The flying disk is a toy which was invented by a group of college students. It was invented in the 1950s.In fact, the students didn t invent it.They just discovered it. The original flying disk was really a metal pic plate from a bakery namedBridgeport in Connecticut. The students there liked to eat the bakery s pies. And then they threw the pie plates around. A company began making plastic disk. Now there are flying disk clubs, a flying disk magazine, and even a national flying disk festi

414、val in September.Dont you think its amazing that all this started from a pie plate?Step IV 4aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the students.There is always something that we hate doing . For example, I hate cleaning the blackboard. What about you?Then ask some children to say the things they don t like doing to the class.After that, continue saying. Now please think of an invention that could help you.For me, I want to invent a

415、 self-cleaning board with something like a car, s windsheld wipers. Then I would never need to clean the blackboard myself. What about you?Get the students to discuss the things they hate doing and the inventions that could help them. Let them work in pairs.Then call the children s attention to the chart on the right.Get them to look at the sample answer and try to complete the chart first.Ask some children to give their answers to the blanks of use and price. Such as,Use: to write tests instead

416、 of me by listening to mePrice: one hundred yuan per penThen get the students to fill in the chart with the details of their own inventions.Don t review the task. It will be done in the next task.Step V 4bThis activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Get the students to ask and answer questions about their inventions in pairs first.Ask a pair to make a model conversation before the whole begin practicing. For example, they may

417、 say like,( BBusinessperson , IInventor)B: Excuse me, what invention was invented by you?I: A special pen.B: What is it used for?I: It is used for writing tests. While the test is on, the pen can write tests instead of persons according to what its owner tells it.B: Wow, that s great. How much would you like to sell it for?I: I hope I can get 100 yuan.B: OK. I will try to sell it to the class.After that, let the students work in pairs, Imagine one is a businessperson and the other is an inventor

418、 while they are practicing.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Then tell them to look at the model conversation in the box.Ask one student to read the conversation below to the class:A: This special pen was invented by Zheng Jie. It has three colours and it is used for writing tests. It can listen and write while the test is on. It is 100 yuan.Is anyone interested in it?Then ask some others to share their presentations with the class.They have to state the reason for bu

419、ying them.Then the class votes fbr the most popular invention they want to buy.Step VI SummaryIn this class, weve read an article about the invention of tea. Weve also written an article about the invention of the flying disk. We ve done much reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language through groupwork.Step V II Homework1. Review the new words learned today.2. Rewrite the article-From pie plate to flying disk. Prepare to hand in it next class.3. Write out the pre

420、sentation in activity 4b.Step V U I Blackboard DesignUnit 9 When was it invented?Section BThe Fifth PeriodAnswers to the questions in Activity 3a:1. The article is about the invention of tea.2. It was invented by the Chinese emperor, Shen Nong.3. It was invented by accident.Suggested answers for Activity 4a:Problem: writing testsNew inventions: a pen that listens and writesUse: writing tests instead of persons by listening to the ownerPrice: one hundred yuan per penUnit 9 When was it invented?Th

421、e Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) New Vocabularyabacus, century, telescope, camera(2) Use these words correctlycrispy, sweet, salty, sour(3) Write paragraphs about some inventions.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students to use these adjectives:crispy, sweet, salty, sour(2) Train the students writing skill.3. Moral ObjectsTry to find out when the things around you were invented. Enjoy the stories about how they were invented.II. Teaching Key PointsI. Help the s

422、tudents have a self check on the key words and target language.2. Practice using the adjectives below: crispy, sweet, salty, sour3. Write an article.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Make sentences with the adjectives.2. Write the article about the histories of the inventions.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by making sentences.2. Teaching by writing an article.V . Teaching Aids1 . Real objects: an abacus, an umbrella, a binoculars, a camera2 . A picture of a bicycle.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I

423、Revision1. Check the homework. Ask the students to hand in their homework.2. Ask the questions below again to review the article in Activity 3a:What was the article about?When was it invented?Who was it invented by?How was it invented?3. Ask some similar questions about the flying disk, or encourage the students to ask each other questions about it.4. Dictate the words below:metal, pie, flying disk, bakery, throw, specialStep II Part 1This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Fo

424、cus attention on the box. Invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the top.You are asked to fill in the blanks with the words. They are four adjectives used to describe how food tastes. Note to use them to adjust the proper food.Ask the students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Four students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their work.Answers1. sweet 2. salty 3. sour 4. crispyAsk the students to make their own sentences with

425、 the words, preferably sentences that arc meaningful. Move around the room. Collect a few students, answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Along with the students help correct the mistakes.Sample answers1. The potato chips are crispy. All the children love eating them.2. The chicken soup is too sweet. Mom put much sugar in it by mistake.3. The dishes in that restaurant arc too salty.4. I like eating something sour.Step III Part 2This activity provides reading and writing practice using the tar

426、get language.First, teach the names of the five inventions with books closed like this:Show a real abacus to the class and say,We call this an abacus in English.Write the word abacus on the blackboard. Then point to it and teach the students to read it.Do the same with the other four inventions-umbrella, binoculars, camera and bicycle.As a bicycle is too big, show a picture of it instead of a real object. Then ask the students to open their books.Read the instructions to the students. Be sure th

427、at the students know what to do.Have the students look at the sample. Ask a good student to read the sentence to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student are providing a good model fbr the rest of the class.Provide the information of the other four inventions on the blackboard: (Or ask the students to find out the information by reading an encyclopedia or looking up information on the internet as homework. )umbrella: about 4 000 years ago in Assyria, China and Egypt.b

428、inoculars: 1854 Ignatio Porro in Italycamera: 1827 by Joseph Nicephore who took the first picturebicycle: 1880s in England.Let the students write paragraphs about these things on their own.Move around the classroom and provide help as necessary.Ask several children to read their paragraphs to the class. Correct the answers with the rest of the students.Have the students exchange their paragraphs with their partners.Get them to look over the articles carefiilly, correcting any mistakes they may h

429、ave made in writing.Sample answersThe abacus was invented in the sixth century by Chinese people.The umbrella was invented about 4. 000 years ago in Assyria, China and Egypt.The binoculars were invented in 1854 by Ignatio Porro in Italy. The camera was invented in 1827 by Joseph Nicephore who took the first picture in the world.The bicycle was invented in 1880s in England.Step IV Just fbr Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.Ask the students to look a

430、t the cartoon pictures.Look at the cartoon pictures. What was invented in the pictures?Help the students to answer like this:A battery-operated tennis racket was invented.Then discuss why the cartoon is funny with the class. Help the students to say,To invent a battery-operated tennis racket is a strange idea.Step V SummaryIn this class, we vc practiced using some adjectives and written paragraphs about the inventions. At last, we enjoyed a funny cartoon.All of you have done very well.Step VI Ho

431、mework1. Revise all the language points in this unit.2. Finish off the exercises on pages 3940 of the workbook.3. Make another sentence with each adjective below: crispy, sweet, salty, sour4. Rewrite the paragraphs.Step 7. Blackboard DesignUnit 9 When was it invented?Self CheckThe Sixth PeriodAnswers to Activity 1:1. sweet 2. salty 3. sour 4. crispyThe information of the four inventions:umbrella: about 4,000 years ago in Assyria, China and Egypt.binoculars : 1854 Ignatio Porro in Italycamera: 18

432、27 by Joseph Nicephore who took the first picturebicycle: 1880s in EnglandUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.The First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyoversleep(2) Target LanguageWhat happened?I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.2. Ability Objects(1) Teach the students to use the new words.(2) Train the students to narrate past events with the Past Perfect Tense.(3) Train the students

433、? listening and speaking skills with the target language.3. Moral ObjectIt* s a good habit to go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. So you 1 1 never be in a hurry in the morning.Il . Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularyoversleep2. Target LanguageNarrate past events with the Past Perfect TenseIII. Teaching Difficult Points1. Train the students to narrate past events with the Past Perfect Tense.2. Train the students to understand the target language in spoken conversation

434、.IV . Teaching Methods1. Thinking of examples from the students real lives.2. Making sentences by looking at the pictures.V . Teaching AidA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the language points in Unit 8.Ask some questions like this: What volunteer work would you like to do?Help the students to answer, Td like to./I love to./I hope to.2. Practice the dialogue in Activity 3c on page 62 again. Get students to role play the similar dialogues with the following.SA: T d lik

435、e to join the school volunteer project, but V m not sure what I should do.SB: What do you like doing?SA: I love playing football.SB: Well, you could help coach a football team for little kids. Let the children practice in pairs.3. Check the students? homework by asking some students to read their sentences with the phrasal verbs. Then ask the students to hand in their homework.4. Dictate the following words :clean up, cheer up, give out, put o工 set up, run out o take after, fix up, giveaway, cal

436、l up, hand out, work out, hunger, establish, commitment, veterinarian, strategyStep II laThis activity introduces new vocabulary which can be used to narrate past events.First write by the time on the blackboard, and tell the class the meaning of it.by the time” means not later than, before, as soon as, or when the indicated comes. When we use the words. By the time, ”we are talking about two different things that happened in the past. Say this sentence to the class: By the time the teacher came

437、 in, the students had begun reading English.Tell them to note the struture had begun*1 in this sentence. Begun is the past participle of begin. When we talk about two events both happened in the past, the one which happened earlier should use and plus a past participle. The words following By the time, talk about the thing that happened later. And tell the students when they use had plus a past participle, they are using the Past Perfect Tense. Also explain what is the past participle form of a

438、verb for the students. Tell them it is as the same as the past form for a regular verb. And they have to remember the irregular verbs participles one by one.Play a game to help the students understand the sentences with the words By the time.Do it like this:Pretend that the teacher will leave the classroom and the students will do some things. When the teacher returns, the class will make statements starting with By the time, 。Write By the time I came backon the blackboard.Say to the class, By t

439、he time I came in. what had happened?Help one student to answer like this, By the time the teacher came in, Don had written his name on the blackboard.Then get more students to answer differently, such as,By the lime the teacher came in, we had discussed an English problem.By the time the teacher came in, I had drawn a picture.Write these sentences on the blackboard, and teach the students to read several times.Read the instructions to the students and read these questions to the class as well.W

440、hat do you usually do in, the morning before school? Do you like morning?Why or why not?Choose one good student to answer them by saying something he or she usually does in the morning.He or she may answer like this,I usually get up early, wash my face and have breakfast. I like mornings because the air is fresh, or I usually get up as late as possible. Then I have to wash my face and have breakfast in a hurry. I often rush to school without breakfast. Sometimes I forget something at home. I don

441、 t like mornings because I am always too busy.Then have the whole class practice in pairs. Ask each other the questions.After they finish talking, ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Correct the mistakes they may make with the other students.Call the students * attention to the pictures in Activity la. Ask students to tell what they see. Say, Any sentences which make sense are accepted to describe the pictures.The girl in the pictures is Tina. Present the new words by p

442、roviding sentences showing the meanings of them like this:T: What can you see in Picture 1?S1: She slept a long time.T: That s correct. She slept too late. She overslept. Class repeat. She overslept.Ss: She overslept.T: What do you see in Picture 2?S2: Her brother or sister is in the bathroom.T:That s correct. She wants to go into the bathroom. She can * t because someone is taking a shower. Class repeat. Someone is taking a shower.Ss: Someone is taking a shower.Write these words on the blackboa

443、rd:overslept, taking a shower, had left, left her backpack at home.Then tell students to talk about the pictures in groups of four. Move around the classroom, listening to students and offering help. Make sure that they talk in English.After they all finish talking, ask different groups to tell the class about the pictures. They may say like this:Tina overslept in the morning. She wanted to go to the bathroom, but her brother had already gotten in the shower. When she got to the bus stop, the bu

444、s had already left.She had to run to school. After she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. The sentences can vary, but should be correct.Step III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Ask the students to read the instructions together. Have them look at the two columns, A andB ,in the chart. Point out the sample answer. Read the two parts of the sentence.Then go over the other unconnected parts of sentences,

445、 too.You will connect the two parts of the sentences, connect a sentence beginning in the first column with the end of that sentence in the second column. Please guess the other two sentences before I play the tape.I guess most of the children can get the correct sentences by guessing. So just let them guess. Don t tell them whether their answers are right or wrong.OK, just keep your answers by guessing.Let, s decide if they are right by listening to the tape now.Play the recording for the first

446、 time.Students only listen. Then play it a second time. Let students match two parts of each sentence. Check the answers by asking some students to tell their answers.Make sure that all of them have got the correct answers by listening. Say congratulations to the students who get the answers correctly by guessing.Answers1. b 2. a 3. cTapescriptBoy: Hi, Tina. You look stressed out.Girl: I am. I had a bad morning.Boy: Really? What happened?Girl: Well, first of all I overslept. By the time I got up

447、, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Boy: Oh, what a pain!Girl: So, after he got out of shower, I took a quick shower and got dressed. But by the time I went outside, the bus had already left.Boy: Oh, no!Girl: Oh, yes! So I ran all the way to school. But when I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.Boy: No wonder you look stressed out.Step IV 1cThis practice provides guided oral practice using the target language.First play the recording in Activity lbagain and let th

448、e students read after it. Do it at least twice.Then read the instructions together with the whole class.You will make conversations in pairs. Each of you will have to take turns being Tina. Look at the pictures in Activity la to help you. Tell your partner what happened to you this morning. Ask a pair to read the example to the class before they begirt SA: What happened?SB: I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Write the conversation on the blackboard

449、.Have the students work in pairs. Move around the room offering language support as needed. After they all finish talking, ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step V SummarySay, In this class, weve learned how to narrate past events, using the Past PerfectTense. We ve also done some listening practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Also, we ve done much oral practice using the target language.Step VI Homework1. Write out the story of Tina, Note to

450、 use the target language.2. Revise when to use the Past Perfect Tense and the verb structure of it.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Section AThe First Period1. By the timeBy the time the teacher came in, the students had begun reading.By the time the teacher came in, Don had written his name on the blackboard.By the time the teacher came m, we had discussed an English problem.2. Some words to describe the pictures overslept, taking a shower,

451、had left, left her backpack at home.3. Target Language:A: What happened?B:I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. The Second PeriodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Target LanguageBy the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. When I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the b

452、ackpack.(2) The Three Forms of the verbs.2. Ability Objects(1)(2)(3)(4)Train the students listening skill.Train the studentsT writing skill with the target language.Train the students speaking skill.Train the students to use the three forms of the verbs.3. Moral ObjectTry to be a careful person and do everything carefully. Remember not to be as careless as Tina.II. Teaching Key Points1. Listening practice with the target language.2. Use the correct verb forms to fill in the blanks by listening.3

453、. Make sentences using the Past Perfect Tense.4. The three forms of the verbs.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Write an ending for the story in Activity 2c.2. The three verb forms in Grammar Focus.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening2. PairworkV . Teaching AidsA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise what happened to Tina in the morning by asking one or two students to tell the stroy on page 68.They may say like this:Tina had a bad morning. First of all she overslept. By the ti

454、me she got up, her brother had already gotten in the shower.And by the time she went outside, the bus had already left. She had to run all the way to school. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. All these made her look stressed out. After that, ask the whole class to work in pairs, telling the stroy and helping each other in turns. Remind them to use the correct verb forms.2. Ask students to check each other, s homework in pairs, pointing out all the mistakes t

455、hey might have made.3. Revise the Past Perfect Tense by asking the children when to use it and what its verb structure is.Step II 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.We have known Tina had a bad morning.But something worse happened to Tina later. Let s go to Activity 2a on page 69 and see what happened to Tina later in the morning.Read the instructions to the class. Be sure that all of them know what to do.Call the studentsJ attention to the four pictures

456、. Get them to guess the correct order of the pictures first. The first one is given as a sample. Ask one or two children to tell their stories by describing the pictures according to their own order.Then, we will hear Tina talking about what happened to her after she got to school. We can see there is a small box in each picture.Please write a number from 1 to 4 in each box to show each picture s correct order.The first one has been given as a sample.Get the children to get ready to listen to Ti

457、na continue her story.Play the recording the first time, students only listen. Play the recording again and ask the children to number each picture.Check the answers with the class and see who have ever got the correct answers without listening.AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in this order:3 124TapescriptBoy: So then what did you do, Tina?Girl: Well, I ran home to get my backpack.But when I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.Boy: Youre kidding!Girl: So I ran back to s

458、chool without my keys or my backpack. And by the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.Boy: Oh, no!Girl: And by the time I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already. She asked fbr our homework, but of course I didn t have it.Step III 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language.Ask the students to read the instructions together. Point out the blanks in the sentences and the verbs in the brackets.This activity has two parts. Fir

459、st let, s fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. We can see some verbs in the brackets. They are the base forms of the given verbs. For example, get and got, Get is the base form of the verb. Your job is to write the correct forms of these verbs in the blanks. Look at number one.A sample answer is given.Let the students fill in the blanks with the correct forms individually.Move around the classroom collecting the common mistakes they may make.After they all finish writing, tell them to

460、 get ready to listen to the conversation and check their answers.I will play the recording again. Please check your answers and correct any mistakes you might have made while listening. Play the recording. Students listen and check their answers. Correct the answers by asking seven different students to say theirs to the class.Answers1. got home 2. realized 3. had left4. got 5. had rung 6. walked 7. had startedStep IV 2cThis activity gives students oral practice with the target language.Ask the

461、whole class to read the instructions together.We have a new task now. We know Tina was late fbr class. What do you think happened after Tina was late fbr class?Work with a partner. Make up an ending fbr the story by continuing it. The beginning has been given.Get students to discuss in pairs. Complete the ending. Make sure they are talking in English. Move around the classroom, offering language support if needed. After ten minutes, ask students to stop discussing. Get some pairs of students to

462、tell the class how they think the story ended And let the whole class decide whose ending is the best. Tell each pair to write down their ending, or do it after class if time is not enough.Sample ending of the storyThe teacher looked at Tina and said, Why are you late and where is your homework, Tina?” “I had a bad morning today. Tina said sadly.I m sorry to hear that, but may I know what happened? said the teacher.Then Tina told the teacher and the whole class her story. All her classmates laug

463、hed loudly after it. Some of them said, nPoor Tina!”Bob, one of Tina s classmates, stood up and said, Well, Tina, I d love to help you. Why not let me keep the keys fbr you? I would put your keys in my backpack. ”Step V Grammar FocusThis activity introduces the target language of this unit. Call students attention to the sentences on the left. Ask four different students to read the four sentences and point out where had plus a past participle is used. Write the sentences on the blackboard.Draw

464、a simple time line fbr each sentence to help students to understand the grammar focus. For example:Then get the students to look at the box.Teach students to read the three forms of each verbs first. Then ask several students to read the verbs to the class to see if they can read. Write the verbs on the blackboard.Ask the students to make sentences correctly using each form of the verbs in the box. For example:I usually get up at 6:30.I got up at 5:30 yesterday.By the time I got up, my sister ha

465、d already gotten in the shower.Tell the students when we talk about the first thing that happened. We use had plus a past participle (had gotten) and when we talk about the second thing that happened, we use the simple past tense (got up) . Ask some to read their sentences to the class.Ask the students to make their own lists of other verbs used in this unit. Tell them to put the lists in their notebooks using a threc-column format like the one in the Look! section. The lists have to include the

466、se verbs; leave, walk, start, oversleep, ring, be.Check the answers.Some sample sentences with the three verb forms1. I got up at 6:30 every day.I got up at 6:00 yesterday.By the time I got up, my sister had already gotten in the shower.2. We usually go to school at 7:30.We went to school at 8:30 yesterday.By the time we got to the classroom, the students had gone to the chemistry lab.3. My father leaves home at 8:30.He left home at 9:30 this morning.When my father went outside, the bus had left

467、.4. The teacher often starts teaching at 9:00.The teacher started teaching at 8:30 the day before yesterday.When Tina got to class, the teacher had already started teaching.The three forms of the verbs used in this unit:Leave left leftWalk start oversleep ring bewalked started oversleptrang was/werewalked started oversleptrung beenStep VI SummarySay, In this class, we ve done much listening and writing practice with target language. We vc also done some oral practice in pairs. And weve discussed

468、 the Grammar Focus of this unit.St叩 V II Homework1. Write down the ending of Tina s story.2. Make sentences using each form of the verbs below: leave, walk, start, oversleep, ring, be3. Review the Grammar Focus.Step V U I Blackboard DesignUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Section AThe Second PeriodTarget Language:1. By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom.2. By the time she went outside, the bus had already gone.3. By the time she got to c

469、lass, the teacher had already started teaching.4. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. Verbs:Get got gottenGo went goneleave left leftstart started startedUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.The Third PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularybell, ring, go off rush, run off, on time, give sb. a ride, lock, break down(2) Target LanguageBy the time I got there, the bus had already left.By the time I woke up

470、, my father had already gone into the bathroom.2. Ability ObjectsTrain the students reading skill with target language.Train the students * speaking skill with target language.3. Moral ObjectHave you ever done anything carelessly?Share your story with your friends.II. Teaching Key Points1. Guide the students to read the article in activity 3a.2. Help the students do the oral practice with the target language.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Help improve the students reading skill by Activity 3a.

471、2. Help the students describe what has happened to them with the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Get the main idea by reading.2. Pairwork.V . Teaching AidA projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise what happened to Tina by asking several students to tell the story.2. Revise the three fonns of the verbs in Grammar Focus by asking four students to write them out on the blackboard.3. Check homework by asking one or two to read their own endings of the stroy.4. Check homework b

472、y asking some students to read the sentences which they made.5. Ask the students to hand in their homework.Some sample sentences with the verbs used in this unit:1. I leave home at 7:30 every morning.I left home at 8:00 this morning.By the time 1 got to the airport, the plane had left.2. I walk to school sometimes.I walked to school yesterday afternoon.When I got there, the sick girl had walk away.3. The meeting start at 3:00 every Wednesday afternoon.The meeting started at 3: 30 last Wednesday

473、afternoon.As soon as Mr. Jones got to the meeting room, the meeting had already started.4. Tina seldom oversleeps.Tina overslept this morning.Tina said she had never overslept before.5. The hell rings at 8:10 every morning.The bell rang at 7:10 this morning.When I got to school, the first bell had rung.6. I am here now.I was at home last night.I had been here for 20 years by the end of 2003.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Show the vocabular

474、y on the screen by a project:b e l l n .钟;铃ring v. 鸣; 响g o o ff闹 钟 ( 闹响)rush v . 冲;奔rush o ff跑掉; 迅速离开on tim e准时give sb. a ride让某人搭便车lock v. 锁;锁上break dow n损坏;坏抻:Point to the words one by one and teach the students to read them. Do it several times. Then ask several students to read the words to see if they can pronounce each word correctly.Ask the whole class to read the instructions together. There is an article in Activity 3a. Your task is to read the story and write the events in the correct

475、order.Have a look at the sample answer on the right of the article before you start. Then let the children complete the work on their own. After a while, ask some students to report their answers to the class. Write the events on the blackboard as they report, putting the events in the correct order.After checking the answers, tell students to read the article again more carefully.Tell them to find out the words or sentences which they can, t understand this time.A few minutes later, let the stu

476、dents ask questions on the words and sentences which they can t understand. Do some explanation and make sure that the students make everything clear about the article.Then ask the students to read the article aloud. Move around the classroom while they arc reading, offering help as needed.Next ask students to pick out the sentences with the Past Perfect Tense. Tell them to underline them and come up with the reason to use the tence.Ask two students to read their answers and explain the sentence

477、s.Answers1. alann clock didn t go off2. father went to bathroom3. woke up late4. took shower5. had some breakfast6. bus left7. ran to bus stop8. started walking9. got a ride with a friend10. bell ringing11. got to school12. got to classSentences with the Past Perfect Tense in the article:1. by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and*2. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus had already left.Step III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using

478、 the target language.Call the students? attention to the photo of the woman sleeping. The girl is sleeping. She may oversleep. How about you?Have you ever overslept?Get a students to answer the question simply, such as Yes, I have. /No, I haven t.Then ask one student to read the instructions to the class.We can see six questions in the box.You, II have to read the questions in the box and you have to describe the circ*mstances in which these things happened.Explain that describe the circ*mstance

479、s means to tell when, where and how the things happened.Ask one student who has ever overslept to answer the first question and describe the circ*mstance. Help him or her use the Past Perfect Tense to describe the circ*mstance.Then ask students to read the questions and write their answers in their exercise books. Tell them that they have to describe the circ*mstances if their answers are Yes, and there should be at least one sentence with the Past Perfect Tense in each description. Move around

480、the classroom providing sentences to the ones who need. Ask several students to share their stories with the class. Correct any mistakes they may make. Let them check the answers in pairs.Step IV 3cThis activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language. Ask the whole class to read the instructions together. Then call the studentsJ attention to the sample conversation on the right. Ask a pair of the students to read the conversation to the class. Please ask your partner

481、the questions in Activity 3b. Ask more questions if he or she says Ycsn.Ask the students to work in pairs. Encourage them to ask as many questions as they can. As they work, move around the room offering help and answering questions as needed. Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step VI SummarySay, In this class, weve learned an article. And weve done much practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing.We ve done much practice with the target language.StepW Homework1. Wr

482、ite the answers to the questions in Activity 3b.2. Write a conversation in Activity 3c.Step V III Blackboard DesignUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Section AThe Third PeriodAnswers to Activity 3a:1. alarm clock didn t go off2. father went to bathroom3. woke up late4. took shower5. had some breakfast6. bus left7. ran to bus stop8. started walking9. got a ride with a friend10. bell ringing11. got to school12. got to classUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had alr

483、eady left.The Fourth PeriodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularycostume, show up, exhausted, embarrassed, empty, fool, April Fools Day, go oa stay up(2 ) Target LanguageWhen I got there, I found that he had fooled me.After an hour, the other kids showld up, and I realized that my brother had fooled me.By the time I got to match class, I was exhausted because I had stayed up all night studying.I found out that my friend had fooled me.2. Ability Objects(1) Train the st

484、udents * writing, listening and speaking skills with the target language.(2) Train the students to use the new vocabulary.3. Moral ObjectHave you ever been fooled on April FoofsDay? Share your story with your friends.II. Teaching Key Points1. Train the students listening and speaking skills with target language.2. Teach the students the new vocabulary.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Guide listening and oral practice using the target language.2. Help learn to use the new vocabulary correctly.IV.

485、 Teaching Methods1. Listening2. Pairwork and groupworkV Teaching AidA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the article in Activity 3a on page 70 by asking several students to read it.2. Dictate the following words and phrases:bell, ring, go off, rush, run off, on time, give sb. a ride lock, break down.3. Check the homework.Step II laThis activity reviews vocabulary, introduces some new vocabulary, and provides writing practice.Read the instructions to the students. Rememb

486、er to read the sentence in the brackets. Point to the chart with the three headings Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives. Read the words in the brackets to the students and help the students to understand the meanings of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Teach the students to read the new vocabulary below: costume, show up, exhausted, embarrassed, empty, fool, April Fools DayWrite them on the blackboard or show them on a screen by a projector while teaching. Tell the children the meaning of each word and do a

487、 little explanation.Then call the students * attention to the list of the words on the left. Ask a student to read them and tell the meanings at the same time. Find out the words which the students don t understand and give some explanation.Please put these words in the correct columns in the chart. Some words can be put in more than one column.Get a student to read the sample answers to the class before they start say, Fool call also be a verb. For example, He fooled me. So it is put in both Co

488、lumn Nouns and Column Verbs. Ask the students to complete the chart on their own.Correct the answers by asking three students to read their answers to the class.AnswersNouns: fbol, costume, change, clockVerbs: fool, invite, empty, go off, get up, get dressed, show up, realize, change, stay up Adjectives: embarrassed, empty, exhaustedStep III lbThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Ask a student to read the instructions to the class.Ask another student to read the

489、example on the right.Work in pairs now. Tell your partner about something that has happened to you recently. Note to use two or more phrases from the list in Activity la. Get tile students to talk in pairs. Move around the classroom checking their work and offering language support as needed.After they all finish talking, ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class. Step IV 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language. Say something about April Foor s D

490、ay to the students like this:Every year on the first of April, Americans do silly things to surprise each other. For example, someone might tell you to go to the teacherJ s office to get your new book. But there is no book at all!Call the students attention to the four pictures. Ask the students what is happening in each picture.Ask four different students to describe the pictures. For example, they can describe Picture 1 like this:A boy was told to take part in a costume party. So he dressed hi

491、mself up like a monster. But when he got there he found 由at his friend had fooled him. It wasn t a costume party. He frightened the others.Read the instructions to the class.You II listen to three boys, Dave, Nick and Joe, talking about April Fool s Day.There is a box under each picture where you can write each boy s name. Now listen to the tape and write the name of each boy under his picture. I have to tell you there will be one picture without a name under it.Tell them to see the example for

492、Picture c.Play the tape the first time. The students only listen. Then play the tape again. Ask 由e students to write each boy s name in the correct box. Check the answers by asking different students to tell their own answers.Answersa. No name b. Joe c. Nick d. DaveTapescriptBoy 1: Have you ever been an April fool, Dave?Boy 2: Yes, I have. A friend once invited me to a costume party. When I got there, I found that he had fooled me. It wasn t a costume party. I was the only person wearing a costu

493、me. I was really embarrassed. How about you, Nick?Boy 1: Well, last April Fool s Day, when my alarm went off I got up, took a shower, got dressed, and went to school. But when I got there, the school was empty. I was the only one there. After an hour, the other kids showed up, and I realized that my brother had fooled me. Boy 3: she had?Boy 1: Uh-huh. He had changed the clock to an hour earlier. What happened to you on April Fool s Day, Joe?Boy 3: Well,l was sick last April first. My friend call

494、ed me and told me we had a maths test the next day. By the time 1 go to maths class, I was exhausted because I had stayed up all night studying. Then I found out that my triend had fooled me. We didn t have a test at all!Step V 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. There are six phrases in the box. Your task is to find out who says each of the phrases, Dave, Nick or Joe after listening to the same recording. And write for

495、 Dave, nN for Nick and ”J for Joes on the short lines before the phrases. Look at the first one. The answer has been given as a sample.Play the recording the first time. The students only listen. Then play the recording again. Ask the students to write the letters in the blanks. Ask six different students to report their answers to the class. Check the answers with the class.Answers1. D2. N3. J4. J5. D6. NStep VI 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.First play the rec

496、ording again. Pause after each sentence and get the students to repeat.Do it at least twice.Ask a student to read the instructions to the class. Then have them look at the sample conversation on the right. Ask a pair of the students to read and try to continue it like this: SA: What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?SB: Well, a friend invited him to a costume party. When he got there, he found that he had fooled him. It wasn, t a costume party. He was the only person wearing a costume. He was

497、reallyembarrassed.Then ask the students to work in pairs.Each pair makes two conversations using information from the earlier activities.Move around the room as they work, offering help as needed. Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step V il SummarySay, In this class, wey ve learned some new words. And we ve done much listening and oral practice. We have enjoyed some interesting stories happened on April Fool s Day.Step V D l Homework1. Write something that has happened

498、 to you recently. Use two or more phrases from the list in Activity la.2. Write a conversation in Activity 2c.Step IX Blackboard DesignUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Section BThe Fourth Period1. Answers to Activity 1 a:Nouns: fool, costume, change, clockVerbs: fbol, invite, empty, go off, get up, get dressed, show up, realize, change, stay up Adjectives: embarrassed, empty, exhausted2. Target language:A: What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?B: Well, a friend invi

499、ted him to a costume party. When he got there, he found that he had fooled him. it wasn t a costume party. He was the only person wearing a costume. He was really embarrassed.Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.The Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyannounce, describe, convince, panic, set off, authority, reveal, hoax, flee/fled/fled, spaghetti, girl-friend, Show, marry, thrill, get married, reply, ending(2) The reading passage

500、s about April Fool s Day.(3) Write stories happened on April Fool s Day.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train the students * reading skill.(2) Train the students writing and speaking skills.3. Moral ObjectTry to collect the jokes happened on AprilFool s Day and share them with your friends.II. Teaching Key Points1. Teach the students the new vocabulary.2. Help the students understand the three articles.3. Guide the students to write stories happened on April Fool s Day.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. He

501、lp the students understand the three articles.2. Help the students write the stories happened on April Fool s Day.IV. Teaching Methods1. Reading method.2. Write a passage using the notes.3. Tell jokes.V . Teaching AidsA project and a tape recorder.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the three boy s stories happened on April Fool s Day. Ask three different students to tell their stories to the class.2. Check the homework. Ask some students to read their stories and conversations to th

502、e class. Then have them check each other? s homework in pairs.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Show the new words and expressions on the screen by a projector.announce v. 宣告; 通告describe v. 描述;描绘convince v. 使 确 信 ;使信服panic n. 恐慌;惊恐seto ff激起;引起authority n. 权威机构;行政管理机构reveal v . 揭示; 揭露hoax n. 骗局;恶作剧;玩笑flee n. 逃跑;逃走spaghetti n. 意大利式细面条girlfriend n. 女朋友shown,演出;展示;炫耀marry v . 嫁;娶;与. . .结婚thrill V. 回答:答复ending n. 结局;结尾get married 结婚reply v. 回答;回复Call the stud

503、ents attention to the screen.Point to the words on the screen one by one.And Teach the students to read the words several times. Make sure that the students can read each word correctly.Read the instructions to the students.You II have to read three articles. The three articles are about three different stories happened on April Fool * s Day.Not all of them are true. Tell which of these stories is the most believable and which is the least believable. And you have to tell the reasons as well. At

504、 last, think over if you would be fooled by any of the stories.Read the first article to the class. The students look at their books, listen to the teacher and find out the answers to the questions in the instructions.After reading, ask the students if it is believable and why. Ask several students to tell their opinions on the believability the first article. They may say like this:I think it is believable because the exact time and person s name are given in the first sentence, or, I don t thi

505、nk it s believable because I think no one dared to fool the people like that.Do the same with the two articles left.Ask two good students to read the articles instead of the teacher. Elicit students reasons for their answers. At last tell the students the correct answer.AnswersThe first story really happened. The radio program was called The War of the World. ”Step III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Play the rec

506、ording again to help the students.Ask three diflerent students to read the notes to the class.Help the students make sentences with the notes first.Look at the first line of the notes, please.Let s see what happened first by making sentences using the notes.Let the students make sentences with the phrases given in the first line orally, based on the story happened to Nick. For example, when the alarm went off, Nick got up, took a shower, got dressed, and went to school. Then go on with the secon

507、d line. They may say:But when he got to school, the school was empty, An hour later, the other kids showed up.The sample sentence for the third line.He realized that his brother had fooled him.After making sentences, ask the students to write a magazine story about Nick inActivities 2a and 2b, using the notes below. As they write, move around the room offering help and answering questions as needed.After around ten minutes, ask a student to read the completed article to the class.The rest of the

508、 class help correct the mistakes the student may have made. Get them to check each other s writing carefillly in pairs.A sample answerOn April Fool s Day Nicks alarm went off. He got up and took a shower. Then he got dressed and went to school. When he got to school, the building was empty.An hour later the other kids showed up.Then he realized that his brother had fooled him. His brother had set his alarm an hour earlier.Step IV 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target languag

509、e.Read the instructions to the class. Be sure that the students know what they are asked to do. At first, have the students think what they might write about.Then tell them to make a list of ideas before starting writing. The list should include the three parts, what happened first, what happened next, and what you finally realized. They can use the notes inActivity 3b as samples.Write a sample list on the blackboard:What happened first: school gate/metDon/Li Lei/waiting fbr/on the playground/ra

510、n to the playground.What happened next: got to the playground/no one was there.What I realized: Don/fooled meNext ask the students to write their jokes. Tell them they can use the article they wrote fbr Activity 3b as a model.After they start to write, move around the room providing help as needed.Ask some students to read their articles to the class. Correct as many of the articles as possible in class.A sample writingOn April Fools Day I met Don at the school gate. He told me that Li Lei was w

511、aiting fbr me on the playground. Then I ran to the playground. When I got there, I found no one was on the playground.Then I realized that Don had fooled me.Step V 4This activity provides reading, speaking and listening practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Review the meanings of funniest, most embaiTassing and most creative. Say, Each of you has to read your joke to the class.The class will vote on the funniest joke, the most embarrassing joke and the most creat

512、ive joke. Have the class have a look at the sample conversation in the box before reading.Ask a pair of the students to read it to the class.SA: Whats your joke?SB: Well, last year, on the first day of school, my sister put a piece of paper on my back that said Please say hello. *A 11 day at school, many strange said hello to me.Write the conversation on the blackboard. Then ask the students to read their stories to the class. After all of the students have read, ask the class to vote fbr the fu

513、nniest, most embarrassing and most creative stories.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we read three articles first. And then we wrote a magazine story based on some notes. Next we wrote a joke. At last, we voted fbr the funniest joke, the most embarrassing joke and the most creative joke.However, we ve done much reading, writing and speaking practice.St叩 V II Homework1. Read the three articles aloud after class.2. Correct the magazine story and the joke you have written.3. Try to remember the new vo

514、cabulary.Step V D I Blackboard DesignUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Section BThe Fifth Period1. Sample notes to Activity 3c:What happened first: school gate/metDon/Li Lei/waiting fbr/on the play-ground/ran to the playground.What happened next: got to the play-ground/no one was there.What I realized: Don/fboled me.2. Target language:A: Whats your joke?B: Well, last year, on the first day of school, my sister put a piece of paper on my back that said Please say hello.

515、All day at school, many strangers said hello to me.Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.The Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and DemandsI. Knowledge Objects(1) Verbsrush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.(2) Write an article according to the pictures given.(3) Vocabularyhomework, look, costume, empty2. Ability Objects(1) Train the students to use these verbs correctly:rush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.(2 ) Train the students * writing skill.3. Moral ObjectsHave you eve

516、r had a similar Sunday with Ming? Tell your own story to your classmates.II. Teaching Key Points1. Help the students have a self check on the key words and target language of this unit.2. Practise using these verbs: rush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.3. Review the new vocabulary introduced in this unit: homework, lock, costume, empty.4. Direct the students to write an article according to the pictures given.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Help the students make sentences with the verbs.2.

517、Direct the students to write an article with the pictures given.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by providing sample sentences.2. Teaching by describing the pictures.V . Teaching AidJust the blackboard.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1. Revise the contents in the three articles in Activity 3a on page 72 by asking the question belowQuestions(1) What did a radio program announce in 1938?(2) What had happened by the time the authorities revealed the story was a hoax?(3) What did a reporter ann

518、ounce on April Fool s Day?(4) What had happened by the time people realized that the story was a hoax?(5) What did a famous TV star once do on April Fool s Day?(6) What was the ending of the last story?2. Ask three different students to read the articles.3. Dictate the following words:announce, convince, panic, authority, reveal, spaghetti, describe, hoax, thrill, flee/fled/fled.Step II Part 1This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit. Focus attention on the box. Invite a student

519、 to read the vocabulary words at the top.You are asked to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, you may need to use another form of the word, for example, adjusting for tense or subjcct/vcrb agreement.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. Check the answers. Five students each reads a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their work.Answers1. realized 2. rush 3. stay up 4. invite 5. show upAsk students to make their own sentences with the words, pr

520、eferably sentences that are meaningful. Move around the room.Collect a few students answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Along with the students help correct the mistakes.Suggested answers1. As soon as the bell rang, the students rushed to the playground.2. By the time he got to the office he realized that he had locked all his keys at home.3. Mr. Green invited his good friends to have a big dinner at home last Sunday.4. We have to finish the task before the boss shows up.5. Jack stayed up v

521、ery late last night. He couldn t wake up on time this morning.Step III Part 2This activity provides writing practice using the target language.Have the students look at the seven pictures. Tell the children that the pictures are connected to each other in an order.Ask: What is happening to Ming?Get the whole class to read the instructions. Then ask the students to describe each picture in order. Write some useful sentences on the blackboard. For example, for the first picture, help the students

522、to say Ming wakes up at 10:00 and thinks she is late fbr school.The sentences can vary.After describing each picture, ask the students to write a story about Ming, s day on their own. Walk around the room offering language support if needed.After a while, ask a few students to tell the class about Ming s day. Let the rest of the class help correct the mistakes that they may have made.Tell them to exchange their articles with their partners and help each other correct themistakes. Ask the student

523、s to rewrite their articles to make the articles perfect after class.A sample answerMing woke up at 10:00 o clock in the morning. She thought that she must be late fbr school. So she got up and rode a bike to school was empty. She was the only one there. Then she realized that it was Sunday.Her good friend, Han Mei, came to see her after she had got home. Ming told Hah Mei the whole story happened in the morning earlier. It made Han Mei laugh a lot.Ming went to her grandparents? house with her p

524、arents. They had dinner together and talked happily.Ming watched TV in the evening and she went to bed at 10:00.Step IV Part 3This activity focuses on the new vocabulary introduced in this unit.Call the students attention to the box. Have them look at the four groups of words. Get the students to read the instructions together. Ask them to circle the words that don, t belong in each group.The first one has been given as a model.Ask some students to tell their answers to the class. Check the answ

525、ers with the whole class.Answers1. homework 2. lock 3. costume 4. emptyStep V Just fbr Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.Call the studentsJ attention to the cartoon pictures. Tell them to see what happens.Ask the students to read the sentences under the pictures together.Then ask the children what is, funny about this cartoon. Help the students to answer like this: The boy saw the clouds and he felt the rain long before he got home. He should have

526、realized much sooner that he had forgotten his umbrella.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve practiced using some verbs and we ve written an article based on the pictures given. At last, we enjoyed a funny cartoon. All of you have done very well!StepW Homework1. Revise all the language points in this unit.2. Finish off the exercises on pages 36 38 of the workbook.3. Make another more sentence with each verb below, rush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.4. Rewrite the article.Step V III Blackboar

527、d DesignUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Self checkThe Sixth PeriodAnswers to Activity 1:1. realized2. rush3. stay up4. invite5. show upSample answers to Activity 1:1. As soon as the bell rang, the students rushed to the playground.2. By the time he got to the office, he realized that he had locked all his keys at home.3. Mr. Green invited his good friends to have a big dinner at home last Sunday.4. We have to finish the task before the boss shows up.5. Jack stayed up

528、very late last night. He couldn t wake up on time this morning.Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.The Seventh PeriodReading: Changing EnglishI . Teaching Aims and DemandsI. Knowledge ObjectsKey Vocabularyquarter, normal, traffic light, competition, significant, position and so on.2. Ability ObjectsTrain students? ability of identify main idea.Train students ability of understanding words in context.Train students ability of reading for special information.3. Moral Object

529、If you can speak both good English and your native language, it may help you get more chances in searching jobs.II . Teaching Key Points Key vocabularyRead the text to identify main idea.Read the text to understand words in context.Read the text for special information.III. Teaching Difficult PointsTrain students reading skill.IV. Teaching Methods1. Up-down reading methods.2. Pairwork.3. Groupwork.V Teaching AidA projector.VI . Teaching ProceduresStep I Key VocabularyThis activity introduces the

530、 key vocabulary words.Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.quarter n. 四 分之一population n. 人口native adj. 本国的;本地的speaker n. 说话者;演讲者wherever a d v .无论哪里Sing叩o r e a n n .新 加 坡 人 a d j . 新加坡人的;新加坡的India n. 印度H in d in .印地语;印地人a d j . 印度北部的German n.德语;德 国 ( 人)的invention n. 发明;创造business n. 生意;商业Say the words and have students repeat several times until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.Step II Part 1This activity is designed to activate students* background knowledg

531、e before attempting the reading.Read the title Changing English to the class. Ask, What do you think the article is about?Read the instructions to the class.Point to the three questions in the box.Say, You are to discuss the questions about English with your partner. But don t look at the reading. Use your background knowledge instead.Get students to complete the task in pairs. As the pairs work together, walk around the room. Ensure that they are discussing the questions in English.When most st

532、udents are finished, invite pairs of students to report their results.Don t say yes or no to their answers.Step III Part 2This activity provides practice in scanning fbr specific information.Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.Read the instructions and draw students attention to the list of numbers. Get a student to say the sample answer like this: In 1950 English started being more popular for science.Please read through the article silently.Find infor

533、mation fbr the numbers. Remember to skim for the key ideas rather than read slowly. Get students to work on their own. As they are doing this, move around the classroom answering questions they may have and offering language support as needed.Check the answers.Answers1950In this year English started being more popular fbr science.10 000- number of words in the South African dictionary not found elsewhere in the world.a hundred- number of years ago thatGerman was the most popular language fbr sci

534、ence.one billionnumber of people learning English.375 million-the number of native speakers of English.Step IV Part 3This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading in context.Ask students to read the article once.Say, Pay attention to the bold word and expressions? And note any other word or sentence you don t understand. Read in context, guessings their meanings from the other words around them.A few minutes later, ask different students to say the meanings of the words and ex

535、pressions indicated in bold by guess. Don t give them the correct answers. Let students look at the words and expressions and their meanings in the box. Point out the sample answer. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Allow them one or two minutes to do this.Check the answers.Answersquarter d, normal a, traffic light e, competition significant b, position cGet students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Remind them to look at the

536、 article again for extra help.Answers to this activity will vary. Ask a student to write his/her answers on the blackboard. Sample answers1. A quarter of students in my class are girls.2. I hope the situation will soon return to normal.3. When the traffic lights are red, you must stop.4. He took part in a swimming competition.5. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four significant skills in learning English.6. She is fit for the position.Step V Part 4This activity helps students read fo

537、r specific information.Read the instructions to the class. Call students attention to the chart. Ask a student to read the five sentences to the class. Say, You are to read the article again and decide if these sentences are true or false. And correct the false sentences.Give students a sample answer to the first sentence.T: Do you think the first sentence is true or false?SS: False.T: Why is it false?SS: Because Egyptians say Welcome to Egypt.Get students to do the activity on their own. As stu

538、dents work, move around the room answering any questions they may have.Check the answers. Ask different students to give their answers. For the false sentence, have them give the correct statement.AnswersF Egyptians say Welcome in Egypt.F Traffic lights in South Africa are called robots.TTF Hinglish of Chinese and English is called Chinglish.Step VI Part 5This activity lets students work in groups and think critically about what they have read.Read the instructions to the class.Call studentsJ at

539、tention to the chart. Set a time limit fbr students to go through all the sentences and the lettered languages.Say, The underlined words come from different languages. You are to read the sentences againand guess where these words come from or look them up in a dictionary. Try to match them with the languages they come from.Give students a sample answer to the first sentence (The word mattress comes from A rabic.) Get students to do the activity in groups of four. As the groups work together, wa

540、lk around the room checking progress and offering help as needed.Check the answers.Answers mattress pajamas mosquitoes snorkel yoghurt bazaar chauffeurs soprano Culture notea. Arabic d. Hindi f. Spanish e. German b. Turkish c. Persianh. French g. ItalianMost people who speak English as a native language don, t have the same grammatical background as people who study English as a second language.However, what a person who was born speaking English knows is whether or not things sound right”. He o

541、r she might not be able to explain the reason, but will usually have a good sense of how English should be used. Because English is a language made up from many different languages with a lot of odd rules, a learner should be a bit flexible and understand that some rules are made to be broken.StcpVH SummaryIn this class, we ve done much reading and writing practice. And it improves our reading comprehension ability.Step V III HomeworkAsk students to collect some more words used in English along

542、with the different languages they come from.Step IX Blackboard Design Reading: Changing English The Seventh PeriodSamples answers to Activity 31. A quarter of students in my class are girls.2. I hope the situation will soon return to normal.3. When the traffic lights are red, you must stop.4. He took part in a swimming competition.5. Listening, speaking, reading and writing arc four significant skills in learning English.6. She is fit for the position.Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the r

543、estrooms are?The First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and DemandsI. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabulary restroom, shampoo, stamp(2) Target LanguageExcuse me. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?Sure. There s a bookstore on River Road.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train studentsJ listening ability.(2) Train students? communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectHelping each other is very important. It is a good quality.II. Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageIII. Teaching Difficult PointsI. How to tra

544、in students , listening ability.2. How to train students communicative competence.IV Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: You re new to this school. You need to know where the main office is. How can you ask where the main office is?S1: Wheres the main office?T: That s one way to ask. But there is a more polite way you can ask. You can say, Can you tell me where the main office is? Class repeat. Can you tell me where the main office is?Ss: Can you tell me where the main office is?T: That, s corr

545、ect. Now let* s say you want to know where Classroom 1 is. How can you ask?S2: Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is?T: Good! There s another polite way you can ask: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Class repeat. Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1?Ss: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1?T: That s right. Very good.Step II laGo through the instructions with the class.Read the list of things to the class. To review the meaning of each item on the list, invite different s

546、tudents to say each phrase in their own words.Point to the lettered parts of the picture one by one.Ask a student: What kind of place is this?What do they sell there? Do we have one in our community? What is the name of the one in our community?Point out the sample answer. Say, The letter c is in front of the words buy shampoo because you could buy shampoo in a department store. There may be more than one correct answer for some blanks.While students are working, move around the room offering he

547、lp as necessary.Step III lbRead the instructions to students. Point out the two conversations that are shown in the picture.As you listen, fill in the blanks with words you hear in the recording.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time ask them to fill in the blanks with the words you hear.Check the answers with the whole class.Step IV 1cRead the instructions to the class.Point out the list of things people need and the pictures of the p

548、laces in activity la. Say. Look at activity la. Have a conversation with a partner. Ask your parter politely where you can do these thing and then answer your partner , s questions.As students work, listen to some pairs in order to check the progress and help with pronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practise several exchanges, ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.Step V HomeworkReview the target language.The Second PeriodI .

549、 Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyescalator, furniture, exchange money, elevator(2) Target LanguageExcuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money?Sure. There , s a bank on the secondfloor. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right. The bank is next to the bookstore.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train studentsJ listening ability.(2) Train students , communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsIf someone asks you how to get to the place he wants to go to, you sh

550、ould tell him the way correctly.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabulary exchange money2. Target LanguageExcuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money?Sure. There s a bank on the second floor.3. StructuresDo you know where I can buy shampoo?Could you tell me how to get to the post office?Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Indirect questions.2. How to improve students listening ability.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework.Step

551、II 2aRead the instructions and point to the list of directions.Get students to name the items in the picture such as escalator, elevator, shoe store, and so on.Play the recording. Students only listen.Tell them that the picture may help them understand what they are hearing.Play the recording again. This time ask students to write a number next to four of the directions.Check the answers with the whole class.Step 1 1 1 2bPoint to the picture. Say, now you will hear the recording again. This time

552、 show where the boy went as he followed the directions to the drug store. Draw a line on the picture in your book.Play the recording again and ask students to draw the line on their own. Check the answer with the class.Step IV 2cAsk a pair of students to read the sample conversation aloud to the class.Read the instructions aloud. Say. Make conversations using information about the places in the picture with your partners.As students work, move around the classroom checking the progress of the pa

553、irs and offering help as needed.Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Ask the rest of the class to look at the picture as they listen.Step V HomeworkAsk the students to write three sentences with the starters of the structures.The Third PeriodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyhang out, fresh, advantage, disadvantage, block(2) Target LanguageGo out the front door and take a right. Walk about three blocks. Go past the park, and turn left onto

554、 Oak Street.3. Moral ObjectsAnything has both advantages and disadvantages. We should treat everything correctly.II. Teaching Key PointTrain students * listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.III. Teaching Difficult PointsHow to improve students integrating skills.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we learned the structures.Do you know where.? Could you tell me how to get to.? Can you please tell me where.? Now who can make sentences by using the structures?Step II 3aRea

555、d the instructions. Point out the blank lines under the words Advantages and Disadvantages below the interview.You will write your answers in these blanks.Read the first two sentences at the top of the article.Explain that the interviewer will talk to several teenagers.Get students to read the interview on their own quickly.When they have finished, ask if there are any words or sentences they don, t understand. If there are, explain them.Ask students to read the interview again and write the adv

556、antages and disadvantages. Check the answers with the whole class.Step III 3bRead the instructions. Point out the conversation in the box and invite two students to read it to the class.Point out the list of advantages and disadvantages in Activity 3a. Say, You can use these items and any other items you can think of as you talk about places you usually hang out.Ask students to work in groups of four or five. As they work, move around the classroom helping the groups as necessary. Make sure they

557、 talk about both advantages and disadvantages.Ask several groups to act out part of their conversation to the class.Step N 4Read the instructions to the class. Get students to look back at the picture and activities on the first page of this unit.Point out the sample language in the box. Invite a student to read it to the class.Ask students to say the names of some stores and other places in the community and write them on the board. Say,Each group can choose three of these places to write about

558、, or you can choose another place you know ofWrite carefiil directions from the school to each place, but do not say the name of the place. You can use the words this place instead. In order to help students work, draw a simple map showing the school and several nearby streets.When the groups are ready, they read their directions to the class and the other students guess the name of the place they are talking about.Step V Homework1. Ask students to choose two places in the community and write ca

559、reful directions from the school to each place.2. Finish off the exercises on pages 4647 of the workbook.The Fourth PeriodI - Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyfascinating, convenient, safe, restroom, inexpensive(2) Target LanguageCan you tell me where theres a good place to eat?Of course. What kind of food do you like?2. Ability Objects(1) Train students writing and speaking ability.(2) Train students ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.

560、(3) Train students? ability to use the target language.II. Teaching Key Points1 . Key Vocabularyconvenient, safe, restroom inexpensive2 . Target LanguageCan you tell me where theres a good place to eat?Of course. What kind of food do you like?III. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to improve students writing and speaking ability.2. How to use the target language.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework.Step II laGo through the instructions with the class.Read the words in the box to th

561、e class and ask if there are any of these words that students don t understand. If so, help students to explain the meaning of the word.Then read the instructions again and point out the sample answer. Get a student to read the sample answer to the class. Point out that students can also write other words after the word clean.Ask students to write words from the box in the blanks on their own. Help students if needed. Correct the answers by having students read what qualities he or she listed.St

562、ep III lbRead the instructions to the class.Point out the example in the box. Invite two students to read it to the class.Now work with a partner. Look at the words in the box and use them to talk about places in your own city. As students talk, move around the classroom checking their work. Offer language support as needed.Invite several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step IV 2aPoint to the picture and ask students to tell what is happening. If necessary, explain that

563、 the scene shows a family on vacation. They arc asking the man for information about various things to do in Sunville.Go through the instructions and point to the chart.Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.Play the recording again. Ask students to write the places people ask about.Check the answers with the whole class.Step V 2bRead the instructions and point to the chart.You will hear the same recording again.This time listen carefully to the answers the deck gives. Write the

564、 answers in the blanks alone.Point out the sample answer.Play the recording again. Ask students to write their answers in the blanks.Check the answers.Step VI 2cPoint to the sample conversation. Invite two students to read it to the class.Read the instructions. Role play the conversations you hear on the tape.Get students to work in pairs. Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step VIlHomew

565、orkTalk about some places using the words in la, then write down the conversations.The Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularywater slide, clown, dress up, have fun(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students? reading ability.(2) Train studentsJ writing ability.II. Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.HI. Teaching Difficult PointHow to wri

566、te a guide to a place.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionReview the target language presented in this unit. Check homework.Step II 3aInvite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.Ask students to read the article again and complete the chart. Get students to do the work on their own or in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom and offer help as necessary. Check the a

567、nswers.Step m 3bRead the instnictions to the class. Point to the first two sentences and ask a student to read these sentences to the class.Look back at Activities 2a and 2b. Use this information to help you complete the guide to Sunville.Ask the students to complete the brochure on their own. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed.Invite a student to read the completed article to the class.Step IV 3cRead the instructions to the class.Ask students

568、 to say the names of some of the places they might write about. Write a list of these places on the board for students to use as they write their guides.Ask students to work on their own. Tell them that they can use what they wrotefor activity 3b as a guide. They can write the guide for all tourists, teenagers, families, or people on a budget. As they work, move around the room offering help as needed. Correct the students f work. Ask some students to read their guides and correct them.Step V Pa

569、rt 4Go through the instructions with the class.Get students to look back at the guides they wrote in Activity 3c.Ask students to work in groups of four or five students. Let different students play the role of the booth worker and the different tourists. Make sure every student has a chance to participate.Ask one or two groups to say one of their conversations to the class.Step VI Homework1. Read the article in 3a again.2 Write a guide to our city.The Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1.

570、Knowledge Objects( 1) Fill in blanks and make sentences using beautiful, safe, delicious, convenient, fascinating.(2 ) Write some questions using the target language.2. Ability ObjectsTrain students writing ability.II. Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.2. Write questions using the target language.III. Teaching Difficult PointMake sentences using beautiful, safe, delicious, convenient, fascinating”.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Ask a few students to r

571、ead the article in 3a.Then ask a few students to read their guides.Step II Part 1Look at the words in the box. Ask a student to read them. Make sure the students understand themeaning of the words. You are to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/ verb agreement.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers.Step IllPart 2Go through the instructions with the class.Look at

572、the example with the students.Ask students what the answer would be.Ask a student to read the question and answer it.Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is, please?The bank is across the street from the shopping malt.Get students to complete the work in pairs.Check the answers. Ask a few students to read their questions.Step IV Just for Fun!Ask all the students to read the conversation. Ask: What is funny about this cartoon? Help students to explain. A Martian is a person from the planet

573、 Mars.There is no such thing as Martian food on Earth, and the clerk looks silly because he is trying to think of where there is a Martian restaurant.Invite some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.Step V Summary and HomeworkIn this class, we ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit. After class, please finish the questions in 2 in your exercise books. Then finish the exercises on pages 47 48 o

574、f the workbook as well.The Seventh PeriodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyimage, adventure, jealousy, hero, crime, journey, brave, no longer, show interestin, take it easy, become interested in, plain looks(2) Text:Grown-ups like cartoons, too.2. Ability Objects( 1) Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text.(2) Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.(3) Learn the words and phrases from the context.Il. Teaching Key Points1. Key vocabulary

575、.2. Train students reading and writing skills.III. Teaching Difficult PointTrain students * reading and writing skills.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep I Key VocabularySay the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.Step II Part 1Read the title Grown-ups like cartoons, too. To the class. Ask, what do you think the article is about?Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.Ask students to answer the

576、five questions. But don t look at the reading text.Instead, they use their background knowledge to try to answer the questions. As students work, walk around, looking at their progress.When most students finish the task, ask students to answer the questions with a parter.Elicit answers from the students. Ask if other students have the same or different answers. Do not give the correct answers to the students at this point. Wait until students have finished the reading and let them revise their a

577、nswers accordingly.Step III Part 2Read the text quickly, then summarize each paragraph in your own words. As the students are doing this, move around the classroom to make sure they can do the task in English.Ask five students to report their answers.Draw students attention to the instructions.Ask students to complete the task individually or in pairs.As they work, walk around the classroom to make sure students discuss their reasons in English. Have students report their answers. Encourage stud

578、ents to use complete sentences.Step IV Part 3Point to the story. Look at the words indicated in bold. Ask different students to guess the meaning. Don t give them the correct answers. Ask students to read the article once. Say, pay attention to the bold words and expressions. And note any other words or sentences, you don t understand. Read in context, guessing their meanings from the other words around them. Ask students to read the article again for comprehension.Read the instructions with the

579、 students and have them look at the example. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Allow them one or two minutes to do this.Check the answers:Get students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Remind them to look at the article again for extra help.Answers to this activity will vary. Then ask a students to write his/her answers on the blackboard. Help correct any mistakes.Step V Part 4Read the instructions to the class. Elicit the fir

580、st answer from the students from memory. Make sure that they understand what they need to do.Ask students to do the activity on their own or in pairs. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help students may need.Check the answers.Step VI Part 5Read the task with the students.Ask students to do the activity in small groups. Try to put creative and artistic students in each group.Check the answers and have students show or act out their cartoons fbr the class.Optional activityAs an opti

581、onal in-class or homework activity, remind students to find some cartoons and cut out the speech bubbles.Students can then write their own English stories in the speech bubbles.Step V II Homework1. Read the story in 2 again fbr further comprehension.2. Revise the target language in this unit.教学反思:Unit 12 You re supposed to shake handsthe First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularybow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs(2) T arget LanguageWhat are peop

582、le in Korea supposed to do when they meet fbr the first time?They re supposed to bow.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train studentsT listening ability.(2) Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsBefore you meet foreigners, you should some customs. In this way, you can act politely and properly.II. Teaching Key PointsTarget languageIII. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train students listening ability.2. How to train students, communicative competence.IV. Teaching Methods1. Scene teachin

583、g method2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.V . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. A map of the worldVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we finished Unit 11. In this unit, we learned some ways of asking fbr information politely. Now if you want to go to a library to get a book, how can you ask?SI: Do you know where I can get a book?S2: Could you tell me how to get to the library?S3: Can you please tell me where I can buy a

584、 book?T: Very good. You re right. From today on, we II learn Unit 12.Write the two column headings on the board: Right and Wrong.Say, Please tell me things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school.Write each suggestion under the appropriate heading on the board.T: Is it a good idea to come to class late?SI: No.T: Thats right,【t s not a good idea to come to class late. You re not supposed to come to class late. Class repeat. You re not supposed to come to class late.Ss:

585、 You re not supposed to come to class late.T: (Writes come to class late under wrong) Wliat are some things you shouldn t do?S2: We shouldn t eat in class.T: Right. You re not supposed to eat in class.Ask students to repeat this example.Then ask students to tell about some things that are good to do in school. They may say things such as, You should do your homework every day; You should raise your hand before you talk. Rephrase each of these sentences using supposed to and ask students to repea

586、t: You re supposed to do your homework every day.You re supposed to raise your hand before you talk.Step II laThis activity introduces some target language.Let students read the instructions.Point to the two lists of words. Read each word and ask students to repeat it.Put up a map of the world on the board.Ask students to explain where each of the countries is.Suggested answers1. Brazil is in South America, next to Peru.2. The United States is in North America, next to Canada.3. Japan is in East

587、 Asia, to the east of China,4. Mexico is in North America, on the south of America.5. Korea is in East Asia, It is our neighbor.Ask different students to act out the action described by each word or phrase一bow, shake hands, and kiss.Read the instructions again and ask students to match the customs lettered a, b and c with the numbered countries.Look at the sample answer. Tall students to guess if they aren t sure.Answers1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. aStep III lbThis activity gives students practice und

588、erstanding the target language in spoken conversation.Go through the instructions with the class. Point to the lists in Activity la and say, Now you will hear a conversation between a boy and a girl. Their conversation contains the answers to the questions inActivity la.Play the tape for the first time. This time, students only listen.Play the tape a second time. Ask them to listen to the recording and check their answers to Activity la.Check the answers with the class. Invite a student to read

589、the answers.Answers1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. aTapescriptBoy 1: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Celia?Girl 1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time?Boy 1: Yeah.Girl 1: Well, in Brazil, friends kiss.Boy I: What about in Mexico, Rodriguez?Boy 2: In Mexico we shake hands.Boy 1: How about in Japan, Yashi?Boy 3: We bow.Girl 2: And in Korea we also bow.Boy 1: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.Step IV 1 cThis activity provides guided oral

590、 practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the whole class.Point out the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class.SA: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet fbr the first time?SB: They re supposed to bow.Point to the lists of customs and countries in Activity la. Tell students to first talk about these countries and customs, and then talk about other countries and customs they know about.As students work together, move around the classroom ch

591、ecking their work.Ask different pairs of students to ask and answer a question for the class.SI: What are people in the United States supposed to do when they meet for the first time?S2: They, re supposed to shake hands.S3: What are people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time?S4: They re supposed to bow.S5: What are people in France supposed to do when they meet fbr the first time?S6: They* re supposed to shake hands.Step V SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some important

592、words, such as bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands. We ve also learned the target language What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet fbr the first time? Thcy, re supposed to bow.Step VI HomeworkReview the target language.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 12 Youre supposed to shakehands.Section AThe First PeriodTarget Language:A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B: They, re supposed to bow.Unit 12 You* re supposed to shake handsThe Second Per

593、iodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabulary greet, be supposed to(2) Target LanguageHow was the dinner at PauPs house last night?Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsWhen you re invited to a place, you mustn* t be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes. That is, you should a

594、ct according to your host, s customs.Il. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabulary greet, be supposed to 2. Target Language How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrive at 8:00.3. StructureWhat are you supposed to do when you meet someone?III. Teaching Difficult Points1. the target language2. How to improve students listening ability.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method to improve students listening ability.2

595、. PairworkV . Teaching AidA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations according to Activity la. SA: What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time?SB: They, re supposed to how.St叩 II 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Look at the picture and ask students to tell What is happening.Help students understand that the people are at a picnic.Point to Maria and as

596、k, what s Maria wearing? (She is wearing a dress. ) Ask, Does she look comfortable? ( N o .)Read the instructions and point to the four mistakes on the list. Ask different students to read the mistakes to the class.Marias mistakesarrived lateate the wrong foodgreeted Pauls mother the wrong waywore the wrong clothesAsk different students to explain the meaning of each line in their own words.Listen to Maria talking to a boy about what happened at the picnic. She made several mistakes. Listen to t

597、he recording and check the mistakes she made.Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.Play the recording again. Get students to check the mistakes Maria made.Check the answers with the class.AnswersV arrived lateate wrong foodV greeted Paul, s mother the wrong wayV wore the wrong clothesTapescriptBoy: Hi, Maria. How was Paul s party?Girl: Oh, Dan, it was a disaster.Boy: It was?Girl: Uh-huh.Boy: What happened?Girl: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00.Boy: O

598、h, so you were late.Girly: Yeah, but in my country if s different. When you re invited for 7:00, you re supposed to come later!Boy: I see.Girl: Then when I met Paul s mom, I kissed her.Boy: And you were supposed to shake hands instead.Girl: That s right. And I wore a fancy dress.Boy: Whats wrong with that?Girl: Well, it was a barbecue. Everyone else was wearing a T-shirt and jeans.Boy: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.Step III 2bThis activity gives students practice i

599、n understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Go through the instructions with the class. Point out the blanks in the four sentences. Invite a student to read the first sentence.Play the recording again. Let students fill in the blanks with the words they hear alone.Correct the answers with the class.Answers1. arrive at 7:002. come later3. shake hands4. wearStep IV 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions for the activity to the c

600、lass.Look at the example in the box. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.SA: How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?SB: Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arnve at 7: 00, but I arrived at 8:00.Point out the mistakes in Activity 2a and the sentences in Activity 2b. Role play Dan and Maria, s conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b.Ask students to work in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom checking the progress of the

601、pairs and offering help as needed.Check the answers by calling on different pairs to say their conversations to the class. Encourage students to express emotions such as disappointed or embarrassment as they say their conversations.Step V Grammar FocusReview the grammar box. Get different students to say the questions and answers.S1: What arc you supposed to do when you meet someone?You re supposed to kiss.You re not supposed to shake hands.S2: When were you supposed to arrive?I was supposed to

602、arrive at 7:00.S3: You should have asked What you were supposed to wear.Write these sentences starters: on the board as pairs of incomplete questions and answers:What are you supposed to do when.Youre Youre not.When were you supposed to.I was. I wasnt.Ask different pairs of students to take turns completing each pair of questions and answers. Give cues to help the students make questions and answers.For example:T: (point at what are-*) After school.S1: What are you supposed to do after school?S2

603、: r m supposed to go home. I m not supposed to hang out with my friends.T: Good! You re supposed to go home.You, re not supposed to hang out with your friends.Repeat the process using the questionWhen were.and the answers I was. and I wasnt.T: (point to When were*-*) Go to bed.S1: When were you supposed to go to bed?S2: I was supposed to go to bed at 10:00. I wasn t supposed to see a film.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve learned key vocabulary greet and be supposed to, the target language How

604、 was the dinner at Paul s house last night? Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7: 00, but I arrived at 8:00 and the stiircture What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?Step V H HomeworkAsk students to write at least two sentences with the sentence starters in Grammar Focus.Step V U I Blackboard DesignUnit 12 You re supposed to shake hands.Section AThe Second Period1. Target Language:How was the dinner at PauPs house last night?Well, it was OK, but I m

605、ade some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00.2. What are you supposed to do when-Youre Youre not.When were you supposed to.I was.I wasnt.Unit 12 You re supposed to shake handsThe Third Period1 . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyland, drop by, after all, relaxed, a bit(2) Target LanguageCan you tell me the things Im supposed to do?The first thing is to greet the teacher.Okay. What should I say?You are supposed to say good morning, teache

606、r. ”2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students integrating skills.(2) Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsDifferent countries have different customs.So you are supposed to do in Rome as theRomans do.II. Teaching Key PointTrain students integrating skills.III. Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve students integrating skills.IV. Teaching Methods1. Fast reading to let students get the general idea of the text.2. PairworkV . Teaching Aids1. A projector2. The blackboardVI Teaching Pr

607、ocedures Step I RevisionT: In last period, we summed up the expressions for telling what you are supposed to do. Now I 1 1 check your homework. I 1 1 ask some pairs to act out the conversations before the class. Suggested conversationSA: What are you supposed to do after school?SB: r m supposed to go home. I m not supposed to play outside.SA: When were you supposed to finish your homework yesterday?SB: I was supposed to finish it at 8:00. I wasn t supposed to hang out with my friends.Step II 3aT

608、his activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Show the key words on the screen by a projector.C a lin .卡 利 ( 哥伦比亚西部城市)Colombia n . 哥伦比亚( 南美大洲西北部一国家)drop b y 访问;拜访Lausanne n. 洛 桑 ( 瑞士西部城市)Switzerland n. 瑞士 ( 欧洲中部国家)land n. 国家;国土after all 毕竟Read the words and have students repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Read the instructions. Do you know what an opinion is?Ask a student to answer it. ( An opinion iswhat you think or

609、how you feel about something. )Look at the chart. Point to the word attitude on the chart and say, An opinion is like an attitude. Tell students what they will write in the chart, ( the attitude of the Colombian girl and the Swiss boy toward these three things: being on time, visiting a friend , s house, and making plans with friends. )Ask students to read the first paragraph on their own. When they read, move around the classroom helping them as necessary. Then ask students to read the second p

610、aragraph. Again, as they read, move around the classroom answering any questions. Then read the instructions again and point out the chart. Point to the words attitude toward and ask what other words in the instruction line mean the same thing ( opinions of) Invite a student to read the sample answer to the class. Then let him point out which sentence theanswer is found in.Ask students to read the paragraphs again and complete the chart on their own.Correct the answers with the class.AnswersColo

611、mbian: We re pretty relaxed about time. We often just drop by our friends home. We don t have to make plans when we get together with friends.Switzerland: It, s very important to be on time. We never visit a friend * s house without calling first. We usually make plans to meet friends.Step III 3bThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions for the activity with the class.Look at the example in the box. Ask two students to read the conversation

612、 to the class.SA: What kinds of rules do they have in Colombia?SB: Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.SA: Like what?SB: Well, it, s OK if you re not on time.First practice this conversation with a partner. Then talk about your attitude toward being on time and getting together with your friends. Use true information.Have students work in pairs.Ask some different pairs to say their conversations to the class.Suggested answersSA: What kinds of rules do you have in your opinion?SB: Well, we have

613、relaxed rules.SA: Like what?SB: Well, it s OK if we visit a friend * s house without calling first.Step N Part 4This activity provides reading, Writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Let students read the instructions.Ask a pair of students to model the sample dialogue. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the class.SA: Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do?SB: The first thing is to greet the teac

614、her.SA: Okay. What should I say?SB: You re supposed to say good morning, teacher. ”Get students to complete the work in pairs. As they work, walk around die classroom offering help as needed.Review the task. Ask a few students to share their conversations with the whole class.SA: Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do?SA: The first thing is to do your homework.SA: Okay. What should I say?SB: You re supposed to say nI must do my homework”.Step V SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key

615、vocabulary words land, drop by and after all, and the targetlanguage Can you tell me the things I m supposed to do? The first thing is to greet the teacher. Okay.What Should I say? You are supposed to say good moming, teacher. We ve also done a lot of reading, speaking and writing practice using the target language.Step VI Homework1. Write a conversation using the information in Part 4.2. Finish off the exercises on pages 4950 of the workbook.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 12 Youre supposed to

616、shakehands.Section AThe Third PeriodTarget Language:A: Can you tell me the things Im Supposed to do?B: The first thing is to greet the teacher.A: Okay. What should I say?B: You, re supposed to say good morning, teacher11.Unit 12 You re supposed to shake handsThe Fourth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularywipe, napkin, stick, chopstick, rude, point, pick up(2) Target LanguageWe re supposed to eat with chopsticks.Yes, and it s rude to eat with our hands.2. Abi

617、lity Objects( 1) Train studentsJ listening ability.(2 ) Train students ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.(3) Train students ability to use the target language.3. Moral ObjectsIn order to behave politely at the dinner table, you re supposed to leam some talbc manners.II . Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularywipe, stick, chopstick, rude, point, pick up2. Target LanguageWe re supposed to eat with chopsticks.Yes, and it s rude to eat with our hands.III. Teaching Diffic

618、ult Points1. Flow to improve studentsJ listening ability.2. How to use the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method2. PairworkV . Teaching AidA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Get some students to read out their conversations using the target language in Section A 4. Collect their conversations and help correct their errors.Step II Part 1This activity introduces new vocabulary and provides reading practice using the target language.Look at the pi

619、cture and ask students to say what is happening in it. (A family is eating a m eal.)Look at the title, Mind your manners!Ask. What do you think it might mean?(It means be careful of how you a c t.)Read the instructions and point to the five statements about manners. Ask students to read the statements.1. In the United States, you re not supposed to eat with your hands.2. In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table.3. In China, you re not supposed to pickup your bowl of rice.4. In Korea, t

620、he youngest person is supposed to start eating first.5. In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink. Review the five statements to be sure students understand what each one means. Ask students to act out them.Then ask students to complete the quiz on their own.Correct the answers with the class.Answers1. T2. F3. F4. F5. TStep III 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Read the instructions to the

621、class. Review what an exchange student is and what table manners are. If necessary, translate them into Chinese.Look at the four pictures. You will hear the exchange student Steve, talking with his Japanese friend, Satoshi.Satoshi is explaining some things you arc and aren, t supposed to do when eating in Japan.Point to the boxes where students are supposed to write a number next to each picture. Say, Number these 1 through 4 to show the order you hear Satoshi talk about, these things in the rec

622、ording.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. As they listen to the recording this time, let students number the pictures.Correct the answers with the class.AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in the following order:2 143TapescriptSatoshi: You must be really excited about leaving fbr Japan tomorrow, Steve!Steve: Yeah, I am. But I m a little nervous, too.Satoshi: Nervous about what?Steve: Well, for one thing, I dont know how to use chopsticks v

623、ery well, ,-and I dont know how to behave at the dinner table.Satoshi: Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners if you like.Steve: Really? That would be great!Satoshi: Hmmmm. Let me see. One difference is that sometimes it s polite to make noise when you re eating. Especially when you re eating noodles. It shows that you like the food.Steve: Really? That s interesting. In the United States you re not supposed to do that.Satoshi: Yeah, I know. OK. so here are some cho

624、pstick rules: it* s rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldn t point at anyone with your chopsticks.Steve: Oh, OK. I won t,Satoshi: And also, this isn t about table manners exactly, but you should know that you aren, t supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.Steve: Huh.Satoshi: Oh, and the most important thing you need to know is that you re not supposed to talk when you re eating dinner. Only parents are allowed to talk at the dinner table. Children are not a

625、llowed to speak.Steve: Wow! Thatsthats unusual!Satoshi: Tin just kidding! Boy, youre really gullible, Steve!Step IV 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Read the instructions and point to the numbered list of sentence starters and the lettered list of sentence endings. Ask different students to read the two lists.1. You aren, t supposed toa. to make noise while eating noodles.2. It s polite, b. to stick your chopsticks into your food.3. It s r u d e c . point at

626、anyone with your chopsticks.4. You shouldn t d eat or drink while walking down the street.You will hear the same recording again.This time as you listen, write the letter of the correct sentence ending after each sentence starter.Look at the sample answer. Read the correctly completed sentence to the class:1. You aren t supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.Play the recording again. Ask students to write the letters in the blanks alone.Check the answers with the class.Answers1.

627、d 2. a 3. b 4. cStep V 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions for the activity with the class.Look at the example in the box. Ask two students to read the sentence starters.SA: Were supposed to.SB: Yes, and ifs rude to.Now, complete each one with a true statement about table manners in your country.Ask two students to read their sentences.SA: We re supposed to eat with chopsticks.SB: Yes, and it s rude to eat with our hands.Point out t

628、he sentence starters in Activity 2b. Say, Have a conversation about table manners in your country with a patter.You can use the sentence starters in Activity 2b to help you get started.Have students work in pairs. Ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step VI SummaryIn this class, weve learned some key vocabulary, such as wipe, rude, point, pick up. Weve also learned the target language by listening and speaking.Step V II HomeworkTalk about the table manners in

629、 your country using the sentence starters inActivity 2b.Step V III Blackboard DesignUnit 12 You re supposed to shake hands.Section BThe Fourth Period1. Sentences in Activity 2b:( 1) You aren, t supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.(2) It s polite to make noise while eating noodles.(3) Il s rude to stick your chopsticks into your food.(4) You shouldn, t point at anyone with your chopsticks.2. Target language:A: We re supposed to eat with chopsticks.B: Yes, and it s rude to eat w

630、ith our hands.Unit 12 You* re supposed to shake handsThe Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularytable manners, behave, be/get used to, cut up, full, fork, You should.(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students reading ability.(2) Train studentsw riting ability.3. Moral ObjectsWith the development of society, table manners are more and more important.Sometimes they can help

631、people succeed.So you have to learn more table manners.II . Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.III. Teaching Difficult PointHow to write an e-mail message.IV. Teaching Methods1. Reading comprehension to help students grasp the main idea of the text.2. Writing method3. Groupwork to make every student work in class,V . Teaching Aids1. A projector2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionReview the target language presented in this unit. Check home

632、work.Ask two students to read out their sentences.SA: You arenr t supposed to visited a friend, s house without calling first.SB: It s polite to be on time.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Teach the new words. Show the following new words on the screen by a projector.Manner n. 礼貌;风格;习惯table manners餐桌礼仪behave v. 行为表现;举止be / get used to习惯于. . .cut up切开;切碎fo rk n ,叉;餐叉full a d j.饱的;吃胀了的l a p n . ( 人坐着时)腰以下到膝为止的部分;大腿elbow n . 肘;肘部gradually a d v .逐渐地;渐渐地com

633、pliment n . 称赞;恭维toast v . 敬酒Call attention to the e-mail message. Invite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.Read the instructions to the class. Ask students to read the e-mail again. Say,Now read the e-mail. Answer the questions in your exercise book. As students work, move around the classroom and offer help as necessary.Check the answers with the class.Answers1. Her Fre

634、nch was not very good.2. Her host family was really nice.3. Her French has improved.4. You put your bread on the table, not on the plate.(note the exclamation mark in the reading)5. One particular challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.Notes1. go out of one s way = make a special effort2. cut up= cut into piecesStep III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Point to the beginning of the e-mail message.

635、Read it to the class.Here are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan. First of all, you should-,Look back at the pictures in Activity 2a and the matching exercise in Activity 2b.You can use the pictures and information in Activities 2a and 2b to help you write your letters.Ask students to finish the activity on their own. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed.Check the answers with the class. Ask a student to read h

636、is completed article to the class.A sample answerHere are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan. First of all, you should make noise while eating noodles. It s polite to do that. Its very different from your country. Second, it s rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldn t point at anyone with your chopsticks.Last, this isnt about table manners exactly, but you should know that you arentsupposed to eat or drink while walking down the street. So

637、 much for the table manners. I 1 1 write again. Hoping you re having a good time.SteveStep IV 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions and ask students to look back at Activity 2c.Remind students that they made conversations about table manners in their own country.Say. You can use the ideas you talked about in Activity 2c as you write your email messages.Get students to finish the activity on their own. As students work, move around the room offe

638、ring help as needed.Ask a student to read his or her message to the class. Have other students add any information that is missing from the first student * s report.A sample answerDear John,Thanks for your message. Now I tell you some things you need to know about tabic manners when you are in China.Firstly, you re supposed to eat with chopsticks. It s rude to eat with your hands. Secondly, you shouldn t make noise while eating. It* s not polite to do that. Lastly, you shouldn t point at anyone

639、with your chopsticks. I believe you 1 1 get used to these table manners, I 1 1 writeagain. Hope you, re having a great time in China.Li PingOptional activityHave students work with the same partner they worked :with when doing Acvity 2c. Ask each pair of students to work together to write a single e-mail message telling someone from another country bout the table manners in their own country.Step V Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target la

640、nguage.Go through the instructions with the class. Ask a good student to give an example.Get students to complete the work in small groups.Cheek the answers. Ask a few students to tell the class about what one should do in different situations. Answers will vary, but should emphasize politeness.Step VI SummaryIn this class, weve done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.St叩 V D Homework1. Read the e-mail message in Activity 3a again.2. Write an e-mail message

641、 to a friend about table manners.StepVH Blackboard DesignUnit 12 You re supposed to shake hands.Section BThe Fifth PeriodAnswers to Activity 3a:1. Her French was not very good.2. Her host family was really nice .3. Her French has improved.4. You put your bread on the table, not on tile plate.5. One particular challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.Unit 12 You* re supposed to shake handsThe Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Fill in blanks and make

642、sentences using arrive, meet, spend, behave and imagine.(2) Finish the story.(3) Complete the crossword.2. Ability ObjectsTrain students writing ability.3. Moral ObjectsYou are supposed to learn much more table manners, It is very useful and helpful, especially when you are in foreign countries.II. Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.2. Finish the story.HI. Teaching Difficult Points1. Make sentences using arrive, meet, spend, behave and imagine.2. Finish the story.IV. Teachin

643、g Methods1. Teaching by explanation.2. Speaking methodV . Teaching Aids1. The blackboard2. A projectorVI . Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Ask a student to read the e-mail message in Activity 3a. Then ask a student to read his/her own e-mail message.St叩 H Part 1This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Look at the words in the box. Ask a student to read them.Make sure students understand the meaning of the words.Then say, Fill in the blanks with the words. In s

644、ome cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers.Show the answers on the screen by a projector.1. People in Japan and people in America behave differently at the dinner table.2. You can imagine how different the table manners are from ours.3. In Singapore, t

645、he trains always arrive on time. They are never late.4. On Chinese New Year, people like to spend time with their families.5. I usually meet my friends in the library on Friday nights.Ask students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful. Move around the classroom. Collect a few studentsJ answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Then help students correct the mistakes.Suggested answers1. When you re invited to dinner, you should arrive on time.2. When

646、you meet someone for the first time, you re supposed to shake hands.3. We should spend much time learning English.4. The children don, t know how to behave.5. I cannot imagine what he is doing.Step HI Part 2This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class. Explain them to students.Get students to complete the work in pairs.Invite a few students to read the end of the story. Answers will vary but will probably include watchin

647、g what others do first or asking the host or hostess or one of the guests.A sample end of the story,What I finally decided to do was to watch what others do and follow them.Notes1. Unfamiliar-the opposite of familiar, means not having a good knowledge of2. set-number of things of the same kind, that belong together because they are similar or complementary to each otherStep IV Part 3This activity focuses on the new vocabulary introduced in this unit.Do the example with the class to show them how

648、 to do a crossword puzzle. Ask students to complete the crossword puzzle on their own. Check the answers with the whole class.AnswersDOWN: 1. bow 2. shake 3. kissACROSS: 4. chopsticks 5. knifeStep V Just for Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.Ask students what is funny about the cartoon. Help students to explain. The little boy bought his grandmother a cat instead of a hat, but his grandmother loves it anyway.Step VI Summary and HomeworkIn this clas

649、s, we ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words.After class, please finish off the story in 2 in your textbooks. Then finish off the exercises on pages 5052 of the workbook.StcpVH Blackboard DesignUnit 12 You, re supposed to shake hands.Self checkThe Sixth PeriodSuggested answers to Activity 1:1. When you re invited to dinner, you should arrive on time.2. When you meet someone for the first time, you, re supposed to shake hands.3. We should spend much time learning English.4.

650、The children don t know how to behave.5. I cannot imagine what he is doing.Unit 12 You re supposed to shake handsThe Seventh PeriodReading: Parent helps childI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey Vocabularydie, succeed, sacrifice, path, honor, dead-end road, get into trouble, give up, keep shipping, military school2. Ability ObjectsImprove students reading and writing skills.3. Moral ObjectsMother is willing to do whatever she can to love us. So we should understand our mothers an

651、d love them too, and we must study hard to reward our mothers.II. Teaching Key PointTrain students reading and writing skills.III. Teaching Difficult PointTrain students * reading and writing skills.IV. Teaching MethodsFast-reading to improve studentsJ reading ability.Careful-reading to get the detailed infonnation.V . Teaching AidA projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Key VocabularyThis activity introduces the key vocabulary words.Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.Car

652、eful-reading to get the detailed information.V . Teaching AidA projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresSt叩 I Key VocabularyThis activity introduces the key vocabulary words.Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.at the end of在. . .结尾;在. . . . 末端dead adj. 死亡的;无生命的dead-end adj. 无出路的;没有发展前景的die v . 死;死亡succeed v . 成功;做成get into trouble陷入困境;因做某事而招致不幸或处罚等give up放弃;抛弃subjectn.题目;主题slip v . 失足;滑倒military a d j.军事的;军用的army n. 军队soldier n. 士兵; 战士sacrifice v. & n . 牺牲;奉献path n . 路;小路;小径Say the

653、 words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.Step II Part 1This activity allows students to activate their background knowledge before attempting the reading.Read the title Parent helps child to the class. Ask, What do you think the article is about, basedon the title?Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.Ask students to discuss the four questions. Students do not look at the reading text. Inst

654、ead, they use their background knowledge to try to answer the questions. As they work, walk around, looking at their progress.When most students finish the task, ask students to compare their answers with a partner, Elicit answers from the students. Ask, Do you have any other answers? Do not give the correct answers to the students at this point. Wait until students have finished the reading and let them revise their answers accordingly. Answers will vary.Step III Part 2This activity encourages

655、students to read quickly for detail.Go through the instructions with the class.Ask students to complete the task individually or in pairs. Make sure students discuss their reasons in English. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help as necessary.Ask students to read their answers. Encourage students to use complete sentences.Sample answersMain idea DetailWestley was a bad boy. He was in trouble at school and with the police.His mother did a lot for him. She had three jobs to support

656、 him and the family.Westley understood he had to change. His mother explained her sacrifices.The writer gives some advice fbr parents and children. Get children interested in reading.Step W Part 3This activity encourage students to use the strategy of reading in context.Look at the story. Pay attention to the words indicated in bold. Ask different students to guess the meaning. Don t give them the correct answers.Ask students to read the article once.Say, Pay attention to the bold words and expr

657、essions. And note any other words or sentences you don t understand. Read in context, guessing the meanings of words and phrases from the other words around them.Ask students to read, the article again fbr comprehension.Go through the instructions with the students and have them look at the example. Ask students to complete the next word on the list on the left. Students are matching words to meanings. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help as necessary. Students complete the task

658、. Remind them to look at the story again for extra help.Have students report their answers. Encourage them to use complete sentences.Answersdead-end road f; give up d;keep slipping b; military school a;sacrifice c; honor e; Get students to makesentences with the words and expressions.Answers to this activity will vary. Thenask a student to write his answers on theblackboard Help correct any mistakes.Sample answersI. We don t walk down a dead-end road, or we, 1 1 fail.2. You must give up smoking.

659、3. Don t keep slipping again.4. He doesn, t want to go to a military school, but he has to.5. He succeeded at the sacrifice of his health.6. We should show honor to our teachers.Step V Part 4This activity helps students read for specific information and paraphrase ideas.Go through the task with students. Elicit the first answer from students from memory. Check that they understand what they need to do.Ask students to do the activity on their own or in pairs. Students should try to remember or gu

660、ess the answers before looking at the reading. As they work, walk around the classroom offering help students may need.Check the answers. Invite different students to give their answers and give the correct statements for the ones that are false.Sample answersTF (There are three children and a mother in Westley , s family. )F (Westley was sent to military school by his mother. ) TTStep VI Part 5This activity helps students work in a group and think critically about what they have read. Read the

661、instructions with the students.Divide the class into small groups to do the activity. Give students help thinking of different fun and educational activities. Walk around the classroom offering help as needed.Cheek the answers. Have students share their answers with the class.Sample answersActivities ReasonsVisit very old places. Students will find history is interesting.Buy some books about sports. Students are interested in them. Go to the music concerts.; Students like music very much, especi

662、ally pop music, t Culture noteIndependence is much different for young people in the West than in China. In America, 16 year-olds often learn to drive and have their own cars. By the age of 18 or 19, it, s common for young people to move out , leaving home for their own rented accommodation. The age for marrying is quite low for both young men and young women, usually in their late teens and there are no restrictions on the age for having children or number of children on can have.Step V II Summ

663、aryIn this class, we ve practised a lot of reading and writing.Step V III Homework1. Read the story in Activity 2 again for further comprehension.2. Revise the target language in this unit.Step IX Blackboard DesignReading: Parent helps child.The Seventh PeriodSample answers to Activity 2Main idea DetailWestley was a bad boy. He was in trouble at school and with the police.His mother did a lot for him. She had three jobs to support him and the family.Westley understood he had to change. His mothe

664、r explained her sacrifices.The writer gives some advice for parents and children. Get children interested in reading. Sample answers to Activity 31. We don t walk down a dead-end road, or we 1 1 fail.2. You must give up smoking.3. Don t keep slipping again.4. He doesn t want to go to a military school, but he has to.5. He succeeded at the sacrifice of his health.6. We should show honor to our teachersUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects

665、( 1) Key Vocabulary sad, energetic, stressed out, soft(2) Target Languager d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while V m eating.Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out.2. Ability Objects( 1) Improve students listening ability.(2) Help students to express their opinion freely.3. Moral objectsIt is important to choose a suitable place. It is good fbr your study and life.II. Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageIII

666、. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to improve students listening ability.2. How to help students to express their opinion freely.IV Teaching Methods1. Listening-and-answcring activity to help the students go through with the listening material.2. Pairwork to make every student work in class.V . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we finished Unit 12. In this unit, we learned how to tell what we are supposed to do. Now tell me some thi

667、ngs that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school.S1: We re supposed to do our homework every day.S2: We re supposed to raise our hands before we talk.S3: We re supposed to come to class on time.S4: We are not supposed to be late for class.S5: We re not supposed to eat in class.How do you feel about parties? Happy? Excited? Nervous?SI: Nervous.T: Oh, so parties make you nervous.SI: Yes.T: Class repeat. Parties make me nervous.Ss: Parties make me nervous.T: Now what about sc

668、hool vacations?How do you feel about them?S2: Happy.T: So, school vacations make you happy.S2: Yes.Step II laThis activity introduces new vocabulary and provides oral practice using the target language.Step III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Ask students to read the instructions.Look at the chart and point out the two headings: The Rockin Restaurant and The Blue Lagoon. Look at the sample answer.Let a student read the completed

669、 sentence, and then say, You will hear the missing words on the recording. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen carefully. Play the recording again. This time fill in the missing words.Check the answers with the whole class.AnswersThe Rockin Restaurant: sad, tenseThe Blue Lagoon: relaxed, sleepyStep V SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some important words, such as sad, energetic, stressed out. We ve also learned the targ

670、et language V d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I m eating. Oh, really?Loud music makes me energetic. Not me!Loud music makes me stressed out.Step VI HomeworkReview the target language.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe First PeriodTarget languageA: I, d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while V m eating.B: Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.A: Not me! Lo

671、ud music makes me stressed out.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Second PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularytense, have fun, angry, cry.(2) Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students speaking ability.3. Moral ObjectsEnjoying yourself is very important. But no matter what hobbies you have, do remember they must be good for health

672、and study.II . Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularytense, angry, cry.2. Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.3. StructuresLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. The target language2. How to train studentsJ listening ability.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method to improve the students? listening ability.2. Pairwork.V Teaching AidA tape recorderVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Revisio

673、nCheck homework. Invite a pair of students to read the conversation in Activity 1c.Then let some pairs act out their conversations according to the pictures in Activity la and Activity 1c.SA: r d rather go to the Rockin, Restaurant because I like to listen to loud music while V m eating.SB: Really? Soft music makes me relaxed.SA: Not me. Soft music makes me sleepy.Step II 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Look at the pictures. Ask

674、, What are they doing? Please guess. (In Picture 1, two women are eating and smiling. Maybe the food is very delicious. In Picture 2, the two women are crying. Maybe they are seeing a sad movie. In Picture 3, one of the two women is very tense that because of the loud music. In Picture 4, one woman is waiting for the bus or someone. Waiting makes her angry. ) Correct the answers with the class.AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in this order: (down) 3 24 1Check the answers with the class.Ans

675、wersV Waiting for her made me angry.V She said that loud music made her tense.Loud music makes me happy.V Loud music always makes me want to dance.V It was so sad it made us cry.V Sad movies don t make me cry.They just make me want to leave!It made me sad.Step IV 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Look at the sample conversation betweenTina and John. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.John: Did you have fun with Amy last night?Tina: Well* yes and no.

676、She was really late, lass.SA: Did you have fun with Li Ping last night?SB: Wellyes and no. She was late again as usual.SA: So, waiting for her made you angry.Where did you go?SB: We went to a small restaurant. It was quiet and clean. The food was delicious. The soft music made me very happy.SA: Did you go to see a movie?SB: Yes. We saw Love Me Once More,Mother. It was a very good movie. It was also moving and sad. It made us cry.SA: Really? You sound just like my mother.Step V Grammar FocusLook

677、at the grammar box. Invite a student to read the sentences to the class.Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.Write on the blackboard:makes me . Let students work alone. Then ask some students to readtheir sentences.SLA quiet place makes me sleepy.S2: Loud noise makes me tense.Pay attention to the sentence with wanting to dance at the end. Say, Sometimes there is a phrase like want to dance at the end instead of an adjective. For example,Loud music ma

678、kes me want to leave, Ask students to make up sentences with the following sentence starters: Long movies make me . Hot weather makes me .Give students two minutes to finish the sentences. Then ask some students to read their sentences.S1: Long movies make me want to leave.S2: Long movies make me want to cry.S3: Hot weather makes me want to go swimming.S4: Hot weather makes me want to drink a lot of water.Let students make up any other sentence using the verb make to talk about how things affect

679、 them.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve learned key vocabulary tense and the target language Loud music makes me tense. Loud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad.Step V H HomeworkGet students to write some sentences according to the target language.Step V ffl Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe Second Period1. Target languageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.2. makes meLong movies make me.Hot weather make

680、s me.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Third PeriodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyowner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, uncomfortable, endangered.(2) Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollution?It makes me kind of angry. How about you?It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students, integrating skills.(2) Train the ability of expressing students own opinions.3. Moral ObjectIn our lives, we should express what we feel

681、clearly.II. Teaching Key PointTrain students , integrating skills.III. Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve students integrating skills.IV. Teaching Methods1. Fast-reading method.2. Groupwork and pairwork.V Teaching Aids1. A projector.2. The blackboard.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we learned the target language. The structure is makes me-,- Now who can make sentences using the structure?S1: Light colours make me relaxed.S2: Loud noise makes me tense.S3: Loud music makes m

682、e energetic.T: Very good.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.owner n . 所有者;业主 scientific adj. 科学的pink adj. 粉红色的 lighting n . 照明;照明设备knowledge n . 知识;学问 serve v . 服务;招待design v .设计; 构思 uncomforable adj.不舒服的;campaign n .运动; endangereda d j.有灭绝危险的;Read the words and get students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Check the answers with the

683、whole class.Answers1. Red makes most people hungry. It makes them eat faster.2. They want people to eat quickly and leave so more people can come in.3. Answers will vary.Notes1. owner- person who owns something2. uncomfortable一not comfortable; uneasyStep III 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language. Ask three students to read the sample conversation in the box to the whole class.SA: The seats are very hard. The white walls make me stressed.SB: Is it this classroom?SA: No,

684、 it isn* t.SC: Is it a hospital?SA: Yes? that s right.Go through the instructions with the class.Give students a sample conversation.SA: There are a lot of people every day.The loud noise makes me tense.SB: Is it a mall?SA: No, it isn t.SC: Is it a supennarket?SA: No, it isn? t.SD: Is it a market?SA: Yes, you re right.Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Ask a good student to tell students how he/she feels about pollutio

685、n. For example, I hate pollution. Loud noise makes me tense. Smoking makes me very angry.Endangered animals make me sad. I think pollution is very terrible.Get students to read the instructions by themselves. Have students complete the work in groups of three. As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed.Review the task. Ask a few students to share the results of their surveys. Sample answersHow do you feel about. You Li Ping Zhao QiangPollution angry angry angryheavy traffic wo

686、rried tense angryloud noise tense energetic want to leaveEndangered animals sad cry angrySmoking angry want to leave uncomfortable people who keep you waiting angry worried angry Step V SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, uncomfortable. We ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step VI Homework1. Finish off the exercises on pages 53 55 of the workbook.2. Ask students to choose some pla

687、ces they know and talk about how they feel about the places.Step V H Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe Third PeriodTarget languageA: How do you feel about pollution?B: It makes me kind of angry. How about you?A: It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Fourth PeriodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2) Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twis

688、ty Treat?Yeah. And it made me sick.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students speaking and listening ability.(2) Train students ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.(3) Train students ability to use the target language.3. Moral ObjectNot all the most expensive things are the best ones. Sometimes we shouldn t believe all of ads.Il. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out2. Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah. And it made

689、 me sick.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train students speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method2. Groupwork to make every student works in class.V . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Get some pairs to act out their conversations about how they feel about a place, Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakes.Step II laThis activity intr

690、oduces new vocabulary.Pay attention to the four pictures. Ask,Check the answers with the class.AnswersThe photos should be numbered in the following order:4 3 1 2Notes1. slogan-striking and easily remembered phrase used to advertise sth.2. mysterious-full of mysteryStep III 1 bThis activity helps students apply the ideas in the unit to their lives outside the classroom.Go through the instructions with the class.Make sure students know what to do. Get students to make lists individually. Ask some

691、 students to read their lists to the class. Have other students put up their hands if they have the same item on their own lists.Three products students likecomputer (26) jacket (20) watch (35)Three products students dont likefast food (8) coat (32) science book (23)Step IV 2aThis activity provides listening practice with the target language and introduce new vocabulary.Go through the instructions and make sure students understand what to do. Now you will hear about some more products and what p

692、eople think of them. Write Yes in front of the product if the person likes it.Write No in front of the product if the person doesn t like it.Read out the name of each product. Get students to repeat it. Listen to the conversation and finish the task.Play the tape the first time. This time students only listen. Play the tape again.Let students write Yes or No in front of each product to show whether or not the people on the tape liked it.Check the answers.Answers1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. NoStep V 2bT

693、his activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the whole class. Look back at the two lists in Activity 2a. Get students to put up their hands if they don t understand ANY of the words. If necessary, explain new vocabulary. Read each item to the class. Look at the sample answer and invite a student to read the matching parts to the class.Easy Care Shampoo It didn t work.Check the answers with the class.Answers1. d 2. c 3. b 4. aStep VI 2

694、cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Read the instructions for this activity aloud to the class.Get students to look back at the list of products they made for Activity lb. Invite a student to read his/her lists to the class.Three products he/she likesComputer jacket watchSA: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?SB: Yeah. And it made me sick.Now work with your partner. Make up conversations like this one, using the products on the list you made for Activity lb.Ask

695、students to work in pairs. While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help as needed.Call out several pairs to give their conversations to the class.Conversation 1SA: Have you ever had a computer?SB: Yeah. And it made me excited.Conversation 2SA: Have you ever eaten fast food?SB: Yeah. And it made me uncomfortable.Step V II SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out. We ve also learned the target language Have you eve

696、r had a Twisty Treat? Yeah. And it made me sick by listening and speaking.Step V III HomeworkTalk about some products using some words in this class, and write down the conversations.Step IX Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section BThe Fourth Period1. Target languageA: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?B: Yeah. And it made me sick.2. Three products students like computer (26) jacket (20) watch (35) Three products students dont likefast food (8) coat (32) science book (23)Unit 13 R

697、ainy days make me sad.The Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyaim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Objects( 1) Improve studentsT integrating skillsreading skill and writing skill.(2) Improve students speaking ability by discussion.3. Moral ObjectWe are in charge of our attitude and we can do everything well.II. Teaching Key PointPractise

698、reading and writing using the target language.III. Teaching Difficult Point1. How to improve students reading ability.2. How to improve students speaking ability by discussion.IV. Teaching Methods1. Reading method to improve students reading ability.2. Discussion method to improve students * speaking ability.3 Pairwork to make every student work in class.V . Teaching Aids1. A projetor2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionRevise the target language presented in this unit. Check h

699、omework. Get some pairs to read out their conversations.( 1) SA: Have you ever had a jacket?SB: Yeah. And it made me beautiful.(2) SA: Have you ever bad a science book?SB: Yeah. And it made me tense.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Teach the new words. Show the new words on the screen by a projector.aim u . 瞄准;打算 aim a t瞄准;针对specially a d v .特别地; useful adj. 有用的;有益的instance n . 例 T ;实例 for instance 例如;比如product n . 产品;制品 confuse v . 混淆;辨不清;使困惑mislead v

700、把. . . 引错方向careful a d j.小心的;lead v 引导;致使;领 导 plane n . 飞机Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently.Look at the article. Let a student read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student it providing a good model for the rest of the class.Read the instructions to the class. What, s the article about? Do you agree with it?Get students to read the article again and answer the two qu

701、estions. Get students to do the work individually or in pairs.While they are working, go around the classroom offering help as needed.Check the answers with the whole class.Elicit examples given in the article fbr the advantages and disadvantages.AnswersThe article is about advantages and disadvantages of ads.Advantages of ads: help you compare different products; help you save money.Disadvantages of ads: make our cities and countryside look ugly; ads can be confusing or misleading; can lead you

702、 to buy something you don t need.Notes1. pros and cons-the arguments for and against2. fbr instance-fbr example3. sales-the offering of goods at low prices for a period4. confiise-put into disorder; mix up in the mind5. mislead-lead wrongly; cause to be or do wrong6. at times-from time to time; now and then; occasionallyStep III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.A sample article:Some advertisem*nts tell the truth and some don, t. For example, the Eas

703、y Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever. But my friend tried it and it didn t work. It made my friend really mad. A few days ago, I tried Starshine Toothpaste. But it wasn? t whiter than white. It tasted terrible. I d never use it.Yesterday my sister tried Beauty Cream and it worked very well. She said it made her skin very soft. So r 1 1 try it tomorrow. Now, do you think it is right not to believe everything we read?Now write the article on the blackboard as an example.Step

704、 IV 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language. Go through the instructions with the class. Ask students,Do you know what the word slogan means?For example, fbr the shiniest hair ever is the slogan of Easy Care Shampoo. Help students answer the question. Tell them the Chinese meaning if necessary to make sure they understand themeaning.Have students make a list of their favorite products, then try writing a slogan to go with each product. Tell students how to do this wor

705、k. First ask a student to name a favorite product. Then let students suggest a variety of possible slogans to go with it. And then cross out the ones that don t tell the truth.Step V Part 4This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.Look at the three pictures. Ask, What can you see in the pictures?(In Picture l,we can see a man jumped out of a plane. In Picture 2,we can see a lot of smoke. The air is polluted. In Picture 3, some men are riding horses.)Go thro

706、ugh the instructions with the class. Look at the example in the box.Get a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.SA: I would love to jump out of a plane!SB: Not me. This picture makes me feel tense!Discuss the three pictures in pairs. As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed. Have several pairs say their conversations to the class.Sample conversationsSA: There is a lot of smoke in the picture.SB: Yeah. It makes me feel uncomfortable.SA: I would love to ride a

707、 horse.SA: Not me. The picture makes me tense.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve done much practice reading and writing as well as speaking.Step V U Homework1. Read the article in Activity 3a again.2. Complete the article in Activity 3b.Step V III Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section BThe Fifth PeriodA sample answer to Activity 3b:Some advertisem*nts tell the truth and some dont. For example, the Easy Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever. But my friend tr

708、ied it and it didn t work. It made my friend realty mad. A few days ago, I tried Starshinc Toothpaste. But it wasnT t whiter than white. It tasted terrible. I d never use it.Yesterday my sister tried Beauty Cream and it worked very well. She said it made her skin very soft. So r 1 1 try it tomorrow.Now,do you think it is tight not to believe everything wc read?Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Fill in blanks and make sentences usi

709、ng list, lead, compare, keep out, taste.(2) Finish the table according to the diary.2. Ability ObjectTrain students writing ability.3. Moral ObjectsWe should believe in others. We shouldn, t be selfish.II. Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.2. Finish the table.III. Teaching Difficult PointMake sentences using list, lead, compare, keep out, taste.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by explanation.2. Speaking methodV Teaching Aids1. A projector.2. The blackboard.VI. Teaching Proce

710、duresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Get a few students to read the article in 3a. Then have a student read his own article.Step II Part 1This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Look at the words in the box. Get a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meanings of the words.Please fill in the blanks with the words.In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.Get students to fill

711、in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers. Show the answers on the screen by a projector.1. I need a new jacket. This one doesn, t keep out the cold.2. Customers say the food at the restaurant tastes terrible.3. When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the lowest price.4. Working hard at English can lead to a good job.5. Wait before you buy that watch. Let s compare prices in a

712、nother store.Have students make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences thatare meaningful. Walk around the classroom.Collect a few studentsJ answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Then help students correct the mistakes.Sample answers1. Don t forget to list his name.2. All roads lead to Rome.3. Let, s compare your translations with the model translation on the blackboard.4. It s very windy. Please shut the window and keep out the cold.5. Look at the bread. It tastes sweet.Ste

713、p III Part 2This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.Go through the instructions for this activity with the class.Check the answers with the whole class.Answers sad angry annoyed surprised Early morning mid-morning Late-morning Lunch time Notes1. home here is an adverb, means at, in or to one s home or country.2. annoy-make rather angry (esp. in passive) , for example, be annoyed with sb.Step IVThis activity provides reading and speaking practice with the

714、target language.Ask two students to read the conversation aloud.SA: They make me scared.SB: Really? They make me hungry.Get all the students to read the conversation again. Ask, What makes the cartoon funny? Help students to explain. The second fish is intelligent enough to take the bait from the hook without getting caught.Get some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class. Note scared-frightenedStep V Summary and HomeworkIn this class, we re done much writing prac

715、tice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit.After class, please make sentences with the words in Activity I in your exercise books. Then finish off the exercises on pages 5556 of the workbook.Step VI Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Self checkThe Sixth PeriodSample answers to Activity 1:1. Don t forget to list his name.2. All roads lead to Rome.3. Let s compare your translations with the model translation on the blackboard,4. It s very windy.

716、 Please shut the window and keep out the cold.5. Look at the bread. It tastes sweet.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Seventh PeriodReading: The art of givingI . Teaching Aims and DemandsI. Knowledge ObjectsKey Vocabularywedding anniversary, vase, host, hostess, feminine, proper, acceptable, embarrass, lets say, ahead of timeText: The art of giving2. Ability ObjectsFast-reading to get a general idea of the text.Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.Learn the words and phra

717、ses from the context.3. Moral ObjectGiving a gift is an art. Money is one of the gifts we can give others. But we must know money is not everything. So only when it is proper can we give someone money as a gift.II. Teaching Key Points Key vocabularyTrain students reading ability.III. Teaching Difficult PointTrain studentsT reading and writing skills.IV. Teaching MethodsFast-reading to improve students reading ability.Careful-reading to get the detailed information.Pairwork and groupwork V . Teac

718、hing Aid A projector.VI. Teaching Procedures Step I Key Vocabulary This activity introduces the key vocabulary words. Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.Wedding n . 婚礼;结婚 anniversary n . ;周年纪念日 co-w orkern,同事; let ssay 比 如 说 ( 用作插入语)orange adj. & n .橙 黄 色 ( 的): vase n . 花瓶 host n . 主人;房东 hostess n . 女主人;女房东ahead adj & a d v .在前;向前;ahead of time 提早 arrange v . 整理;布置;排列 feminine adj. 女性的;女子气的 Read the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronou

719、nce them fluently and accurately.Step II Part 1This activity allows students to activate their background knowledge before attempting the reading.Look at the picture. Ask, What s happening in the picture? Let students describe the picture. Step III Part 2This activity encourages students to read for the main idea.Paragraph 1 Giving and receiving gifts isn t easy.Paragraph 2 Some gifts, such as flowers and plants, are usually welcome.Paragraph 3 Giving money may be a good gift but may have proble

720、ms.Paragraph 4 Follow a host s suggestion or you may be rude.Notes1. feminineof, like, suitable for, women2. gift voucher- supplied with some articles (eg petrol, cigarettes) , to be exchanged for gifts3. embarrass- make to feel awkward or ashamedStep IV Part 3This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading in context.Look back at the story and find out the words and expressions indicated in bold.Check the answers.AnswersLet s say d; vase b; ahead of time e; feminine a; proper c

721、; acceptable f.Get students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Answers to this activity will vary. Then ask a student to write his answers on the blackboard.Help correct any mistakes.Sample answers1. I like new things. Let s say the computer is my favorite one.2. There is a beautiful vase on the table.3. You can come here ahead of time, but never be late.4. I heard his feminine voice.5. He isn t the proper man to do the work.6. If this advice is acceptable to you, accept it.Step V

722、 Part 4This activity helps students read for specific information and paraphrase ideas.Read the instructions aloud to the class.Elicit the first answer from the students from memory. Make sure that they understand what they need to do.Let students complete the sentences individually or in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom offering help as necessary.Check the answers with the class.Sample answers1. the person may not like them2. give a vase too3. embarrass guests and be thought rude4

723、. to give money5. it s part of a tradition such as Chinese New YearStep VI Part 5This activity helps students work in a group and think critically about what they have read.Answers will vary.Step V II SummaryIn this class, we ve practised a lot of reading and writing.Step V III Homework1. Read the story in activity 2 again for further comprehension.2. Revise the target language in this unit.Step 9. Blackboard DesignReading: The art of giving.The Seventh PeriodSample answers to Activity 31. I lik

724、e new things. Let s say the computer is my favorite one.2. There is a beautiful vase on the table.3. You can come here ahead of time, but never be late.4. I heard his feminine voice.5. He isn t the proper man to do the work.6. If this advice is acceptable to you, accept it.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The First PeriodI Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularybathing suit, water, travel, guidebook, beach towel, street map(2) Target LanguageHave you watered the plants yet?Ye

725、s, I have already watered them.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsHave everything in readiness before you do it. In this way, you can finish it perfectly or have a good time.II. Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageIII. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train students listening ability.2. How to train students * communicative competence.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listcning-and-answcring activity to help the students go thr

726、ough with the listening material.2. Pairvvork to make every student work in class.V . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Last week we finished Unit 13. In this unit, we learned how to talk about how things affectus. For example, Loud music makes me tense. That movie made her sad. Now I ask some students to make sentences with the structure,make meSI: Parties make me excited.S2: School vacations make me happy.S3: That movie made me want to lea

727、ve.S4: The story made me cry.S5: The awful picture makes me nervous.T: Very good. From today on, we will learn Unit 14. Now. I ask a student to come to the blackboard and write the numbers 1 to 20 on the blackboard.(After the student has written the numbers 1 through 5, start talking to the rest of the class)T: Has he written the number 1 yet?Class repeat the question. Has he written the number 1 yet?Ss: Has he written the number I yet?T: (Pointing to the number 1 on the board) Yes, he has alrea

728、dy written the number 1. Class repeat. Yes, he has already written the number 1 .Ss: Yes, he has already written the number 1.T: (Writing the word already on the blackboard) This is the word already.Class repeat. Already. Look at the blackboard. (pointing to the blackboard) Has he written the number 50 yet? Class repeat the question. Has he written the number 50 yet?Ss: Has he written the number 50 yet?T: (Pointing to the highest number already on the blackboard)No, he hasn t written the number

729、50 yet. Class repeat. No, he hasn, t written the number 50 yet.Ss: No, he hasn t written the number 50 yet.T: (Writing the word yet on the blackboard) Tish is the word yet. Class repeat. Yet. Now, look at the two words already and yet. Which one is used to talk about things that have happened in the past?SSs: Already.T: Yeah. Very good. So the other word yet is used to talk about things that will happen in the future. Yeah?SS: Yes.Step II laThis activity introduces key vocabulary and helps stude

730、nts review vocabulary they already know.Read the instructions aloud to the class.Say, Who can give an example of a beach vacation and sightseeing in a city? Ask a student to give the example. (bathing suit, travel guidebook)Get students to add some things to the lists under the two headings. A beach vacation and Sightseeing in a city. Have students do the work individually first.While they arc working, walk around the classroom checking the progress of the students.Let students tell the class th

731、e words they wrote. Write the words on the blackboard. Read them and let students repeat. Then ask other students to add other words to the lists.Sample answersA beach vacation1. bathing suit2. beach towel3. sunglasses Sightseeing in a citytravel guidebookstreet mapcameraStep III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Look at the picture. Ask, What can you see in the picture? (There is a family in the picture. They are getting ready fo

732、r a beach vacation)Point to the box. Invite a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.A: Have you packed the beach towels yet?B: No, I havenJ t.Look at the six chores on the list. Let students read each item, then ask different students to explain the meaning of each item in their own words. Make sure students understand the meaning of each item. Go through the instructions with the class. Point to the blank lines in front of each item in the list. Say, You will hear a family talk

733、ing as they get ready to go on vacation. Listen careftilly. Make sure what the family talks about and put a checkmark in front of each chore that is already done.Play the tape. The first time students only listen. Play the tape a second time.Now listen to the tape again. This time please put your checkmarks on the correct blanks. Check the answers with the whole class.AnswersV packed the cameraV watered the plants locked the windowsV bought a travel guidebookbought a street mappacked the beach t

734、owelsTapescriptWoman: Have you packed the beach towels yet?Boy: No, I h av en t. Can, t Judy pack them?Woman: No, she, s busy. Could you please water the plants?Boy: r ve already watered them.Woman: Oh, thanks.Man: What about the travel guidebook and the street map?Woman: V ve already bought the travel guidebook, but I haven t got the street map yet.Man: That s OK. V 1 1 get it. Have you packed the camera?Boy: Yes. I vc already put it in my suitcase.Woman: Well, I guess that s everything.Boy: Al

735、most everything. Wc haven t locked the windows yet.Step IV 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the whole class. Look at the example in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA: Have you watered the plants yet?SB: Yes, I have already watered them.Tell students they will be making conversations with a partner. Look back at the chores in Activity lb. Say, Now look back at the chores in Activity lb. Make conver

736、sations talking about what the family members have already done and what they havenT t done yet, using words from the chores, such as packed the camera, locked the windows, bought a street map.While students are working in pairs, walk around the classroom and listen to some pairs. If necessary, offer language support. Then get several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Conversation 1SA: Have they packed the camera yet?SB: Yes, they have already packed the camera.Conversati

737、on 2SA: Have they bought a street map yet?SB: No, they haven t bought a street map yet.Notes1. pack一 (here) get ready for a journey by doing this2. guidebook一book for travellers, tourists, etc, with information about a place3. Have you watered the plants yet?Yes, I have already watered them: PresentPerfect Tense. The structure is have+ p. p. Pay attention to the two words already and yet. Already is used in affirmative sentences; while yet is used in negative and interrogative sentences.Step V S

738、ummaryIn this class, we ve learned some important words, such as water, travel, guidebook, beach towel. Wc ve also learned the target language. Have you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered them.Step VI HomeworkMake conversations in pairs to review the target language.Step Y U Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section AThe First PeriodTarget languageA: Have you watered the plants yet?B: Yes. I have already watered them.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The Second PeriodI . Te

739、aching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyrefrigerator, garage, suitcase, clean out, put in, turn off(2) Target LanguageHave you watered the plants yet?No, I haven * t.Have you packed the camera yet?Yes. r ve already put it in my suitcase.Have you fed the cat?No. I haven t fed her yet.2. Ability Object( 1) Train students? listening ability.(2) Train students speaking ability.3. Moral ObjectWe must be ready with our work before we do it.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabulary

740、 clean out, put in, turn off2. Target LanguageHave you watered the plants yet?No, I havenJ t.Have you packed the camera yet?Yes. r ve already put it in my suitcase.Have you fed the cat?No. I haven t fed her yet.3. StructuresHave you packed the camera yet?Yes. I ve already put it in my suitcase.Have you fed the cat?No. I haven t fed her yet.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. the target language2. How to train students, listening ability.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method to improve the student

741、sT listening ability.2. Pairwork to make every student work in class.V Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 RevisionCheck homework. Get some pairs to read their conversations. Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakes.Step II 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Look at the picture. Ask, What can you see in the picture? (A boy and a girl are in the kitchen. They both look a little stressed o

742、ut)Go through the instructions with the class. You will hear a boy and a girl talking about getting ready to go on vacation. Write M after each thing that Mark says and T after each thing that Tina says.Look at the sample answer. Say, Tina said, No. I haven t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. Get students to repeat No. I haven t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.Play the recording for students the first time. This time students only listen to the recording. Play the recording a second time. This

743、time let students write Min front of Mark * s statements, and T in front of Tina, s statements.Check the answers with the class.Answers1. T2. T3. M4. T5. M6. TTapescriptBoy: Mom and Dad said they want to leave in ten minutes. Are you ready, Tina?Girl: No. I haven t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. I have to do that right now.Boy: Tina! You re unbelievable. What about your bike?Girl: r ve already put it in the garage. But I havenJ t locked the garage yet.That s your job, Mark.Boy: I know. I ve a

744、lready done most of my jobs. I ve taken out the trash.Girl: Have you fed the cat yet?Boy: Not yet. I 1 1 do it in a minute. Have you turned off your radio?Girl: Yes, I have. I think we re almost ready.Step III 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the list of questions with blanks in front of each one. Then look back at the statements in Activity 2a.Say, Some of the statements in Activity 2a are answers to

745、 questions in Activity 2b. Write the number of the correct answer from Activity 2a in front of each question in Activity 2b.Get several students to read the questions in Activity 2b to the class. Look at the sample answer. Ask a student to read the question and answer to the class.Are you ready, Tina?No, I haven t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.Play the recording for students. Let students write their answers in the blanks. Play the recording again if necessary.Correct the answers.AnswersHave

746、you fed the cat yet? 5What about you bike? 2Are you ready, Tina? 1Have you turned off your radio? 6Step N 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Look at the sample conversation in the speech bubbles. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA: Are you ready, Tina?SB: No. I havenJ t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.Go through the instructions with the class. Say, With your partner make a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b. Have stu

747、dents work in pairs. While they are working, walk around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.Invite two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Conversation 1SA: Have you fed the cat yet?SB: Not yet. V 1 1 do it in a minute.Conversation 2SA: Have you turned off your radio?SB: Yes, I have.Step V Grammar FocusLook at the grammar focus box. Get three students to read the questions and answers to the class.Have you watered the plants yet?No, I haven t.H

748、ave you packed the camera yet?Yes. r ve already put it in my suitcase.Have you fed the cat?No. I haven t fed her yet.Let students make up other sentences in pairs using have you, yet questions. For example: Have you had lunch yet? Have another student answer truthfully: Yes, I have or Yes, I have already had lunch, or No, I haven t had lunch yet.Pay attention to the use of already and yet. Say, When we use the words have and already, we are talking about something that happened in the past, but

749、not a long time ago. When we use the words haven? t and yet, we are talking about something that will happen in the future, but not a long time from now. It will happen soon. For example: I ve already had breakfast, but I haven t had lunch yet.Draw a simple diagram to help students understand the grammar focus.Get some pairs to say their sentences aloud to the class.A sample sentencer ve already had lunch, but I haven t had supper yet.Culture noteMany Americans are used to taking at least one va

750、cation trip a year. But in China, some of the students may not be in the habit of taking an annual vacation, or even making a trip to another city. For some students, financial limitations and family obligations make such travel impossible. For others, it may be that taking trips is not something that is common in their home culture.Step VI SummaryIn this class, weve learned key vocabulary clean out, put in, turn off and the target language Have you watered the plants yet? No, I havent. Have you

751、 packed the camera yet? Yes, I ve already put it in my suitcase. Have you fed the cat? No. I haven t fed her yet.St叩 V D HomeworkGet students to write some sentences according to the target language.Step V III Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section AThe Second PeriodTarget languageA: Have you watered the plants yet?B: No, I haven * t.A: Have you packed the camera yet?B: Yes, r ve already put it in my suitcase.A: Have you fed the cat?B: No. I haven t fed her yet.Unit 14 Have you pac

752、ked yet?The Third PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularychop, wood, light, village, well, farm(2) Target LanguageHave you bought a newspaper?Yes, r ve already bought a newspaper.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students integrating skills.(2) Train the ability of expressing students? own opinions.3. Moral ObjectsWe should make a plan for our everyday activities and make a schedule. It can remind us how to spend the time. It is good for our study and life.II. Teach

753、ing Key PointTrain students integrating skills.HI. Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve studentsT integrating skills.IV. Teaching Methods1. Fast-reading method2. Groupwork and pairworkV . Teaching Aids1. A projector2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we learned the target language. The structure is Have you,yet? Yes. V ve already ,aHave you?No. I haven? tyet.Now who can make sentences using the structure?S1: Have you turned off your radio yet?S2: Yes. r ve alrea

754、dy turned it off.S1: Have you finished your homework?S2: No. I haven * t finished it yet.T: Very good.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.chop v. 砍;劈wood n. 木头;木材light v. 点燃;点着village n. 乡村;村庄well n. 井;水井form n. 农场;农庄Read the words and ask students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Before reading the e-mail message, ask the students what chores do

755、you usually do? Please tell me. (do my homework, clean my room, water the plants, clean our classroom e tc .)Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the e-mail message. Let a student read the e-mail aloud to the class.Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.Get students to read the e-mail message individually, and underline the different chores on their own,Check the answers with the class.Answers1. do my homework2

756、. take the dog for a walk3. water my mom s plants4. do some shopping5. chop wood6. light the fire7. collect water8. feed the animalsLet students read the e-mail again for further comprehension. While they are reading. Walk around the classroom, offering help if they have any words or phrases they don t understand.Notes1. chore一small duty or piece of work, especially ordinary everyday task (in the home, on a farm, etc. )In the e-mail message, there are many chores, such as do my homework, take th

757、e dog for a walk, water my mom s plants.2. chat一talk about unimportant things3. kid-( si) child; young person4. well (here n. ) shaft, usually lined with brick or stone, for obtaining water from anunderground source5. anyway一in any possible way; by any possible meansStep III 3bThis activity provides reading, writing. listening and speaking practice using the target language.Look at the pictures of the three people and read their names aloud to the class.Then point to the chart. Let students read

758、 the infbnnation in it. Make sure students understand the information in the chart by asking questions and point out things.T: Look at the three pictures above the chart. Under each person is a list of the things he or she has done or will do today. Now look at the chart. What do you see in the first column?S1: Numbers. Clock times.T: That s right. Those are clock times.Those times show what the three people were doing at 9:00,at 10:00,and so forth. It is 12:00 noon now. so the 1:00 and 2:00 tim

759、es show things they will do later today. What has Steve already done?S2: He s already done his homework.He s already bought a newspaper.He s already fed the dog.T: That s correct. What things hasn t he done yet?S3: He hasn t watered the plants. He hasn t cleaned his room.T: OK. Very good.Go through the instructions with the class. Put students in several groups.Say, Each student in a group will decide to be one of the people. The other students in the group will ask questions to find out which p

760、erson in the chart he or she has decided to be. Make sure students understand how to do the exercise.Look at the example in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it aloud to the class.SA: Have you bought a newspaper?SB: Yes, r ve already bought a newspaper.Ask students, which of the tliree people could it be? Can you find out? Yeah. It could be Steve or Elise.Get students to do the work in groups.While they are working, move around the classroom checking the work of each group.Ask two group

761、s to do the work as the examples.Group 1: Have you watered the plants?SI: Yes. r ve already watered the plants.Group 2: Have you fed the dog?S2: No. I haven t fed the dog yet.(Person 1: Kathy; Person 2: Elise)Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class.Invite a good student to give an example of things that he or she has and hasn t done this week: I have done my homework. But I haven t

762、 done some shopping.Put students in some groups of three. Let students complete the work in groups.Finish the table.Review the task. Get some groups to share the results of their surveys.Sample answersYou Li Hong (student s name) Wang Bin (student* s name)Things I have done Science project Plan CleaningThings I havent done yet homework Shopping WashingOptional activityAsk students to write their own schedules, listing the time of day they do each thing. Then get students to work in pairs. Studen

763、t A thinks of one activity.Student B gets five tries to guess the activity. Then student B thinks of an activity and student A guesses what it is.Step V SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key vocabulary words such as chop, wood, light.village, well, farm. We ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step VI Homework1. Finish off the exercises on pages 5758 of the workbook.2. Get students to talk about the things they have done and they haven t d

764、one yet this week in pairs.Step V II Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section AThe Third PeriodTarget language:A: Have you bought a newspaper?B: Yes, r ve already bought a newspaper.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The Fourth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabulary member, original, songs, award(2) Target LanguageHave they been on TV yet?Yes, they ve been on TV lots of times.2. Ability Object (1)(2)(3)Train students *Train students Train students *speaki

765、ng and listening ability.ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.ability to use the target language.3. Moral ObjectLove music and you can benefit from it.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularymember, original, songs, award2. Target LanguageHave they been on TV yet?Yes, they ve been on TV lots of times.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train studentsJ speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method2. Groupwo

766、rk to make every student work in class.V Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Ask some pairs to say their conversations to talk about the things they have done and they haven t done yet this week.SA: Have you done your homework?SB: Yes, r ve already done my homework.SA: Have you cleaned your room?SB: No, I haven t cleaned my room yet.Step II Part 1This activity introduces key vocabulary, and helps students review vocabulary they al

767、ready know.Look at the picture. Ask, What can you see in the picture? (A man is playing the guitar and singing a song)Point to the box. Invite a student to read the four questions. Make sure students understand the questions. Get students to fill in the blanks on their own. A moment later, ask several students to read their answers to the class.Notes1. favorite (adj. ) best liked2. What is your favorite band?一What band do you like best?3. bandgroup of persons who play music together4. band membe

768、r- member of a bandStep III 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Look at the picture. A record agent is interviewing members of a band. Let students read the instructions. Point to the headings and the blank lines following each heading. You will hear a woman interviewing members of a band. They arc talking about the band. Now, listen and writeyour answers on these blank lines.Play the recording the first time. This time students onl

769、y listen. Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to write their answers on the blank lines as they listen to the recording. Play the tape again if necessary.Check the answers with the class.AnswersBands name: Apple Ice CreamHow long theyve been together: About a yearNumber of concerts theyve done: SixTapescriptWoman: Hmmm. That was* umm*not bad. Now tell me a little about yourselves. What was your name again?Boy 1: Apple Ice Cream.Woman: Apple Ice Cream? That, s uhhh a nice na

770、me. Hong long have you been together?Boy 1: About a year.Woman: One year, huh? And have you written any original songs yet?Boy 2: Yes, we have. We used to play stuff by other bands, but now we only play our own songs. That one you just heard was ours.Woman: Good, great! T m interested in people who play their own music. Have you ever won an award of any kind?Boy 1: Yes, we have. We won the best new group of the year last month.Woman: Wow. That s great. Have you made a music video yet?Boy 1: No,

771、not yet.Woman: But youve had your own concert?Boy 2: Oh, yeah. We ve had six concerts of our own.Woman: Have you ever been on TV?Boy 1: No, we haven , t. But w eve already talked to Bands on Parade* about doing a TV show next month.Woman: Sounds like you guys are on your way.Step IV 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language. Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the list of things the band may or may not have done. Get different students to read the list

772、. Make sure students understand the task.You will hear the same recording again.This time please listen and check the things the band has already done.Point to the sample answer. On the recording you hear that the band has already written some original songs so you check that answer. If necessary, play the recording again. Then get students to put checkmarks in front of the correct answers.Check the answers.AnswersV written original songs made a music videoV won an awardbeen on TVV had concertsN

773、otes1. original一newly formed or created, not copied or imitated2. award (here) a prize in a competition3. video- televisionStep V 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Look at the sample conversation in the box. Invite two students to read it to the class.SA: Have they been on TV yet?SB: Yes, they ve been on TV lots of times.Go through the instructions with the class. Talk about your favorite bands with your partner.Let students work in pairs. As they work, walk

774、 around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed. A moment later, invite two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Al: Have they written any original songs yet?Bl: Yes, they ve written several original songs.A2: Have they had their own concert yet?B2: Yes, they ve had five concerts of their own.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key vocabulary, such as member, original, songs, award. We ve also learned the target language. Have they been

775、on TV yet?Yes, they ve been on TV lots of times by listening and speaking.Step V U HomeworkTalk about some bands using the target language, and write down the conversations.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section BThe Fourth PeriodTarget language:A: Have they been on TV yet?B: Yes, they* ve been on TV lots of times.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyhit, appear, tour, miss, lead singer, mostly, top ten

776、, good luck, off to a great start(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Objects( 1) Improve students integrating skills一reading skill and writing skill.( 2) Improve students speaking ability by groupwork.3. Moral ObjectIt is good for us to listen to music in the busy life. Music can make us relaxed, and we can work better.II. Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. How t

777、o improve students reading ability.2. How to improve students speaking ability by groupwork.IV. Teaching Methods1. Reading method to improve students * reading ability.2. Writing method to improve studentsJ writing ability.3. Pairwork to make every student work in class.V Teaching Aids1. A projetor2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionRevise the target language presented in this unit. Check homework. Ask some pairs to read out their conversations.Step II 3aThis activity provides

778、 reading practice using the target language.Teach the new words. Show the new words on the screen by a projector.scene n. ( 戏剧、歌剧等)的发生地点;背景last adj.最近的;最后的major a d j . 较大的;较大范围的h i t n . 成功而轰动一时的事物( 如歌曲等)appear v. 出现;露面; ( 公开)演出miss v. 错过;遗漏lead n. 主角;领导mostly a d v . 主要地;大部分some d a y 来 日;将来某一日be o ff离开;走开air n. ( 音乐)曲调;旋律:乐曲poemn. 诗;韵文Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently.Look at the article Don t miss the New Ocean

779、 Waves! Invite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation mistakes to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.Look at the picture. Ask students, What* s the article about? Can you guess? ( It, s about a band)Go through the instructions with the students. Make sure students know what to do. Read the article carefully. Circle the things the New Ocean Waves have already done. Underline thethings they haven t done yet.Before students

780、 do it, give them two examples: One thing the New Ocean Waves have already done is In the last twelve months, they ve had three major concerts. Ask students to circ 1 e the words had three major concerts. One thing they haven t done is They re going to appear on CCTV next month. Let students underline those words appear on CCTV. Get students to finish the work on their own.Check the answers with the class.AnswersCircled: had three major concerts; made a bit CD; played other people s songs; playe

781、d mostly our own songs; had a few songs in the top ten.Underlined; appear on CCTV; go on a world tour; hope to have a number one hitNotes1. hitsuccessful attempt or performance, for example, hit songs, songs that win wide popularity2: lead一principal part in a play; actor or actress who plays such a part.3. some day- on a day in the future; pay attention to the difference between some day and one day; one day means on a day in the past or in the future4. charity (kindness in giving) help to the p

782、oor; money, food, etc. so given Step III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions aloud to the class. Get a students to read the sentences at the beginning of the paragraph to the class. Tell students that they should look back at Activity 2b and finish writing the paragraph using the information in Activity 2b. Have students finish the paragraph on their own. While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help and answeri

783、ng questions as needed. When they finish, invite a student to read his or her completed paragraph to the class.A sample paragraphApple Ice Cream is a rock band. They have been together for about a year. They have written their own original songs although they used to sing other people, s songs. They won The Best New Group of the year. award last year. They haven t made a music video yet, but they ve had six concerts of their own.They haven t been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parad

784、e about doing a TV show next month.Step IV 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions Write about your favorite band aloud. Then ask several students to say the name of the band they want to write about. (For example, F4, Twins, Beyond and Backstreet B o y s.)Make sure students know enough about the band they choose to write at least five sentences.Get students to use the paragraph in Activity 3b as a sample. When they work, walk around the classroo

785、m offering more help if needed. When they finish, invite a student to read his/her composition as an example, with different students contributing sentences and correcting each other s information.A sample compositionBackstreet Boys is a pop band. They have been together for nearly ten years. There are five American singers in the band.They have already written their own original songs. They have already made many music records and have had many concerts of their own. They have won many awards m

786、any times. But they haven t been to China yet. I hope they can come to China to have a concert this year.Step V Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the whole class.Invite a good student to give an example of things that he or she has done. Make sure students understand what to do. Give students a few minutes to do the surveys in pairs. Get a pair of students to model the sample dialogue.SA: Have you eve

787、r been to a concert?SB: Yes, I have. I went to the National Day Concert last year.SA: Did you enjoy it?SB: Yes, they had a great air show.Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the class.Have students complete the work in pairs. Get a few students to share the results of their surveys.A sample surveyHave you ever. You Li Ping(student s name) Wang Gang(student s name)Been to a concert National Day Concert New Year ConcertBeen to a Zoo

788、 Beijing zooCollected something Stamps CoinsPainted a picture A picture of horsePlayed a musical instrument Violin Guitar PianoSung in front of other peopleTaken a trainVisited a farm Xing sheng Farm Guangming FarmWritten a poem A Little GirlHave some pairs say their dialogues.Dialogue 1S1: Have you ever played a musical instrument?Li Ping: Yes. I have. I played the guitar last month.S1: Did you enjoy it?Li Ping: Yes, it made me happy and relaxed.Dialogue 2S2: Have you ever collected something?W

789、ang Gang: Yes, I have. I collected coins last year.S2: Did you enjoy it?Wang Gang: Yes, I learned some knowledge from it. It was very interesting and meaningful.Noteair (old use) tuneStep VI SummaryIn this class, we re done a lot of practice reading and writing as well as speaking.Step V II Homework1. Read the article in Activity 3a again.2 . Complete the article in 3c.3. Do the survey in Activity 4 if students haven t finish it.Step V U I Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section BTh

790、e Fifth PeriodAnswers to Activity 3b:Apple Ice Cream is a rock band.They have been together for about a year. They have written their own original songs. They won The Best New Group of the Year1 1 award last year.They haven t made a music video yet, but they ve had six concerts of their own. They haven t been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parade about doing a TV show next month.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The Sixth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Fill in

791、 the blanks and make sentences using lock, clean out, feed, chat, hear(2) Finish the table according to the conversation.2. Ability ObjectTrain students writing ability.3. Moral ObjectOpportunity belongs to those who have made full preparation.II. Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.2. Finish the table.Teaching Difficult PointMake sentences using lock, clean out, feed, chat, hear.IV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by explanation2. Speaking methodV . Teaching Aids1. A projector2.

792、 The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Ask a few students to read the article in 3a. Then Have a student read his orher own article.Step II Part 1This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Look at the words in the box. Get a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the words. Then say, Please fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, fbr example adjusting for ten

793、se or subject/verb agreement.Get students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Ask five students each to read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers.Show the answers on the screen by a projector.1. Have you fed the dog and cleaned your room?2. Don t forget to lock the door if you are the last person to leave.3. I need to clean out my cupboard. I never use the things in it anymore.4. My friend from America called me yesterday. We chatted f

794、br hours.5. Have you heard the new song from Mariah Carey? It s very good.Have students make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences thatare meaningful. Walk around the classroom. Collect a few students answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Then help students correct the mistakes.Sample answers1. Don t forget to lock the door after you go out.2. You should clean out your bed your self.3. I have already fed the dog.4. We chatted for a long time when we met last time.5. We list

795、ened carefully but could hear nothing.Step III Part 2This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Go through the instructions fbr this activity with the whole class. Invite a pair of students to read the dialogue aloud. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the tvvo students are providing a good model fbr the rest of the class.Sue: Have you done your chores? Wc are leaving in an hour.Jerry: T ve done some of them.Sue: Have you packed

796、your bag?Jerry: It* s in the front hall.Sue: Have you said goodbye to grandma?Jerry: The telephone was busy.Sue: And have you watered the plants yet?Jerry: Oh, no. 1 haven , t. V 1 1 do it now.Sue: Have you cleaned your room?Jerry: Do I need to?Sue: Yes, you do.Jerry: Okay.Sue: What else? Oh yeah. Have you washed the dishes?Jerry: it s your job to wash the dishes.Sue: No, it s your turn.Jerry: Okay. I 1 1 do it.Sue: One more thing. Have you gotten the mail from the mail box?Jerry: Look on the ta

797、ble.Sue: Thanks.Let students read the conversation in pairs again. Ask students to say the first thing that Jerry has done. (He has packed his bag) Then get students to make the list individually. While they are working, walk around the classroom providing help if needed.Review the task. Get a few students to share their answers.AnswersThings he has done1. packed his bag2. gotten the mailThings he hasnt done yet1. said goodbye to Grandma2 . watered (he plants3. cleaned his room4. washed the dish

798、esNotes1. The telephone was busy. =The line was busy.2. gotten一 (American English) It is the past participle of get. In British English, the form is got.Step IV Just for Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language. Ask two students to read the conversation aloudA: Please water the plants.b: T ve already watered them.Get all the students to read the conversation again. Then let students look at the picture. Ask, What is funny about this cartoon? Help students

799、 to explain. The boy gave the plants too much water.Ask some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.Step V Summary and HomeworkIn this class, we ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit. After class, please make sentences using the words in, Activity 1 in your exercise books. Then finish off the exercises on pages 5860 of the workbook.Step VI Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Self check

800、The Sixth PeriodSample answers to Activity 1:1. Don t forget to lock the door after you go out.2. You should clean out your bed yourself.3. I have already fed the dog.4. We chatted for a long time when we met last time.5. We listened carefully but could hear nothing.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The Seventh PeriodReading. Students find Chinese roots.I . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey Vocabularyroot, ancestor, homeland, mainly, hardly, highlight, well clear, abroad, connect, in se

801、arch turning pointText: Students find Chinese roots2. Ability ObjectsFast-reading to get a general idea of the text.Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.Learn the words and phrases from the context.3. Moral ObjectChina is our homeland. Wherever we are. we never forget we are Chinese. We love China forever.II. Teaching key PointsKey vocabularyTrain students reading and writing skills.III. Teaching Difficult PointTrain students reading and writing skills.IV. Teaching Methods

802、Fast-reading to improve students reading ability.Careful-reading to get the detailed information.Pairwork and groupwork.V . Teaching AidA projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I Key VocabularyThis activity introduces the key vocabulary words.Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.root n. 根;根部;根源overseas adj.外国的;海 夕 卜 的ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗homeland n. 祖国;家乡search v. 搜寻;搜索in search of 寻找; 寻求affair n. 事;事务;业务Overseas Chinese Affairs Office 中国海外事务管理局Netherlands n. 荷兰Austria n. 奥地利Germ

803、any n. 德国Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚mainly a d v . 主要地;重要地highlight v. 强调;使突出buffalo n. 水牛;野牛 farmern. 农民;农场主 f ie l d n .田间;田地 move n. 被感动 deeply a d v . 深刻地;强烈地 point n. 点;处;地点 turning point 转折点 culturally adv. 文化地;人文地ancestrally a d v .祖先地 grave n. 墓穴;坟墓 historian n. 历史学家;史学家 strongly adv.强有力地;强劲地 clear v. 消除;扫除 abroad adv. 在国外;海外 connect V. 连接,关联 local a d j . 地方的;当地的Read the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.Step II Part 1This a

804、ctivity allows students to activate their background knowledge before attempting the reading.Look at the picture. Let students describe what is happening in the picture. Read the title aloud. Get students to predict what they think the article is about, based on the title.Have students finish Task 1. But don t look at the reading text. Instead, they suetheir background knowledge to try to answer the questions. As students work, walk around, looking at their progress.When most students complete t

805、he task, let students answer the questions with a partner.Elicit answers from Students. Ask if other students have the same or different answers. Do not give the correct answers to the students at this point. Wait until students have finished the reading and let them revise their answers accordingly.Step III 2aThis activity encourages students to predict what they arc about to read.Go through the instructions with the students. Get them to complete the task in small groups. When they work, walk

806、around the classroom and make sure students discuss in English their reasons for selecting each word. Ask students to report their answers. Vote on the most likely words.Answers will vary. But it is likely students will select culture, family, history, grandfather and tradition.Step IV 2bThis activity builds on Activity 2a and asks students to confirm their predictions. Look at the instructions. Ask students to go through the reading to complete the task in small groups. Let students report thei

807、r answers.Answersculture family Guangdong grandfatherStep V Part 3This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading context. Look at the story. Find out the words indicated in bold. Let different students guess the meaning. Don t give them the correct answers. Get students to read the article once. Say, Pay attention to the bold words and expressions. And note any other word or sentence you don t understand. Read in context, guessing their meanings from the other words around them

808、. Let students read the article again for comprehension. Ask a student to read the instructions aloud to the class. And let students look at the example. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Remind students to look at the story again fbr extra help. Give them one or two minutes to do the work.Check the answers.Answersroot e ancestor a hardly g highlight b well c turning point d abroad fGet students to make sentences with the words and expression

809、s. Answers to this activity will vary. Then ask a student to write his answers on the blackboard. Help correct any mistakes. Sample answers1. Pull up the plant by roots.2. My ancestor* s hometown is in Shandong Province.3. I can hardly believe that.4. This is the highlight of the story.5. There was only one well in our village in the past.6. Work hard and there will be a turning point.7. Do you want to travel abroad?Step VI Part 4This activity helps students read fbr specific information and par

810、aphrase ideas.Go through the instructions with the class. Elicit the first answer from the students from memory. Make sure that they understand what they need to do.Let students do the activity individually or in pairs. Students should try to remember or guess the answers before looking at the reading. Check the answers. Let different students to give their answers. Ask students to give correct statements fbr the false statements.Sample answersT T T F (It started in 1980) TStep V II Part 5This a

811、ctivity helps students work in a group and think critically about what they have read.Read the task aloud to the class. Get students to do the activity in small groups. Help students think of different activities that overseas Chinese might find interesting.Check the answers. Let students share their answers with the class and agree on the best activities and reasons.Optional activityAs an optional in-class or homework activity, ask students to write their own family trees and write about how li

812、fe was different fbr their grandparents.Culture noteDoes everyone want to talk about his or her ancestors? Not really. Some people may have been adopted or may have divorced parents that they do not care to discuss. Some Australians are also sensitive about their ancestors fbr a different reason. In the early years of its settlement, many thousands of British citizens were transported to Australia for criminal offences. These offences were often mild fbr such a punishment, for example, a hungry

813、child stealing a loaf of bread. Regardless, many Australians are descended from criminals and while some people laugh about it, others are not proud of the fact.Step V III SummaryIn this class, we ve practised a lot of reading and writing.Step IX. Homework1. Read the story in Activity 2b again fbr further comprehension.2. Revise the target language in this unit.Step X . Blackboard DesignReading: Students find Chinese roots.The Seventh PeriodSample answers to Activity 3:1. Pull up the plant by ro

814、ots.2. My ancestorT s hometown is in Shandong Province.3. I can hardly believe that.4. This is the highlight of the story.5. There was only one well in our village in the past.6. Work hard and there will be a turning point.7. Do you want to travel abroad?Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The First PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabulary: manatee, cheetah, chimpanzee, kangaroo, polar-bear, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, noisy, aggressive, spotted(2) Ta

815、rget Language:I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.I like water, and I like to eat vegetables.You re like an elephant.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectLove all kinds of animals because they are our friends.II. Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageIII. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train students , listening ability.2. How to train students communicative competence.IV. Teaching Methods1. Didact

816、ic to learn the new vocabulary.2 . Listening-and-answering activity to help students go through with the listening material.3. Groupwork to make every student work in class,V . Teaching Aids: A tape recorder , The blackboard, a projectorVI Teaching ProceduresStep I Lead-inLearn some new word in the list of vocabulary.And give students 5 minutes to memorize the wordsShow some pictures of animals to learn the new nouns for animals and adjectives to describe them to brainstorm the new words.Step II

817、 laThis activity introduces the key vocabulary.Look at the signs on each animal s picture and read the words to the class. Get students to repeat the name of each animal.African elephants, chimpanzees, kangaroos, manatees, cheetahs, polar bears. If necessary, read the words and ask students to repeat them again. Then have students read the words by themselves.Make sure students can read the words correctly and fluently.Read the directions to the class. Point to the list of words in the box. Read

818、 the words and let students repeat them. Then get different students to explain what they think each word means in their own words. For example, A gentle animal is quiet and not dangerous. A fury animal is covered with soft hair. Ask some students to explain any words students may not understand. An enormous animal is very great.A playful animal is full of fun.An aggressive animal is fond of quarrels and quick-tempered.A spotted animal is marked with spots.Let students begin filling in the answe

819、rs on their own. When they work, walk around the classroom checking their progress and answering any questions they may have. After students have finished using all the words from the box, let the students write some other words in the blanks below some of the pictures.Check the answers with the whole class.Let students say the words they wrote under each heading.Step III lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Go through the instructio

820、ns with the class. Look back at the list of words in Activity la. You will hear Ginny and Victor talk about the animals in the picture in Activity la. Now please listen to the recording carefully and circle the words on the list that they use to describe the animals.Play the recording the first time. This time students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Now listen to the recording again and circle the words you hear on the recording.Check the answers.Step IV 1 cThis activity provides

821、 oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the whole class.Look at the sample conversation in the box and get three students to read it aloud to the class.SA: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables.SB: You re like an elephant.SA: No.SC: Youf re like a manatee.SA: Yes!Tell students to think of an animal that is the same as them in some ways. Take a few minutes to write down a statement.Say, You can write

822、 a sentence or two that describes how you are similar to the animal you choose. Don t say the name of the animal.A few minutes later, let student read their statements to the class and see how quickly the other students can guess what animal the students is talking about.Notelike (here prep. ) in the manner ofStep V SummaryIn this class, weve learned some important words such as manatee, kangaroo, Po ; ar bear, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, noisy, aggressive, spotted. Weve also learned the t

823、arget language I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. You are like an elephant. No. You re like a manatee. Yes!Step VI Homework1. Get students to write down some statements and read them to their partners. Let the partners guess what animals they are talking about.2. Review the new words in the box in Activity la.Teaching Record:Students did well in the learning of new words, and they also can use the new adjectives freely. Ifs a go

824、od chance to know students when they talked about what they were like.Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The Second PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyendangered, mangrove, swamp, habitat, aquatic feed, underwater, vegetation, foot, weigh, pound(2) Target LanguageHow big are manatees?They re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1 000 pounds.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students speaking ability.(3) Train student

825、s the ability of using grammar focus.3. Moral ObjectWe must be fully aware of the importance of reducing pollution and protecting animals.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularyendangered, mangrove, swamps, habitat, aquatic feed2. Target LanguageHow big are manatees?They re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1 000 pounds.3. StructuresPresent progressiveWe re trying to save the manatees.PresentManatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day.Past with used toThere used to be a lot of manatees.Pa

826、ssive voiceIn 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered.Present perfectSome of the swamps have become polluted.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. the target language2. How to train students listening ability.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method to improve students listening ability.2. Pairwork to make every student work in class.3. Review, explanation, inductive methodsV . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework. Get some pair

827、s to act out their conversations. When they work, the rest of students also guess what animals they are talking about.Step II 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language. Look at the picture. Ask, What can you see in the picture? (A manatee is in the w ater.)Go through the instructions with the class. You will hear two people talking about manatees. Listen and draw a line between each word and its definition.Read the sample answer. Then say, The word endangered m

828、eans there aren t very many of this animal left in the world. The manatee is endangered because there aren t very many of theseanimals.Play the recording for students the first time. This time students only listen to the recording carefully. Play the recording a second time. This time students draw lines between each word and its definition.Check the answers with the class.Step III 2bThis activity provides listening practice u-sing the target language.Go through the instructions with the class.

829、Look at the headings in the chart and the blanks next to each heading. You will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to what both people say and fill in the blanks in the chart. Look at the sample answer. The two people on the recording are talking about manatees, so you write the word manatee after the words kind of animal in the chart.Play the recording again. Get students to fill in the blanks in the chart. Check the answers with the class.Step IV 2cThis activity provides

830、 guided oral practice using the target language. Look at the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA : How big are manatees?SB : They re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1 000 pounds.Read the instructions aloud to the class. Each pair of students can make a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b. Let students work in pairs. While they are working, move around the classroom, checking the progress of the pairs and offering help

831、as needed.When students finish the work, ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step V Grammar FocusLook at the grammar focus box. Invite five students to read the statements to the class.Put the class in five groups and ask each group to become experts in one of the verb tenses and presents a review of that tense to the rest of the class. Have the students explain what the verb tense is used for and then give some sample sentences.Students can look back at the units where

832、their verb tense was presented or practiced.Present progressive: Reviewed throughout the book.Present: Reviewed throughout the bookPast with used to: Unit 4Passive voice: Unit 10Present perfect: Unit 14While the groups are working, walk around the classroom helping the students with their explanations and their sample sentences.Ask one student of each group to show their work. As the students show their work, ask questions and correct any errors in their explanations or sentences.( 1) Present pr

833、ogressive: One form of the verbs that express action that continues over a period of time, also called Present continues tense. The structure is am/is/are+ -ing. For example: He is reading a story book.(2) Present: It is used for indicating action that is usual and habitual. The form of the verb is do or does. For example:I go to school by bike.She does her homework every day.(3) Past with used to: The structure of used to + inf. indicates a constant or-frequent practice in the past. For example

834、:I used to go swimming when I was a child.(4) Passive voice: The form of the verb is be + p. p in the sentence. For example:Our classroom is cleaned every day.(5) Present Perfect: The from of the verb is have/has + p. pFor example:I have already finished my homework.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some important words, such as endangered, mangrove swamps, habitat, aquatic feed. We ve also learned the target language How big are manatees? They ve about 10 feet long and they weigh abou

835、t 1 000 pounds. At last, we reviewed some grammar we have learned.Step V D Homework1. Make conversations in pairs to review the target language.2. Make five sentences to review the grammar fbcus.Teaching Record:The listening practice here is a little difficult fbr the Students to get all the details. As for the different use of the four tenses,! think more practice is necessary to emphasize them.Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The Third PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Ob

836、jects( 1) Key Vocabulary against, be suitable for, tiny cages, educate, care fbr, urge(2) Target Language I think that animals should not live in zoos.I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places fbr endangered animals to live.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students integrating skills.(2) Train the ability of expressing studentsJ own opinions.3. Moral objectAnimals are our friends. Wc must know how to love them and how to protect them. That way, It is good for both animals a

837、nd us.II. Teaching Key PointTrain students integrating skills.III. Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve students integrating skills.IV. Teaching Methods1. Fast-reading method2. Groupwork and pairvvorkV . Teaching Aids1. A projector2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we learned the target language and reviewed some grammar. Now who can make sentences using the grammar we reviewed yesterday.SI : r m answering a question.S2 : My mother goes shopping every week.S3 :

838、 She used to live in the countryside, but now she lives in the city.S4 : He was made to do so.S5 : She has learned a lot of new words.T: Very good.Step II 3aThis activity provides reading practice u-sing the target language. Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.against prep. 反对;违反suitable adj.合适的;适宜的tiny a d j . 极小的;微小的cage n. 笼子;囚笼educate v. 教育;培养public adj. & n 公 众 ( 的);民 众 ( 的)care fo r关怀; 照顾u r g e v .强烈要求;竭力主张Read the words and ask students to repeat again and again un

839、til they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately. Go through the instructions with the whole class.Invite a student to read the letter to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model fbr the rest of the class.Get students to read the letter on their own again and underline the reasons why the writer is opposed to zoos.Check the answers with the class.AnswersZoos are terrible places fbr animals to live.The animals are kept in tiny cages an

840、d can hardly move at all.And they are only given food once a day.Notes1. tiny- very small2. Culture note: Many Westerners are extremely concerned about animal welfare and often support organization to protect them. Such protection includes the ethical treatment of farm animals and animals in zoos. Some people feel that we should not eat any food made from animals or wear any animal products, including leather shoes.Step III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target l

841、anguage.go through the instructions with the class.Invite a student to read the letter to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model fbr the rest of the class.Ask students to read the letter again. Then finish the work on their own or in pairs. When they work, walk around the classroom, checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.Check the answers. Answers will vary but a good letter will take the points from the letter oppos

842、ite to their point of view and argue with them.A sample answerDear Editor,After reading the two letters, I realize that I must say something about animals and zoos. I don t agree with Disgusted. In fact, many animals only eat once a day or once every few days, so feeding them just once a day is not a problem at all. 1 think zoos are very important to animals. They can stop many endangered animals from being killed or hunted. They can provide man with places for research work. Also we can visit t

843、he animals in the zoos to learn some knowledge to protect the animals better.Sincerely, XX XWrite the letter on the blackboard as an example.Notes1. living- active: lively2. care fbr- look after; provide food, money, shelter, etc.3. urge- request earnestly; try to persuade; strongly recommendStep IV Part 4This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class. There will be two different teams. One team will talk about why zoos are good places f

844、or animals and the other team will say why zoos are bad paces fbr animals.Look at the list of expressions. Invite a student to read the list aloud to the class. Then get some students to use each expression in a complete sentence.SI : I think that elephants shouldn t be kept in zoos.S2 : 1 believe that animals in zoos live longer than animals in the jungle.Put students in two teams. Let each team work together as they write down some statements showing their viewpoint, using the expressions in t

845、he box.Look at the sample language in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class. SA : I think that animals should not live in zoos.SB : I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.Ask the two teams to debate in class.First, call on one team to give a statement. Then ask the other team to give a statement that is related to the first statement. Help the teams make several different statements about a single point before going

846、 on to another point.Step V SummaryIn this class, weve learned some key vocabulary words such as against, be suitable for, tiny cages, care fbr, urge. We ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step VI HomeworkI. Finish off the exercises on pages 61 62 of the workbook.2. Write the letter to the editor.Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The Fourth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularyplanet, recycle, shower,

847、 paper towels, napkins, turn off(2) Target LanguageWe really shouldn t use paper napkins, you know.I know. I stopped using them last year.2. Ability Objects( 1) Train students speaking and listening ability.(2) Train studentsJ ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.(3) Train students ability to use the target language.3. Moral ObjectWe should be aware of the importance of protecting the environment.II. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularyplanet, recycle, turn off2. Targ

848、et LanguageWe really shouldn t use paper napkins, you know.I know. I stopped using them last year.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train studentsT speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target language.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening method2. Pairwork to make every student work in class.V . Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. The blackboardVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework, Invite a student to read his or her letter to the editor. Help correct any mistakes.Step

849、 II laThis activity introduces new vocabulary.Read the instructions aloud to the class.Then ask, What s the meaning of the phrase save the planet. (It means to keep planet Earth clean and not polluted.)T: But everybody helps. What do you think we can do for the planet?Ask students to show their opinions.Show some pictures and ask the students to say their suggestions fbr ways to save the planet. Invite a student to read each one aloud to the class. Make sure students understand the meaning of ea

850、ch suggestion.stop riding in cars.recycle books and paper.turn off the lights when you leave a room.turn off the shower while you are washing your hair.don t use paper towels or napkins.Get students to write a number 1 in front of the easiest thing to do, a number 2 in front of the second easiest thing to do, and so forth. Check the answers. Students will probably have different answers. Let one of the students to say why he or she thinks a certain thing is easy to do and another thing is diffic

851、ult to do. For example: I think it is easy to turn off the lights when you leave room. Because everyone can do it without any effort. It is difficult to stop riding in cars. Many people go to work or go to school by car, because it is far away from their homes. Otherwise they will be late.Notes1. stop doingdiscontinue doing2. recycle一treat so that further use is possibleStep III lbThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. You will

852、compare the answers you wrote fbr Activity la.Look at the example in the speech bubbles. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA: Recycling paper is really easy.SB: 1 agree. But it s hard to stop riding in cars.Look back at the list of items in Activity la again. First one student makes a statement. Then the other student agrees or disagrees with it. You can look back at Activity 4 in Section A to get ideas of words to use when agreeing and disagreeing.Have students work together, m

853、ove around the classroom, checking the work and offering help as needed.Ask a pair of students to say their answers as an example.SA: Turning off the lights when you leave a room is really easy.SB: I agree with you.SA: Not using paper towels is really hard.SB: I disagree with you. I believe that vve can use handkcrchieves.Step IV 2aThis activity provides listening practice with the target language and new vocabulary words.Go through the instructions with the class. T: Now you will hear Jack and

854、Julia talk about what they are doing to help save the planet. Look at the chart. Invite a student to read the list of items that Julia and Jack talk about.turning off the lightsturning off the showerstopping using paper napkinstaking your own bags when shopping not riding in carsriding a bikerecycling paperPlay the recording for this activity for the students. The first time students only listen carefully. Play the recording a second time. Say, Listen to the recording again and check the things

855、Julia and Jack talk about. If necessary, play the recording again.Check the answers with the class.AnswersThey talk about: turning off the lights, turning off the shower.taking your own bags when shopping.not riding in cars, riding a bike.Step V 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.You will hear the same recording again.Listen and check the things that Julia is doing now, the things She will do in the future, and the things she would

856、 never do.Point to the three column headings in the chart and let students read the headings again on their own. Now listen to the recording carefully and check the things.Play the recording again if necessary.Students check their answers. Correct the answers.Step VI 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Look at the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to read it aloud to the class.A: We really shouldn t use paper napkins, you know.B: I know. I stoppe

857、d using them last year.Go through the instructions with the class. Say, Have a conversation about the items in the chart. Talk about which of these things you do now, which you will do in the future, and which you would never do.Get students to work in pairs. While they are working, walk around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed. Invite one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.SA: We should turn off the lights when me leave a room.SB: I a

858、lways do that.SA: We should take our own bags when shopping.SB: That s easy. I will do that in future.SA: We really shouldn t ride in cars.SB: r 1 1 never do that! Our school is far away from my home. It takes me one hour to ride to school every day.Step V U SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key vocabulary, such as recycle, shower, paper towels, napkins, turn off. We ve also learned the target language We really shouldnJ t use paper napkins, you know. I know. I stopped using them last yea

859、r.Step V U HomeworkTalk about things that you are doing now, you will do in the future and you would never do using the target language and write down the conversations.Teaching Record:In this period ,students learnt and talked a lot about how to save the planet and how to save our nature. Some students can show many really useful suggestions for everyone to do them in their everyday life.Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The Fifth PeriodI . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1

860、) Key Vocabularytrash, pull down, be made from, glue, inspiration, bottle, spare time(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Object(1) Improve students , integrating skills-reading skill and writing skill.(2) Improve students? speaking ability by talking to each other.3. Moral ObjectWe must realize the importance of recycling, It not only is a useful saving of money but also can protect our environment.II. Teaching Key PointPractice rea

861、ding and writing using the target language.III. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to improve students reading ability.2. How to improve students speaking ability.IV. Teaching Methods1. Reading method to improve students reading ability.2. Writing method to improve students * writing ability.3. Speaking method.V . Teaching Aids1. A projector2. The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep I RevisionRevise the target language presented in this unit. Check homework. Ask some pairs to read out their conversat

862、ions.Step II 3aBefore Reading:1 . This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Teach the new words. Show the new words on the screen by a projector.Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently.2 .Describe the picture, and talk about “what is special about the house? While-reading1. Fast reading and find out the answers.Parts of the house Be made fromRoofFenceWall2. Careful readingWho is Amy Winterbourne?

863、What is she often do in her spare time?What award did she get?3. Practice readingInvite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation mistakes to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class. Go through the instructions with the class. Elicit one question from the class. Make sure students know what to do. Encourage students to think about questions beginning with who, what, when, where, why and how.Now read the article. Then write your

864、questions in your exercise book. Have students do the activity in pairs. Students should discuss why they would want to know the answer to each question. When they work, move around the classroom, checking the progress of the pairs and providing help as needed.Check the answers with the class.AnswersAnswers will vary but might includeWho taught her how to make her house?What isnt made out of trash in her house?When did she start making her trash house?Where is the house?Why did she use trash to

865、build a house?How long did it take to build her house?Notes1. the house of trash一the house made out of trash2. most一 (here) very3. out of (here) by the use of; from4. discard一throw out or away; put aside,give up (sth useless or unwanted)5. inspiration一 (here) person or thing that inspiresStep III 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Look at the Before picture. Please tell me the names of the things you see in the picture. (a trash can, a pair of pants,

866、a napkin) Then look at the After picture.Say to students. Please find out things made from recycled materials from the Before picture. (the backpack, the hat, the scarf)Go through the instructions with the class.Make sure students know what to do.Ask different students to make sample sentences using the phrases made from and used to be about items in the After picture.For example:His backpack used to be a pair of pants.His backpack is made from a pair of pants.Get students to complete the articl

867、e individually. While they are working, go around the classroom, checking the progress of students, offering help and answering questions as necessary.Invite a student to read his or her completed article to the class.AnswersJoe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made fbr him. At school, everyone calls him Mr Recycling. His hat is made from (used to be) a trash can cover. His backpack used to be (is made from) a pair of pants. His scarf is made from (used to be) a napkin.Step V SummaryIn

868、this class, we ve done a lot of practice reading and writing as well as speaking.Step VI HomeworkI. Read the article in Activity 3a again fbr further comprehension.2. Complete the article in Activity 3b.Teaching Record:Reading comprehensive remain a difficult task for the students. Each article in the textbook is a good chance for students to practice the reading skills. Step-by-Step to improve the reading skills will help a lot.Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The Sixth PeriodI . Teachi

869、ng Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects( 1) Fill in the blanks and make sentencesusing support, endangered, recycle, wear, pull down(2 ) Write conversations using the information.2. Ability ObjectTrain students writing ability.3. Moral ObjectWe should form good habits. They are not only good fbr ourselves but also good fbr our society.Il . Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.2. Write conversations.III. Teaching Difficult PointMake students using support, endangered, cycle, we

870、ar, pull downIV. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by explanation2. Speaking method3. Writing method V . Teaching Aids 1. A projector 2. The blackboard VI. Teaching Procedures Step I RevisionCheck homework. Invite a few students to read the article in Activity 3a. Then let a student read his or her own article.Step IIThis activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Look at the words in the box. Invite a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meaning of each word. Then fi

871、ll in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another fbrm of the word, for example adjusting fbr tense or subject/verb agreement. Tell students they can find all the words in the preceding unit.Get students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Ask five students each to read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers. Show the answers on the screen by a projector. Answers1. Why are you wearing a coat? It s not very

872、suitable/or this hot weather.2. Our school football team needs more support. They aren t doing very well.3. Pandas are endangered animals. They aren t doing very well.4. It s important to recycle paper to save the trees.5, That apartment block is old and dangerous. It should be pulled down.Have students make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful. Walk around the classroom. Collect a few students answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Then help students co

873、rrect the mistakes. Sample answers1. I hope to have your support.2. It is more than 30 years since manatees were endangered.3. Recycling paper is very important and necessary.4. What do you like to wear?5. The buildings that are dangerous must be pulled down. Step III Revision and checkingRevise the target language learnt in this unit by checking the homework in the Exercise book. Step IV Summary and HomeworkIn this class, we ve done a lot of writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit. After class, please make sentences using the words in Activity 1 in your exercise books.In this unit, Ss learnt the Animal World well, especially fbr those endangered ones. How to recycling the used things arouse students5 interest, and some of them even do something by themselves. I think the responsibility of protecting the environments is increasing in their hearts again.


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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